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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IAssignmentService

public interface IAssignmentService

Method Summary
 java.util.List getAssigneesToRequestForInformation(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag)
          Get the task assignees from whom information can be requested
 java.util.List getReapprovalAssignees(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag, ITaskAssignee infoRequestedAssignee)
          Get the task assignees who will be required to reapprove the task.
 Participants onAssignmentSkipped(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag)
          Get the task assignees when an assignment is skipped.
 Participants onInitiation(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag)
          Get the task assignees on task initiation
 Participants onOutcomeUpdated(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag, java.lang.String updatedBy, java.lang.String outcome)
          Get the task assignees when a user sets the outcome of the task.
 Participants onReinitiation(Task task, java.util.Map propertyBag)
          Get the task assignees on task reinitiation


Method Detail


Participants onInitiation(Task task,
                          java.util.Map propertyBag)
Get the task assignees on task initiation
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
Participants The participants contains routing slip participants. The returnlist of participants will be inserted at the top of the routing slip and will be evaluated for the task assignment


Participants onReinitiation(Task task,
                            java.util.Map propertyBag)
Get the task assignees on task reinitiation
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
Participants The participants contains routing slip participants. The return list of participants will be inserted at the top of the routing slip and will be evaluated for the task assignment


Participants onOutcomeUpdated(Task task,
                              java.util.Map propertyBag,
                              java.lang.String updatedBy,
                              java.lang.String outcome)
Get the task assignees when a user sets the outcome of the task. If there are no more assignees to route the task to, then this method should return an empty participants node
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
Participants The participants contains routing slip participants. The return list of participants will be inserted at the top of the routing slip and will be evaluated for the task assignment


Participants onAssignmentSkipped(Task task,
                                 java.util.Map propertyBag)
Get the task assignees when an assignment is skipped. If there are no more assignees to route the task to, then this method should return an empty participants node
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
Participants The participants contains routing slip participants. The return list of participants will be inserted at the top of the routing slip and will be evaluated for the task assignment


java.util.List getAssigneesToRequestForInformation(Task task,
                                                   java.util.Map propertyBag)
Get the task assignees from whom information can be requested
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
List A list of users to request information from


java.util.List getReapprovalAssignees(Task task,
                                      java.util.Map propertyBag,
                                      ITaskAssignee infoRequestedAssignee)
Get the task assignees who will be required to reapprove the task. When the user requests for information from the worklist application, the user can request information with reapproval, the assignment service can specify the assignees who will be required to reapprove the task
task - an Task value
propertyBag - a map of properties to correlate workflow to assignment rules
infoRequestedAssignee - The task assignee to whom information is requested
List A list of users who will reapprove

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (

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