2 Managing Repository Content

While managing repository content, you may have to create a new content type to group files or you may have to convert files into a content format that the Oracle WebCenter Content Server can more effectively manage. You can also create custom application fields and custom metadata to tailor input forms and searching to a site's needs.

This chapter covers the following topics about managing repository content:

2.1 Content Types

Files are grouped in directories designated by content types.

  • Content types become the names of the subdirectories in which documents are stored in the weblayout and vault directories.

  • Content types can correspond to departments (such as ENG, MKTG, and HR), document types (such as MEMO, FORM, and SPREADSHEET), or any other model needed.

  • Several content types are defined by default (Document, Binary, Digital Media, and so on), but you can modify or delete these.

  • Each content type is assigned an image, which helps users identify the content type on search result pages. Several images are provided or you can create and assign your own images.

  • Create a manageable number of content types, typically no more than 50. Too many content types increases the amount of effort required to maintain the system, and makes it difficult for contributors to assign the correct content types to their files.

  • When configuring content types, consider using the same prefix in a content type when grouping similar information. For example, the prefix MEMO is used in the following content types: MEMO_INT, MEMO_EXT, MEMO_EXEC.

2.1.1 Managing Content Types

The following typical tasks are performed when working with content types:

  • Creating a new content type

  • Editing an existing type

  • Deleting a content type

Follow these steps to perform those tasks:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

  2. Click Configuration Manager.

    The Configuration Manager Page opens.

  3. Choose Options then Content Types from the Page menu.

    The Content Types Screen opens.

  4. To add a new type, click Add. To edit a type, highlight a type name and click Edit. To delete a type, highlight the type name and click Delete. Click OK when the confirmation screen opens.


    You cannot delete a content type if content still exists with that type. Make sure no content is using the type before attempting to delete it.

    When adding or editing a type, the Add/Edit Content Type Screen opens.

  5. Enter or edit the name and description of the type. Select an image from GIF list to associate with the content type.

  6. Click OK when done.

2.2 Custom Fields

This section covers the following topics:

2.2.1 About Custom Fields

This section covers the following topics:

If you use the Electronic Signature component, you can also define custom fields for use with the electronic signature metadata. For more information, see Section 2.5.2, "Custom Electronic Signature Metadata." Application Fields

Application fields are custom fields that you can use to customize forms and screens. With application fields, you can add features such as dependent lists to forms. You can also use application fields in custom components, HCSP (Hypertext Content Server Page) files, and HCSF (Hypertext Content Server Form) files.

By default, application fields do not appear on the standard check-in and search forms, but are used by custom templates. You can use application fields as placeholders or with schema views to enable dependent lists without creating an associated metadata field. For details, see Section 3.1, "Using Schemas to Customize Metadata."

You can specify in a content profile that application fields are displayed on the standard check-in and search pages. For details, see Section 3.2, "Using Profiles to Customize Content Screens."

Application fields are not indexed and are not searchable. Changes to application fields do not affect the database or the index. Custom Metadata Fields

For each content item, the system maintains a set of information about the content, or metadata. Metadata is similar to a card in a library's card catalog, while the actual files are similar to library books. As with the card catalog, metadata consists of information about a file (title, reference number, author, subject, publishing date, book location, and so forth).

In addition to the standard metadata fields provided with the system, you can create new fields to accommodate unique content or system design requirements. It is important to create only the necessary amount of additional metadata necessary to help locate or manage a content item.

When you create a custom field name, the system automatically prefixes the name with an 'x' to ensure that it is unique and does not conflict with any reserved names. Similarly, when you create custom user information (metadata) fields, the system prefixes the name with a 'u' to ensure that it is also unique and does not conflict with any reserved names. For more information about adding custom user information fields, see the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

Metadata fields are indexed and searchable. Changes to custom metadata fields can affect the database (where information about metadata fields is stored) or the search index (where the metadata values are stored). Standard Metadata Fields

The following are standard fields provided with the system. You cannot edit or delete these fields.

Field Caption Entry Method Required? Definition

Content ID

Text Entry or Automatic Generation


The unique identifier for each content item.

  • Duplicate names are not allowed.

  • Maximum field length is 30 characters.

  • Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Do not use spaces or other special characters.

  • The Content ID can be automatically generated. See the General Options tab of the System Properties Utility.

If using an Oracle or DB2 database, all Content IDs are converted to uppercase letters automatically.




An identifier used to group content.

  • Types become subdirectories in the weblayout directory.

  • Maximum field length is 30 characters.

  • Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Do not use spaces or other special characters.


Text Entry


A descriptive title for the content item.

  • Maximum field length is 80 characters.


List or Text Entry


The user who checked in the content item.

Security Group



The security group for which users must have permission to access the content item.

  • Duplicate names are not allowed.

  • Maximum field length is 30 characters.

  • Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Do not use spaces or other special characters.


List or Text Entry


The account for which users must have permission to access the content item.

This field is available only if accounts are enabled.

Primary File

Text Entry or Browse to File


The complete path to the native file being checked in. Maximum file name length is 80 characters, including the directory path and file extension. Maximum file extension length is eight characters.

The Folders option modifies this maximum file name length on installation to 255 characters.

Alternate File

Text Entry or Browse to File


The path name to another Web-viewable file format of the native document, or one that can be converted to a Web-viewable format.

For example, when checking in a FrameMaker or Quark document that has several files that comprise the document, you would check in a zipped file as the native format (or Primary File) and a Postscript, PDF, or viewable file as its Alternate File. The zipped file is not viewable on the Web, but Inbound Refinery converts the Postscript file to its Web-viewable format, PDF.

Maximum file name length is 80 characters, including the directory path and file extension. Maximum file extension length is eight characters.

The Folders option modifies this maximum file name length on installation to 255 characters.


Automatic Generation or Text Entry


A label (such as 1, 2, 3,... or A, B, C,...) that represents the number of times the content item has gone through its life cycle (the number of revisions). You can customize the Revision label for your revision scheme.

Comments (optional)

User Text Entry


A field for additional information about the file. Maximum field length is 255.

This field is considered a custom field and can be deleted.

Release Date

Automatic Generation or Text Entry


The date the file is to be released so it is available for searching and viewing. The Release Date defaults to the date and time the file is checked in.

