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Package org.identityconnectors.framework.spi.operations

Interface Summary
AuthenticateOp Authenticate an object based on their unique identifier and password.
CreateOp The Connector developer is responsible for taking the attributes given (which always includes the ObjectClass) and create an object and its Uid.
DeleteOp Operation interface to delete objects from the target resource.
ResolveUsernameOp Resolve an object to its Uid based on its username.
SchemaOp Implement this interface to allow the Connector to describe which types of objects the Connector manages on the target resource (and which operations and which options the Connector supports for each type of object).
ScriptOnConnectorOp Operation that runs a script in the environment of the connector.
ScriptOnResourceOp Operation that runs a script directly on a target resource.
SearchOp<T> Implement this interface to allow the Connector to search for resource objects.
SPIOperation Tagging interface for the Connector SPI.
SyncOp Poll for synchronization events--i.e., native changes to target objects.
TestOp Tests the connector Configuration.
UpdateAttributeValuesOp More advanced implementation of UpdateOp to be implemented by connectors that wish to offer better performance and atomicity semantics for the methods UpdateApiOp.addAttributeValues(ObjectClass, Uid, Set, OperationOptions) and UpdateApiOp.removeAttributeValues(ObjectClass, Uid, Set, OperationOptions).
UpdateOp The developer of a Connector should implement either this interface or the UpdateAttributeValuesOp interface if the Connector will allow an authorized caller to update (i.e., modify or replace) objects on the target resource.


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