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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IProcessMetadataService

public interface IProcessMetadataService

Process metadata service APIs can be used to get information about deployed BPMN processes.
This includes:
1. listing of all projects
2. details about individual project
3. listing of all processes
4. details about individual process
5. get initiatable processes
6. get process roles
7. get the organizational unit to which a process is deployed

Method Summary
 java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> getInitiatableProcesses(IBPMContext context)
          Gets the list of ProcessMetadataSummary objects that can be initiated in the current composite.
 java.lang.String getOrganizationalUnit(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN)
          Get the organizational unit to which a process is deployed
 ProcessMetadataSummary getProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String processName)
          Gets the ProcessMetadataSummary object that describes the Process with the specified compositeDN and processName.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getProcessRoles(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN)
          Get the process roles in a composite as a map with logical role as key and physical role as value
 ProjectMetadataSummary getProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String projectName)
          Gets the ProjectMetadataSummary object that describes the Project with the specified compositeDN and processName.
 java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder)
          Gets a List of the ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder, boolean includeMigratedProcesses)
          Gets a List of the migrated ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder)
          Gets a List of the ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder, boolean includeMigratedProcesses)
          Gets a List of the migrated ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder)
          Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder, boolean includeMigratedProjects)
          Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder)
          Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).
 java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context, java.lang.String compositeDN, java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String sortAttribute, java.lang.String sortOrder, boolean includeMigratedProjects)
          Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s).


Method Detail


java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder,
                                                                  boolean includeMigratedProjects)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProjectMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. The user could choose to include the migrated projects as well in the result. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns all the ProjectMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns the ProjectMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
keyword - The keyword to search for Project metadata summary.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by.
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
includeMigratedProjects - - boolean flag. If true, then include the migrated projects as well; otherwise not
List List of ProjectMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder,
                                                                  boolean includeMigratedProjects)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProjectMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. The user could choose to include the migrated projects as well in the result. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns all the ProjectMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns the ProjectMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
keyword - The keyword to search for Project metadata summary.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by.
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
includeMigratedProjects - - boolean flag. If true, then include the migrated projects as well; otherwise not
List List of ProjectMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder,
                                                                  boolean includeMigratedProcesses)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the migrated ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProcessMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. The user could choose to include the migrated processes as well in the result. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns all the ProcessMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns the ProcessMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
keyword - The keyword to search for Process metadata summary. This keyword could be from processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by. The possible values are processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId. If none of these values are specified, it would default to 'processName'
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
includeMigratedProcesses - - boolean flag. If true, then include the migrated processes as well; otherwise not
List List of ProcessMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder,
                                                                  boolean includeMigratedProcesses)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the migrated ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProcessMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. The user could choose to include the migrated processes as well in the result. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns all the ProcessMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns the ProcessMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
keyword - The keyword to search for Process metadata summary. This keyword could be from processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by. The possible values are processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId. If none of these values are specified, it would default to 'processName'
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
includeMigratedProcesses - - boolean flag. If true, then include the migrated process as well; otherwise not
List List of ProcessMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProjectMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns all the ProjectMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns the ProjectMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
keyword - The keyword to search for Project metadata summary.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by.
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
List List of ProjectMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProjectMetadataSummary> listProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProjectMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProjectMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns all the ProjectMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProjectMetadata returns the ProjectMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
keyword - The keyword to search for Project metadata summary.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by.
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
List List of ProjectMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


ProjectMetadataSummary getProjectMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                 java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                 java.lang.String projectName)
                                                 throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets the ProjectMetadataSummary object that describes the Project with the specified compositeDN and processName.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
projectName - The name of the project
ProjectMetadataSummary object that provides information on the specified Process object.
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProcessMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns all the ProcessMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns the ProcessMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
keyword - The keyword to search for Process metadata summary. This keyword could be from processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by. The possible values are processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId. If none of these values are specified, it would default to 'processName'
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
List List of ProcessMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> listProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                                  java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                                  java.lang.String keyword,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortAttribute,
                                                                  java.lang.String sortOrder)
                                                                  throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets a List of the ProcessMetadataSummary objects that match the specified keyword(s). The ProcessMetadataSummary objects describe information about the deployed BPM processes. If the BPMContext is that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns all the ProcessMetadataSummary objects. If the BPMContext is not of that of an admin, then the listProcessMetadata returns the ProcessMetadataSummary objects based on the roles and Organizational Unit.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
keyword - The keyword to search for Process metadata summary. This keyword could be from processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId.
sortAttribute - The attribute to sort the results by. The possible values are processName, compositeName, label, organizationalUnitId. If none of these values are specified, it would default to 'processName'
sortOrder - The sort order - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
List List of ProcessMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


ProcessMetadataSummary getProcessMetadataSummary(IBPMContext context,
                                                 java.lang.String compositeDN,
                                                 java.lang.String processName)
                                                 throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets the ProcessMetadataSummary object that describes the Process with the specified compositeDN and processName.
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - String the compositeDN
processName - The name of the process
ProcessMetadataSummary object that provides information on the specified Process object.
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.List<ProcessMetadataSummary> getInitiatableProcesses(IBPMContext context)
                                                               throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Gets the list of ProcessMetadataSummary objects that can be initiated in the current composite.
context - The BPM context
List List of ProcessMetadataSummary objects
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getProcessRoles(IBPMContext context,
                                                                 java.lang.String compositeDN)
                                                                 throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Get the process roles in a composite as a map with logical role as key and physical role as value
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - The compositeDN
Map<String, String> Map with logical role as key and physical role as value
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs


java.lang.String getOrganizationalUnit(IBPMContext context,
                                       java.lang.String compositeDN)
                                       throws ProcessMetadataServiceException
Get the organizational unit to which a process is deployed
context - The BPM context
compositeDN - The compositeDN of the process
String The organizational unit
ProcessMetadataServiceException - if an error occurs

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle BPM Suite
11g Release 1 (

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