Expiration Date

Text Entry


The date the file is no longer available for searching or viewing. All revisions of the content item expire when the current revision expires. When a content item expires, revisions are retained, but only an administrator can access from the Repository Manager, unless you use Notification of Expiration.

2.2.2 Adding or Editing a Custom Field

Follow these steps to add or edit a custom field, either application or metadata field:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

  2. Click Configuration Manager.

    The Configuration Manager Page opens.

  3. Click Information Fields to add a metadata field. Click Application Fields to add or edit an application field.

    Click Add to add a new field or highlight a field and click Edit to change a field.

  4. When adding a metadata field, a dialog opens where you can enter the name. Duplicate names are not allowed. Maximum field length is 29 characters. Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Do not use spaces or other special characters. Click OK when done.

    The Add/Edit Metadata Field Screen or Add/Edit Application Field Screen opens (depending on the type of field being used).

    When adding an application field, you can enter the name on the Add/Edit Field Page.

  5. Enter or edit the information for the field:

    • Field Caption: The label for the field displayed to users.

    • Field Type: The size indicated is the character input length, not an indication of the actual number of bytes needed to store the field.

      • Integer: -231 to 231 (-2 billion to +2 billion). By definition, an integer is a natural number, so decimal values and commas are not permitted.

      • Memo: 2000 characters.

      • Date: Date format (such as dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy for the English-US locale).

      • Long Text: 200 characters.

      • Text: 30 characters.

    • Field Order (metadata fields only): Sequence in which the field is displayed on pages. Starting at 2, the number automatically increments as new fields are added. However, it is recommended to manually increment the numbers by 5, such as 15, 20, 25, and so on to accommodate fields added in the future.

    • Default Value (metadata field only): Any default value for the field.

    • Require Value (metadata field only): Prevents files from being checked in if the field does not have a value.

    • Placeholder: If selected, the field is not stored or indexed. Placeholders are often used for the parent level of a dependent list.

    • Enable on User Interface (metadata field only): If selected, the field is displayed. If deselected the field is hidden.

    • Enable for Search Interface (metadata field only): If selected, the field is indexed and thus used for searching. If deselected the field is not indexed nor does it appear on search pages.

    • Enable Option List: Enables the use of user-selectable list on a page. For details, see Section 2.2.4, "Defining an Option List."

    • View Only (application field only): If selected, the field is only used in a schema view. For details, see Section 3.1, "Using Schemas to Customize Metadata."

  6. Click OK.

  7. Update the database design and rebuild the search index if necessary.

2.2.3 Rebuilding the Database or the Search Index

The following table lists the events after which a database update or search index rebuild is required depending on the search engine that is used.

Event Action Required

Add metadata field

Update database

Edit metadata field

Update database

Delete metadata field

Update database

Enable or disable Enable for Search Index for metadata field

Rebuild search index

Add metadata field with Enable for Search Index selected

Rebuild search index

Rebuilding the Database

If changes were made that must be saved to the database, the Update Database Design button on the Information Fields tab of the Configuration Manager page becomes active. To update the database:

  1. Click Update Database Design.

    A screen opens listing the information fields that are added and any fields that are marked for deletion.

  2. To retain a field, deselect the box next to the field name. The field remains hidden but still exists in the database.

    You cannot remove added or edited fields using this screen. They must be added then deleted later.

  3. Click OK when done.

Rebuilding the Index

If changes were made that require rebuilding the search index, the Rebuild Search Index button on the Information Fields tab of the Configuration Manager page becomes active. To rebuild the search index:

  1. Click Rebuild Search Index.

  2. If a message asks to update the database design before rebuilding the search index, click Update Database Design to save changes to the database before proceeding.

  3. When the message Rebuild initiated is displayed, click OK.


Depending on the size of the search index and available system resources, the search index rebuild process can take several days. If rebuilding is necessary, rebuild at times of non-peak system usage.

2.2.4 Defining an Option List

Lists are used with custom fields to provide a selection from which users can choose a value. Follow these steps to define a list:

  1. Create the custom field and click Enable Option List, then click Configure. For details, see Section 2.2.2, "Adding or Editing a Custom Field."

    The Configure Option List Screen opens.

  2. Choose what type of list to use:

    • Multiselect List: Provides a list from which users can select multiple items.

    • Edit and Multiselect List: Provides both a text field and a data entry box. Contributors can enter values that are not in the list and they can select or enter multiple values.

    • Edit and Select List: Provides both a text field and a data entry box. Contributors can enter values that are not in the list.

    • Select List Not Validated: For Batch Load and Archiver purposes, this option permits check in of files whose specified values are not current options.

    • Select List Validated: For Batch Load and Archiver, this option ensures that only files whose specified values are current options for this field are checked in.

    Click Advanced to display the Option List Storage screen where information about the list's display and storage are specified. For more details, see Section, "Defining Option List Storage."

  3. Choose how to access the values in the list:

    • Use Option List: Create a new list or edit an existing values. The name of the new list, taken from the name of the field, is inserted. For more details, see Section, "Adding or Editing Option List Content."

    • Use View: Uses values in a stored view instead of a list. Click Edit Values to change the values saved in the view. For more details, see Section, "Editing View Values."

    • Use Tree: Uses values stored in a tree rather than a view or a list. Click Edit Definition to change how the tree is viewed or stored.

  4. Determine the dependencies for the list:

    • Dependent field: Check if the metadata field is subordinate to another field. This option is only available when using a view.

    • Depends on: If you select the Dependent Field, this becomes active. Enter a field name or choose the field from the list of fields.

    • Relationship: If a relationship has been defined for the view in use, select it from the list. For more details, see Section 3.1, "Using Schemas to Customize Metadata." If you select a list or view, you must specify a relationship.

  5. Click OK when done. Defining Option List Storage

One part of creating a list is to determine the storage options. To define storage, click Advanced next to the Option List Type on the Configure Option List Screen. Enter the following information:

  • Storage type: Choose to either permanently store list keys or store a localized list.

  • Multiselect options: Choose options to customize the appearance of a multiselect list:

    • Pad ends: Pad the length of the separator for multiselect values.

    • Storage Separator: Change the separator used to store values.

    • Display Separator: Change the separator used in the display of values.

