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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericClause
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. 


Uses of GenericClause in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Subclasses of GenericClause in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
 class Filter
          This class represents a filter in an interface.
 class Join


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return types with arguments of type GenericClause
 java.util.Collection<GenericClause> DataSet.getGenericClauses()
          Returns the list of generic clauses of this dataset, which is the list of filters and joins in this dataset.


Uses of GenericClause in


Constructors in with parameters of type GenericClause
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseAbstract(GenericClause pGenericClause)
          For internal use only.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetBusinessRule(GenericClause pGenericClause, java.lang.String pBusinessRule)
          The constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetDefaultOrder(GenericClause pGenericClause)
          Constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetEnabled(GenericClause pGenericClause, boolean pEnabled)
          The constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetExecutionLocation(GenericClause pGenericClause, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetIndexType(GenericClause pGenericClause, OdiIndexType pIndexType, InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetIndexType.IndexTypeNumber pIndexTypeNumber)
          Constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetOrder(GenericClause pGenericClause, int pClauseOrder)
          The constructor for the action.
InterfaceActionOnGenericClauseSetSql(GenericClause pGenericClause, java.lang.String pSql)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionRemoveGenericClause(GenericClause pGenericClause)
          Creates an action class instance which will remove a filter or join clause, when performAction is called.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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