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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IInterfaceSubComponent
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface data and expression checking utility interface. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations for creating action listeners when working with InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. This package contains the implementations representing the execution areas in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. Provides interfaces for managing Oracle Data Integrator interface issues. This package contains the implementations of the various types of KM holder when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations to retrieve different set of cross references associated with a text holder in an Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. This package contains the implementations of text holder for various types of objects, such as joins, filters, target columns and target mappings, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in oracle.odi.domain.project


Classes in oracle.odi.domain.project that implement IInterfaceSubComponent
 class OdiInterface
          An OdiInterface is the main class that implement target datastore feeding, suppling data from several source datastores.
 class OdiInterface.StagingArea
          Represents the staging area of the interface.
 class OdiInterface.TargetDataStore
          Represents the target datastore of the interface, which may be either a temporary datastore or an underlying existing OdiDataStore defined in an OdiModel.
It is located on an OdiLogicalSchema, which is either deduced from the underlying OdiDataStore or either shared with the Staging Area for a temporary datastore.
It contains TargetColumns which are either the mirror of existing OdiColumns from the underlying OdiDataStore, or either temporary target columns.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Subinterfaces of IInterfaceSubComponent in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
 interface ISourceColumn
          Implementations of this class represent columns that can be found in source datastores of OdiInterfaces.
These source columns are not persisted in the repository, and are merely a view in memory of the real underlying columns in the source datastore.


Classes in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that implement IInterfaceSubComponent
 class DataSet
          This class represents a dataset inside an OdiInterface.
 class Filter
          This class represents a filter in an interface.
 class GenericClause
          This class represents a generic clause in an interface, which is either a join or a filter.
 class Join
 class JournalizedSourceColumn
          This class represents columns for a journalized source datastore in an interface.
 class SourceColumn
          A basic implementation for source columns.
Note that the objects returned by the getters are provided for read-only purposes.
 class SourceDataStore
          A class that represents a OdiDataStore object that is used as a source in an ODI interface.
 class SourceSet
          A source set groups all joins and mappings that will be executed on the same physical schema.
 class TargetColumn
          A target column is a column of a OdiInterface.TargetDataStore in an OdiInterface.
It contains information about how the column is mapped (indicators, potentially a target SQL mapping text).
When the target datastore has an underlying OdiDataStore, each TargetMapping points to one OdiColumn of this OdiDataStore.
In this case, TargetColumns are persisted according to an IMappingPersistencePolicy for obvious performance reasons (on a target datastore with 500 columns on which only 10 columns are mapped, this can make a difference).
On temporary target datastores, target columns do not reflect an OdiColumn and are systematically persisted.
Note that all setters in this class should not be used directly.
 class TargetMapping
          This class represents a mapping in an interface.
The mapping is in a dataset and has an execution location.
Created on 20 dec.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 DataAccessInfo IOdiInterfaceDataAccessHelper.createDataAccessInfo(OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IInterfaceSubComponent[] pInterfaceSubComponents, IJMSCallBack pJMSCallBack, boolean pCheckValidityOnly, boolean pCountLines)
          Creates a DataAccessInfo to retrieve a request and a connection to the data of the elements that are sent in pInterfaceSubComponents.
static boolean OdiInterfaceDataAccessChecker.mayAccessData(OdiInstance pOdiInstance, IInterfaceSubComponent[] pInterfaceSubComponents)


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive that return IInterfaceSubComponent
 IInterfaceSubComponent InterfaceObjectModification.getModifiedObject()
          Returns the object that was modified.
 IInterfaceSubComponent IInterfaceIssue.getObject()
          Returns the ODI interface object that this issue is related to.


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 java.util.Collection<IInterfaceIssue> IInteractiveInterfaceHelper.getCurrentIssues(IInterfaceSubComponent pSubComponent)
          Returns the current set of IInterfaceIssue objects that are associated with the specified sub-component.
 IExecutionArea IActionHelper.getExecutionArea(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Returns the IExecutionArea interface instance that represents the location where the specified interface sub-component will be executed.
This is mainly for internal use.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of adding an ODI interface child object.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of modifying an ODI interface child object.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface child object.
 void IInterfaceActionListener.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          Responds to the completion of the action of renaming an ODI interface child object.