Click OK when done. Adding or Editing Option List Content

The contents of a list are created on the Option List screen. To open this screen, click Edit next to the Use Option List field on the Configure Option List Screen. Enter the following information:

  • Option list values: The items to select. Each value must be on a separate line, with a carriage return between values.

  • Sort order (ascending or descending): Sorts the list in alpha-numeric order. If ascending, capital letters precede lowercase letters. If descending, the reverse is done. If Ignore Case is selected, the list is sorted and the case of the letters is ignored.

  • Sort Now: Sorts the list in the manner specified (ascending, and so on). Editing View Values

A view displays the items available in a list. To edit a view, click Edit View next to the Use View field on the Configure Option List Screen. Make the following selections:

  • Filter: Select a filter to alter which values are displayed on the screen.

  • Show Columns: Limits the number of columns to display.

  • Add, Edit: Displays a screen where you can add or edit new values for those currently in the view.

  • Delete: Prompts to confirm the deletion of a value from the view.

  • Edit Batch: Displays a screen you can use to edit values in a line editor. To add values, enter the data in the appropriate columns separated by a pipe symbol (|). Each row in the table should begin on a new line. Using Tree Values

A tree displays the items available in a list. If you use this method, a screen opens where you can enter a tree definition. Make the following selections:

  • Select relationship: Choose a relationship between options in the list.

  • Remove view: Click to remove the selected view from the level in the tree.

  • Selection path: Choose to display the complete path when the option is selected or to save the complete path when the option is selected.

  • Separator: Specify the separator used between values.

2.3 Native Content Conversion


Unless Oracle WebCenter Content Server is configured to work with an Inbound Refinery instance, files are all passed through to the Web site in their native format.

When Oracle WebCenter Content Server is configured as a provider for an Inbound Refinery instance, you must specify what file formats to pass to the refinery for conversion, based on the file extension. You can do this in the following ways:

  • You can use the File Format Wizard, accessed from the Refinery Administration folder in the Administration tray

  • You can use the File Formats option of the Configuration Manager applet to map file extensions (.doc, .txt, and so on) to file formats and then map the file formats to the conversion option on the refinery. This option provides more flexibility in mapping different file extensions to different conversion options

  • You can create a custom component to base the conversion on the value of specified metadata fields for the content item, including the file format or custom fields.

After the job passes from Oracle WebCenter Content Server to Inbound Refinery, the refinery configuration determines how to convert and return the native file.

File formats are automatically configured during installation or can be added and changed as needed.

See the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Conversion for more details about conversions.

This section covers these topics:

2.3.1 Identifying MIME Types

When you define new file formats, specify the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type corresponding to the file extension (for example, the format mapped to the doc file extension is application/msword).

When a content item is checked in to the repository, the content item's format is assigned according to the format mapped to the file extension of the native file. If the native file is not converted, Oracle WebCenter Content Server includes this format when delivering the content item to clients. Using the MIME type for the format assists the client in determining what type of data the file is, the associated helper applications, and so on.

Check MIME types and the list of registered MIME types at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html.

2.3.2 Native Applications and Content Conversions

The native applications used to convert content must meet the following requirements:

Native Application Requirements

MS Word

MS Project

Lotus Freelance

MS Excel

Lotus 123

Corel WordPerfect

MS PowerPoint

Lotus WordPro

MS Visio

iGrafx Designer

Verify that the native application is installed if needed by Inbound Refinery for the conversion.

Associate the file type to a conversion process on the File Formats tab.

For Word and PowerPoint applications, use the Native Options tab on the Local Inbound Refinery Configuration screen to specify whether to process links.

MS Publisher




Verify that the native application is installed.

Configure the file path in Inbound Refinery. To check in FrameMaker books, use the Upload Multiple Files option, which must be first enabled in System Properties.

Associate the file type to a conversion process on the File Formats tab.


Verify that the native application is installed (if required).

Install the custom conversion program in Inbound Refinery.

Configure the file path in Inbound Refinery.

Associate the file type to a conversion process on the File Formats tab.

2.3.3 Associating File Types with Conversion Programs

Associating file types with conversion programs is a two-stage process.

Add the file format and associate the file extension with the format:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

  2. Click Configuration Manager.

    The Configuration Manager Page opens.

  3. Choose Options then File Formats from the Page menu.

    The File Formats Screen opens.

  4. Click Add in the File Formats pane to add a file format.

    The Add/Edit File Format Screen opens.

  5. Enter the necessary information:

    • Format: Usually the MIME type.

    • Conversion type: Associates the format name with a conversion program. Select from the following:

      • Passthru: Documents with extensions mapped to PASSTHRU are not converted, but are displayed on the Web site in their native file format. The client computer must have the native applications.

      • Legacy Custom: Documents with extensions mapped to CUSTOM execute a conversion program not included in the set of standard conversions. This option is not supported in this release.

    • Description: A brief description of the file format.

  6. Click OK.

Enter the file extension to associate with the format:

  1. Click Add in the File Extensions pane.

    The Add/Edit File Extension Screen opens.

  2. Enter the necessary information:

    • Extension: The three-character designation for the file format. A file with this format is converted using the conversion program specified by the Map to Format field.

    • Map To Format: A list of the available formats with specified conversions (defined in the File Formats pane). Select a format to directly relate all files with that extension to a specific conversion program.

  3. Click OK.

2.3.4 Thumbnails

Thumbnails are small preview images of content. They are used on search results pages and typically link to the web-viewable file they represent. This means that users do not need to rely solely on text information such as the title to tell if a file is the one for which they are looking. A thumbnail provides consumers with a visual sample of a file without actually opening the file itself. This enables them to check a file before committing to downloading the larger, original file.

You can automatically generate thumbnails for supported file types with options provided by Content Server. For more information about thumbnail configuration options, see Section A.1.5, "Configure Thumbnail Options Screen."

Content Server provides a basic set of thumbnail creation options. Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery provides a more extensive set of options for file conversion and thumbnail generation. For more information, see Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Conversion.

2.4 Managing Content and Revisions

The Repository Manager is used to manage content items, revisions, subscriptions, and the Indexer. To access the Repository Manager as an applet, choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager. Repository Manager can also be run in standalone mode. For more details, see Section 1.3.4, "Running Administration Applications in Standalone Mode."

Use the Functions menu of the Repository Manager to perform a variety of administrative functions on specific revisions. For example, you can check in, check out, view and update metadata, approve and reject revisions in a workflow, and delete revisions. Right-click a revision when displaying the revisions with the filter to open a shortcut menu, which includes all of the options on the Functions menu.

This section covers these topics:

2.4.1 Managing the Content List

Administrators and subadministrators with RepMan rights can display a list of content item revisions in the Repository Manager. Administrators can display all content items; subadministrators with RepMan rights can display only content items for which they have Admin permission to the security group and account (if applicable). You can search the revision list by specifying metadata fields and revision status as filter criteria.

This section covers these topics: Changing Column and Filter Settings

To filter the Content list by revision:

  1. On the Content tab of the Repository Manager application, select the Use Filter check box, then click Define Filter.

    The Define Filter Screen opens.

  2. Select the check boxes for the filter criteria to use and add values for the fields.

  3. Click OK.

To filter revisions by Release Date:

  1. On the Content tab of the Repository Manager application, select Release Date Since.

  2. Select a predefined date range.

  3. Click OK.

To change the columns displayed on the Content tab:

  1. On the Content tab of the Repository Manager application, click Show Columns.

    The Show Columns Screen opens.

  2. Select the columns to be displayed. Custom fields are at the bottom of the list.

  3. Click OK. Changing Default Sort Order

When the Repository Manager application is started, it runs a default query against the database that returns all content released the previous day. By default, the query sorts the results by the ContentID of the content items.

Ordering by ContentID is advantageous because the order is predictable when the Repository Manager has a long list of content items. But sorting by ContentID can take a long time to return the results. It may be preferable to have faster query results without the predictable order.

To change the order, disable the DoDocNameOrder configuration setting. When the value is set to true (the default), content items are sorted by ContentID. When set to false, content items are not sorted. When you change the sort order to optimize the query, enable the JDBC Query Trace to log trace information to the console log where you can view database queries.

To disable the DoDocNameOrder configuration setting:

  1. In a text editor, open the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

  2. Add the following configuration setting:

  3. Save and close the config.cfg file.

  4. Restart Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

To enable Query Tracing:

  1. Choose Administration then System Audit Information from the Main menu.

    The System Audit Information page opens.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Active Console Output Tracing section.

  3. Select systemdatabase from the Active Sections list.

    The systemdatabase is added to the list of active sections.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Restart Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

See the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server for more details about tracing reports and restarting Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

2.4.2 Managing Content

Several common tasks are done when managing content and revisions: Adding a New Content Item

To add a new content item using the Repository Manager:


You cannot add new content items using the Repository Manager launched as a Java applet from a browser. Use the standalone application.

  1. Start the Repository Manager in standalone mode. Click the Content tab.

  2. Click Add New.

    The Add New Content Item Screen opens.

  3. Enter the required and optional information for the content item.

  4. Click OK. The specified file is checked in as a new content item. Managing Content Metadata with Repository Manager

To view the metadata for a revision using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main Menu. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. Highlight the revision for metadata review.

  3. Choose Functions then Info or right-click and click Info.

    The Approve Revision Screen opens.

  4. Click OK to close the screen.

To update the metadata for a revision using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main Menu. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. Select the revision to update.

  3. Choose Functions, Update, or right-click and select Update.

    The Update Content Info Screen opens.

  4. Enter new metadata as necessary.

  5. Click OK.

    The metadata is updated without checking in a new revision. Managing Expired Content with Repository Manager

To review expired content from Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main Menu. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. From the Content tab, select Define Filter.

    The Define Subscription Filter Screen opens.

  3. Select Enable Revision Status, and select Expired.

    A list of expired content is displayed.

To automate e-mail notification for the author and administrator when the content expires:

  1. Edit IntradocDir/config/config.cfg in a text editor and enter the following:

  2. Adjust optional configuration entries which are described in detail the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide:

    • NotificationQuery: Defines the criteria for the automatic query that searches for expired content.

    • NotifyExtras: Defines the users who receive a list of expired content.

    • NotificationIntervalInDays: Defines how often a notification query is run.

    • NotifyTime: Defines the time of day the query is run.

    • NotificationMaximum: Defines the maximum number of content items to be returned by the query.

    By default, an e-mail message is sent to the administrator at midnight, seven days before a piece of content is set to expire. And, an Expired Content link is added for the author and system administrator on their respective Content Management trays.

  3. Restart Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

2.4.3 Managing Revisions

A revision is a new or revised version of a content item. By default, revisions are numbered sequentially starting with Revision 1, and every time the content item is checked out and checked in again, the revision number is incremented by one and Oracle WebCenter Content Server creates a new revision of that file. The new revision has the same content ID as the previous revision, but the native file and the metadata can be the same or different. The system stores the previous versions of a file, which can be reviewed as necessary. This section covers the following topics: Check In and Checkout a Revision

Follow these steps to check in a new revision or check out a revision using the Repository Manager:


These tasks must be performed using the standalone application.

  1. Start the Repository Manager in standalone mode. Click the Content tab.

  2. Select the item to be revised.

  3. Click Functions then Add Revision or Check Out. You can also right-click and choose the appropriate option.

    The Add New Revision Screen or Check Out Item Screen opens.

  4. Enter the information for the revision to be checked in.

  5. Click OK. Undo a Checkout or Resubmit a Revision

Follow these steps to undo a checkout or resubmit a revision using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. Select one or more revisions to use.

  3. Choose Functions then Undo Check Out or Resubmit. You can also right-click and select the appropriate option.

    The appropriate screen opens.

  4. To exclude a revision from the list, clear the check box next to the revision.

  5. Click OK. Deleting Revisions

To delete a particular revision using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. Select one or more revisions to delete.

  3. Click Delete Revision. You can also choose Functions then Delete Revision or right-click and select Delete Revision.

    The Delete Revision Screen opens.

  4. To exclude a revision from the list, clear the check box next to the revision.

  5. Click OK.

To delete all revisions of a content item follow the same steps, choosing Delete All Revisions from the appropriate menus. Managing Workflow Revisions

A workflow specifies how content is routed for review and approval before it is released to the system. Users are notified by e-mail when they have a file to review.