Constructors in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
InterfaceObjectModification(IInterfaceSubComponent pModifiedObject, InterfaceObjectModification.Modification pModification)
          Constructor to create an instance with the ODI interface object and corresponding modification performed.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in that return IInterfaceSubComponent
 IInterfaceSubComponent IExecutableTextHolder.getInterfaceSubComponent()
          Basic getter.
 IInterfaceSubComponent IReference.getReferencedObject()
          Basic getter.
 IInterfaceSubComponent IElementInExecutionArea.getUnderlyingComponent()
          Returns the underlying sub-component referenced by this element.


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 java.util.Collection<IInterfaceIssue> InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getCurrentIssues(IInterfaceSubComponent pSubComponent)
          Returns the current set of IInterfaceIssue objects that are associated with the specified sub-component.
 IExecutionArea InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getExecutionArea(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Returns the IExecutionArea interface instance that represents the location where the specified interface sub-component will be executed.
This is mainly for internal use.
 IReference[] IReferenceManager.getReferencesTo(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Returns all references pointing to the given IInterfaceSubComponent.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 void ActionListenerAbstract.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerComposer.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerComposer.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerComposer.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void ActionListenerAbstract.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
 void ActionListenerComposer.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Constructors in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
InterfaceActionSetKM(OdiKM<?> pKM, IInterfaceSubComponent pKMHolder, InterfaceActionSetKM.KMType pKMType, IKMOptionRetainer pKMOptionRetainer)
          Creates an action class instance which will assign a knowledge module to a source set, staging area, or target datastore, when performAction is called.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in that return IInterfaceSubComponent
 IInterfaceSubComponent InterfaceElementInExecutionArea.getUnderlyingComponent()


Constructors in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
InterfaceElementInExecutionArea(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Basic constructor.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Classes in with type parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 interface IIssuesComputer<T extends IInterfaceSubComponent>
          This is the interface that computes the errors (issues) related to ODI interface objects.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 java.util.Collection<IInterfaceSubComponent> IIssuesComputer.getChildrenComponents(T pSubComponent)
          Returns the child components of an interface sub-component.


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 void IIssuesManager.clearCache(IInterfaceSubComponent pSubComponent)
          Clears the cache.
 java.util.Collection<IInterfaceIssue> IIssuesManager.getIssues(IInterfaceSubComponent pSubComponent, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Returns the issues of an interface sub-component.
 IIssuesComputer IIssuesComputerFactory.getIssuesComputer(IInterfaceSubComponent pSubComponent)
          Returns the IIssuesComputer associated with this interface sub-component.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
static IInterfaceKMHolder InterfaceKMHolderFactory.getKMHolderFor(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, InterfaceKMHolderFactory.HolderType pHolderType)
          Get a KM holder for an interface sub component, given a holder type.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 IReference[] ReferenceManagerAbstract.getReferencesTo(IInterfaceSubComponent pObject)
          Returns all references pointing to the given IInterfaceSubComponent.
 IReference[] ReferenceManagerLookups.getReferencesTo(IInterfaceSubComponent pObject)
          Returns all references pointing to the given IInterfaceSubComponent.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added.
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified.
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.


Uses of IInterfaceSubComponent in


Methods in that return IInterfaceSubComponent
 IInterfaceSubComponent ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause.getInterfaceSubComponent()
 IInterfaceSubComponent ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.getInterfaceSubComponent()
 IInterfaceSubComponent ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.getInterfaceSubComponent()


Methods in with parameters of type IInterfaceSubComponent
static IExecutableTextHolder ExecutableTextHolderFactory.getExecutableTextHolderFor(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Returns the text holder for the given interface sub-component.
static boolean ExecutableTextHolderFactory.hasTextHolderComponent(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Returns whether the given interface sub-component has a supported text holder or not.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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