From a workflow participant's point of view, there are two types of workflows:

  • A basic workflow defines the review process for specific content items, and must be initiated manually.

  • In a criteria workflow, a file enters the workflow automatically upon check in when its metadata matches predefined criteria.

When you approve a workflow revision using the Repository Manager, you bypass any approval steps in the workflow. The workflow may complete normally, but bypassing approval steps can have unanticipated consequences. For example, if a workflow step requires an electronic signature and you approve the associated revision through the Repository Manager, there will be no record of an electronic signature, even though the workflow completes and the revision is approved.


Be sure you understand the consequences of approving a workflow revision using the Repository Manager before doing so.

For more information about electronic signatures, see Section 2.5, "Signing Content Electronically."

To approve or reject a revision in a workflow using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets. Click Repository Manager then the Content tab.

  2. Select one or more revisions to approve.

  3. Choose Functions then Approve or Reject. You can also right-click and choose Approve or Reject.

    The appropriate screen opens.

  4. To exclude a revision from the list, clear the check box next to the revision.

  5. Click OK.

2.5 Signing Content Electronically

With the Electronic Signatures component (ElectronicSignatures), you can sign a content item with an electronic signature that uniquely identifies the contents of the file at a particular revision and associates the revision with a particular user.

Electronic signatures are used and managed in several different contexts:

  • Workflow: You can specify that a particular step requires an electronic signature for approval.

    Because electronic signatures are stored separately from both the content item and from its metadata, multiple users can sign a particular content item revision. For more information about using electronic signatures in workflow, see Section 4.3.2, "Setting Up a Criteria Workflow."

  • Content Item: You can sign a content item electronically and compare a local file against a signed content item (or against all repository content) to see if the local file matches. For more information, see the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Content Server.

  • PDF Watermark: You can apply a watermark that uses electronic signature metadata. For more information, see Section 5.3.4, "Adding or Editing Templates."

This section covers the following topics:

2.5.1 About Electronic Signatures

An electronic signature is a unique identifier computed from the binary content of a content item and associated with other metadata such as the name of the user who signs the content item. Unlike a digital signature, which uniquely identifies both the document and the signer and encrypts the information with the document, an electronic signature is not stored with the document.

When you check in a content item, Content Server generates the identifier and stores it with the revision metadata for the content item. When you "sign" a content item, a copy of the identifier is stored with the electronic signature metadata. When you check in a modified revision of the content item, a new identifier is calculated.

Content Server can compare the identifier stored with the content item to the identifier stored with the electronic signature to help you determine if a signed content item has changed and if existing signatures for a content item are valid.


The identifier is computed from the content only, not the associated metadata. A change in the metadata for a content item does not invalidate the electronic signature for the content item.

Because electronic signatures are stored separately from both the content item and from its metadata, multiple users can sign a particular content item revision. For example, in a workflow approval process, multiple reviewers may sign a revision of a content item. For more information, see Section 4.3.2, "Setting Up a Criteria Workflow."

Any user with access to the Document Information page for a content item can sign the content item. For more information about signing a content item, see the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Content Server.

When using the Archiver with the Electronic Signatures component, make sure to use the table archive feature to move the ElectronicSignatures table. If archived content is restored without the associated signature metadata, errors can occur. For more information about archiving content, see the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

2.5.2 Custom Electronic Signature Metadata

When you sign a content item electronically, the signature includes standard metadata about the user, such as the user name and password, and metadata about the content item itself, such as the name (dDocName) and revision (dRevisionID). The Electronic Signature component also provides the xESigHasElectronicSignatures field which is automatically set to 1 (True) when a content item is signed.

You can define additional metadata fields that are stored as part of the metadata for the electronic signature. Electronic signature information is stored and managed in a separate ElectronicSignatures table in the database.

When you create a custom metadata field, you select a basic data type, and optionally specify a choice-list of comma-delimited values. You can also designate one or more fields as required fields. The fields you define are displayed when the user signs a content item and when the user displays detailed signature information about a content item. For more information about these windows, see the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Content Server.

2.5.3 Adding or Editing a Custom Electronic Signature Field

To create or edit a custom Electronic Signature field, perform the following steps:


Consider your metadata requirements carefully before you create and use custom metadata fields. After you create a field (click Save Changes), you cannot change the field name, the data type, or the required status. To change these values, you must delete the existing field and create a new one. When you delete a custom field, any stored data associated with that field is deleted.

  1. Click the Administration tray and click Electronic Signatures.

    The Electronic Signatures Configuration Screen opens.

  2. To add a new field, click the Add New Field icon (the green plus sign).

  3. Specify an internal field Name. This is the field name in the data table.

    Duplicate names are not allowed. Maximum field length is 29 characters. Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter. Do not use special characters.

  4. Specify a Display Label. This is the label displayed for the field on pages and dialogs.

  5. Specify a data type. The default data type is Text.

    For more information about the specific data types, see Section A.1.7, "Electronic Signatures Configuration Screen."

  6. To specify a choice list for a field, select the check box in the associated Choice List column and specify the choices as a comma-delimited list of values.

    • Make sure the values match the data type selected for the field.

    • Values are displayed in the specified order on pages and in windows. The first value in the list is the default value.

    • To provide no default value, enter a space followed by a comma as the first value in the choice list.

  7. To specify that the custom field is itself a check box, select Checkbox. A check box field is automatically designated a required field. The user must select the check box to complete the electronic signature.The Display Label field contains acknowledgement text to display next to the check box.

  8. To specify that the user must supply a value in the associated field to complete the electronic signature, select Required.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 for each field you want to add.

  10. Fields are displayed on pages and in windows in the order listed in this table. To change the order of one or more fields, select the check box next to the field or fields and use the Move Up and Move Down icons at the top of the table to move the fields up or down in the order.

  11. To delete one or more field from the table, select the check box next to the field or fields and use the Delete Fields icon to remove the field or fields and all associated field data. Fields are not permanently deleted until you click Save Changes.

  12. To commit the changes you made, click Save Changes then click OK on the confirmation window.

2.6 Subscribing to Content

A subscription is a function that notifies users by e-mail when a particular content item has been revised.

Note that an e-mail message buffer is 20000 bytes. If a large number of subscription e-mail notices are sent at one time (for example, 40 content items with 40 subscribers each), the buffer can be overloaded and the e-mail messages are not sent. The limit to the total size of a subscription notification e-mail sent is 1GB. The total number of subscription notification e-mails that can be included in one e-mail sent to n users is 1GB divided by the size of the subscription notification e-mail.


To change the subscription notification message, use Component Architecture to customize the following:

  • subscription_mail_subject include (in std_page.htm file)

  • wwSubscriptionMailSubject string (in ww_strings.htm file)

  • subscription_mail.htm template

You can create subscriptions in two ways:

  • Basic subscription: Users manually subscribe to individual content items. This type of subscription is predefined.

  • Criteria subscription: Users can subscribe to a group of content items based on metadata criteria. Administrators can set up a Criteria subscription in two ways: with users or with aliases. If a subscription is set up with users, users can unsubscribe if they want. If aliases are used, users cannot unsubscribe.

You can subscribe to content items in two ways:

  • Open subscription: Users voluntarily subscribe to a content item through a Basic or Criteria subscription.

  • Managed subscription: An administrator assigns users and aliases to a particular subscription. If individual users are assigned, each user can unsubscribe if they want. If an alias is assigned, the users in that alias cannot unsubscribe.

2.6.1 Using Subscriptions

These are common tasks in managing subscriptions. Adding or Editing a Criteria Subscription

To specify subscription criteria:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Select Repository Manager then the Subscription tab.

  2. Click Add.

    The Add/Edit Subscription Type Screen opens.

  3. Enter the subscription information:


    If criteria fields are changed, all current subscriptions are deleted. Use care when working with this feature.

    • Name: Name for the subscription.

    • Description: A brief description.

    • Notifications: If selected, enables e-mail notifications to users.

      The PrimaryWorkQueueTimeout configuration variable sets the number of seconds until workflow and subscription notification e-mails are sent. For more information about configuration variables, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide.

    • Criteria fields: To add fields, click Fields. The Fields Screen opens. Select the boxes of fields to be used as criteria for triggering the subscription. The values for these fields are set later when users are added.

  4. Click OK. Confirm enabling the subscription. Adding or Unsubscribing Users


If any of the users added to subscription do not have a correct e-mail address, notification fails. The system quits after it encounters five errors in the work queue log and does not notify the rest of the subscribers.

To add users to a Criteria subscription:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager then the Subscription tab. Select the subscription to use.

  2. Click Subscribers.

    The Users Subscribed Screen opens.

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Subscription Screen opens.

  4. Select User or Alias then click Select.

    The Select User Screen or Select Alias Screen opens.

  5. Choose the users or aliases to be subscribed. Click OK.

  6. Set the values for the criteria fields specified earlier.

  7. Click OK.

Follow these steps to unsubscribe a user:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager then the Subscription tab. Select the subscription to use.

  2. Select the revision to unsubscribe.

  3. Click Function then Subscribers, or right-click and select Subscribers.

    The Subscribers Screen opens.

  4. Select the user alias to unsubscribe.

  5. Click Unsubscribe.

    A confirmation screen opens.

  6. Click OK. Viewing Subscription Information

To view subscription information for a revision using the Repository Manager:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager then the Subscription tab. Select the subscription to use.

  2. Select the revision to view the subscription information for.

  3. Select Functions, Subscribers, or right-click and select Subscribers.

    The Subscribers Screen opens.

  4. To narrow the Subscriptions list:

    1. Select the Use Filter check box.

    2. Click Define Filter.

      The Subscription Detail screen opens.

    3. Enter the filter criteria.

    4. Click OK.

  5. To view all subscription details for a particular user or alias, select the user or alias and click View Details.

    The Subscription Detail screen opens. Deleting a Criteria Subscription

To delete a Criteria subscription:

  1. Choose Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu. Click Repository Manager then the Subscription tab. Select the subscription to use.

  2. Select a subscription.

  3. Click Delete.

    A confirmation screen opens.

  4. Click Yes.

2.7 Managing Linked Content with Link Manager

Link Manager is an optional component bundled with and automatically installed with Oracle WebCenter Content Server. If enabled, it evaluates, filters, and parses the URL links of indexed content items before extracting them for storage in a database table (ManagedLinks). After the ManagedLinks table is populated with the extracted URL links, the Link Manager component references this table to generate link search results, lists of link references for the Content Information page, and the resource information for the Link Info page. The Link Manager component enables users to:

  • View lists of links using specific search criteria

  • View detailed information about a specific link

  • Recompute and refresh links to reevaluate and validate them

  • View the links to other content in a specific content item

  • View the links back to a specific content item.

The search results, link references lists, and Link Info pages are useful to determine what content items are affected by content additions, changes, or revision deletions. For example, before deleting a content item, you can verify that any URL references contained in it are insignificant. Another use might be to monitor how content items are being used.

The Link Manager component extracts the URL links during the indexing cycle, so only the URL links of released content items are extracted. For content items with multiple revisions, only the most current released revision has entries in the database table. If the Link Manager component is installed after content items are checked in, perform a rebuild to ensure that all links are included in the ManagedLinks table.

Link Manager does all of its work during the indexing cycle and it increases the amount of time required to index content items and to rebuild collections.

The amount of time required depends on the type and size of the content items involved. That is, if the file is converted, this requires more time than text-based (HTML) files.

For information about disabling Link Manager during the rebuild cycle, see LkDisableOnRebuild and LkReExtractOnRebuild in the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide. For more information about file formats, conversion, and link extraction, see Section 2.7.1, "The Link Extraction Process" and Section, "File Formats and Conversion."

This section covers the following topics:

2.7.1 The Link Extraction Process


The Link Manager component uses HtmlExport 8 for file conversion. A link extractor template file is included with the Link Manager component. HtmlExport 8 requires this template. Do not edit this file.

The Link Manager consists of an extraction engine and a pattern engine. The extraction engine includes a conversion engine (HtmlExport). The conversion engine is used to convert files that the extraction engine cannot natively parse to a text-based file format (HTML).

Link Manager does not use HtmlExport to convert files that contain any of the following strings in the file format: hcs, htm, image, text, xml, jsp, and asp. These text-based files are handled by Link Manager without need for conversion.

During the indexing cycle, the Link Manager component searches the checked-in content items to find URL Links as follows:

  1. The extraction engine converts the file using the conversion engine (if necessary).

  2. The extraction engine then uses the pattern engine to access the link evaluation rules defined in the Link Manager Patterns table.

  3. The evaluation rules tell the extraction engine how to sort, filter, evaluate, and parse the accepted URL links in the content items.

  4. The accepted URL links are inserted or updated in the ManagedLinks table.

Surrounding text describes linkmgr_process.gif.


To execute successfully, HtmlExport requires either a virtual or physical video interface adaptor (VIA). Most Windows environments have graphics capabilities that provide HtmlExport access to a frame buffer. UNIX systems, however, may not have graphics cards and do not have a running X-Windows Server for use by HtmlExport. For systems without graphics cards, you can install and use a virtual frame buffer (VFB). File Formats and Conversion

Various file formats (such as Word) must be converted by the conversion engine (HtmlExport) before links can be extracted. Because Link Manager can extract links in text-based files (HTML) without requiring conversion, Link Manager does not use HtmlExport to convert files that contain any of the following strings in the file format: hcs, htm, image, text, xml, jsp, and asp.

Link Manager also handles all the variations of these file formats. For example, the hcs string matches the dynamic server page strings of hcst, hcsp, and hcsf. The image string matches all comparable variants such as image/gif, image/jpeg, image/rgb, image/tiff, and so on. To prevent other types of files from being converted, use the LkDisallowConversionFormats configuration variable. For more information, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide.

Link Manager recognizes links in the following file formats:

  • Text-based formats (txt, html, xml, jsp, asp, csv, hcst, hcsf, and hcsp)

  • E-mail (msg and eml)

  • Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Excel

  • OpenOffice Writer

  • OpenOffice Calc Link Status

All new and existing links are managed during the indexing cycle. When content items are checked in, the accepted links in the content items are added to or updated in the Managed Links table. Existing links are evaluated for changes resulting from content items being checked in or deleted. As links are added or monitored, they are marked as valid or invalid.

When one content item in the system references another content item in the system, the resulting link is marked as valid. When an existing link references a deleted content item, the link is reevaluated and the status changes from valid to invalid. Statuses are recorded as Y (valid) or N (invalid) in the dLkState column of the Managed Links table and displayed for the user in the State column of the Link Info page as Valid or Invalid.

2.7.2 Configuring Link Manager

You can specify the following Link Manager configuration variables in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file:

  • AllowForceDelete

  • HasSiteStudio

  • LkRefreshBatchSize

  • LkRefreshErrorsAllowed

  • LkRefreshErrorPercent

  • LkRefreshErrorTHreshold

  • LkDisableOnRebuild

  • LkDisallowConversonFormats

  • LkReExtractOnRebuild

  • LkIsSecureSearch

See the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide for details about using these configuration variables. Link Patterns

The Link Manager component uses an extraction engine that references the link patterns defined in a resource table. These link patterns are rules that tell the extraction engine how to sort the different links, which links to filter out, which links to accept, and how to parse the links for more information.

To customize the DomainHome/ucm/LinkManager/resources/linkmanager_resource.htm resource table, you can add new rules or edit the existing default rules. Customize the table using standard component architecture. The table includes the following columns:

Column Name Description


The name of the pattern and the primary key of the table. Used mainly in error handling and to allow other components to directly target the override of a specified rule.


An explanation of the purpose of the pattern.


The initial screening of the URL:

  • Prefix: If the path begins with a specified parameter, the condition is met.

  • Contains: If the path contains a specified parameter, then the condition is met.

  • Service: If the URL contains a value for IdcService and if this value matches a parameter, the condition is met.

The extraction engine is a two-step engine. The 'prefix' and 'contains' types are used on the path part of the URL, while the 'service' type is used on the query string part of the URL.


A comma-delimited list of patterns or parameters used by the type. The parameters are Idoc Script capable and are initially evaluated for Idoc Script. The engine uses the following rules for extracting the patterns from the parameters:

  • The parameter string is evaluated for Idoc Script.

  • The parameters are parsed using the comma separator. The result is a list of patterns.

  • Each pattern is XML decoded.

One rule looks for a URL that begins with the resolved value for <$HttpRelativeWebRoot$> by setting lpkParameters to <$HttpRelativeWebRoot$>.

A later rule can look for a URL that literally begins with <$HttpRelativeWebRoot$> by setting the parameter to &lt;$HttpRelativeWebRoot$&gt;


Determines if the URL is accepted if the pattern is matched:

  • Pass: No determination is made. The 'action' is used to determine how this URL is processed.

  • Filter: the URL is rejected. This value is usually combined with lkpContinue=false to stop the processing.

  • Accept: The URL is accepted.


Determines if the pattern processing engine continues to parse the URL. If true, the processing continues. If false, processing stops.


Specifies the URL type determined for this link.


A function defined in the LinkHandler class referring to a method in the LinkImplementor class used to further parse and evaluate the URL.

LinkImplementor can be class aliased or extended.


The order in which the patterns are to be evaluated.


Determines if this rule is evaluated. It is calculated and evaluated during start up when the patterns are loaded.

You can add new rules or edit the existing default rules using standard component architecture. Database Tables

Two database tables are maintained with Link Manager:

  • Managed Links Table: A link is stored in the Managed Links table if the pattern engine successfully processes it and determines that the link is acceptable. Each link in the table is assigned a unique class id (dLkClassId) and each row in the table has a unique GUID (dLkGUID). A single link can consist of multiple rows in the table if multiple resources define the link and each resource can independently break the link.

    For example, in Site Studio, you can define a single link by both a node and a content item. If the node is missing, the link breaks. If the content item is missing, the link breaks. In this case, there are two resources that do not depend on each other and each can break the link. Consequently, each resource is managed separately in the ManagedLinks table. For additional information about Site Studio links, see Section 2.7.3, "Site Studio Integration."

    To improve query execution performance, standard indexes are added to the dDocName and dLkResource columns in the Managed Links table. System administrators are responsible for adjusting these indexes to accommodate specific database tuning requirements in various system environments.

  • Link Reference Count Table: This table maps the content items to the number of times each is referenced in the ManagedLinks table. A content item in this table might not be a content item that is currently managed by Oracle WebCenter Content Server. If there is an entry for a content item in this table, it only indicates that a link in the ManagedLinks table, as parsed by the pattern engine, has referenced the content item as a 'doc' resource.

    When a content item is checked in and a link references it, the link is marked as valid. When a link references a deleted content item, the link is marked as invalid. Notice that the dLkState column indicates the link's status as Y (valid) or N (invalid). Link Manager Filters

The Link Manager component provides filters for parts of the pattern engine that allow customization of some very specific behavior. In general, the rules of the pattern engine are usually the ones to be modified. In certain circumstances Link Manager explicitly creates and uses filters to augment its standard behavior.

  • extractLinks Filter: Used during the extraction process when the extraction engine parses the accepted URL links. As links are extracted, Link Manager looks for specific HTML tags. However, other HTML tags might also contain relevant links. If so, use this filter to extract the additional links.

    The tag is passed to the filter as a cached object with the key HtmlTag. The value (or link) is passed back to the parse with the key HtmlValue. If the filter extracts extra information, be aware that the passed-in binder is flushed before being passed to the pattern engine. The service.setCachedObject and service.getCachedOject methods should pass and retrieve the extra information, respectively.

    By default, it looks for the following HTML tags: <a>, <link>, <iframe>, <img>, <script>, and <frame>.

  • linkParseService Filter: Used during the extraction process when the pattern engine evaluates links that use the IdcService parameter. After evaluation, the link binder and service are provided for the linkParseService filter.

    The service contains the binder for the parsed URL and information map. Customize the values in the parsed URL binder by adjusting certain parameters or customize the information map (which tells the parseService method what parameters to extract from the URL binder and how to map the data to resource types).

  • sortAndDecodeLinks filter: Only available from the 'refresh' option. It is only called when users are refreshing the links. The service contains the 'LinkSetMap' which includes a sorted list of links contained in the ManagedLinks table. The refresh validates the Site Studio links and the existence of all links referring to 'doc' resources. You can create a component that augments the standard validation.

2.7.3 Site Studio Integration


When using Site Studio, set the HasSiteStudio configuration variable value to true. This variable enables the Site Studio-specific patterns for parsing 'friendly' URLs for the pattern engine. For more information about the HasSiteStudio variable, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide.

When configured to work with Site Studio, Link Manager obtains links from Site Studio by directly requesting a parsing of the links that Site Studio has identified. In return, Site Studio provides information about the links pertaining to its operation and components. In particular, Site Studio provides information about the node/section, if a content item is used, the state of the content item, the type of link (friendly, page, or node), and if the link is valid.

Site Studio does not load its project information when the Standalone applications are launched. Therefore the Site Studio links are not properly evaluated if a rebuild or index update cycle is started and completed by a standalone application.

When a user changes links using the Site Studio designer, Link Manager checks filter events. If a node is deleted, Link Manager marks all links using the deleted node as invalid, thus managing links that directly reference the node ID. Additionally, with information provided by Site Studio, Link Manager can accurately determine the state of the link.

Friendly URLs (links that do not reference the node ID or dDocName) are more difficult to manage and validate. When a node property changes, Link Manager marks all friendly links (both relative and absolute) that use the node as invalid and broken. Link Manager cannot retrace the parent chain to determine what part of the link was changed, how to fix it, or determine if it is actually broken.

Site Studio uses two types of managed links:

  • Completely Managed Links: These are any links using the SS_GET_PAGE IdcService or links to nodes that include the following:

    • javascript:nodelink(Node,Site)

    • javascript:nodelink(Node)

    • ssNODELINK/Site/Node

    • ssNODELINK/Node

    Also links to pages that include the following:

    • ssLINK/Doc

    • ssLINK/Node/Doc

    • ssLINK/Site/Node/Doc

    • ssLink(Doc)

    • ssLink(Doc,Node)

    • ssLink(Doc,Node,Site)

    • javascript:link(Doc)

    • javascript:link(Doc,Node,Site)

  • Provisionally Managed Links: The following Site Studio links are managed up to Site Studio node changes. Use the 'refresh' option from the Managed Links Administration Page to determine state of the links. If the majority of links are of this form and nodes have changed dramatically, you should refresh or recompute the links.

    • Absolute (or full URLs): http://site/node/doc.htm

    • Friendly links to nodes




    • Friendly links to pages




2.7.4 Link Administration

This section covers the following topics: Alternative Refresh Methods

In addition to the refresh activities available on the Managed Links Administration Page, you can use alternative methods to update the Managed Links and Link Reference Count tables:

  • Using the Repository Manager, perform a collection rebuild. This process rebuilds the entire search index, and the old index collection is replaced with a new index collection when the rebuild successfully completes.

    If Repository Manager is opened as a standalone application, the alternate refresh method can only be used when the HasSiteStudio configuration variable is disabled. When information is requested from Site Studio and the Repository Manager is in standalone mode, Site Studio is not initialized completely and does not return accurate information. This issue does not occur if the Repository Manager applet is used.

  • If custom fields have been added while content is in the system, use the Configuration Manager Rebuild Search Index to rebuild the search index. Recomputing and Refreshing Links in the ManagedLinks Table

Use this method to reevaluate the links in the ManagedLinks table:

  1. Choose Administration then Managed Links Administration from the Main menu. The Managed Links Administration Page opens.

  2. Use an option to manage links:

    • To recompute links: Click Go next to the Recompute links option. This refresh activity resubmits each link in the ManagedLinks table to the patterns engine. The link is evaluated according to the pattern rules and updated in the table. A link can be reclassified as another type of link depending on which patterns have been enabled or disabled. Use this option if the pattern rules have changed.

    • To refresh links: Click Go next to the Refresh links option. This activity checks each link in the ManagedLinks table and attempts to determine if the link is valid. For Site Studio links, the links are sent to the Site Studio decode method to determine what nodes and content items are used by the link. It also determines if the link is valid and is indeed a Site Studio link.

      Use this option after many changes to Site Studio node/section properties. LinkManager cannot completely track the changes to 'friendly' Site Studio links. By refreshing or forcing a validation on the links, Link Manager can more accurately determine which links are broken and which are valid.

    • To refresh the references counts: Click Go next to the Refresh option. This activity flushes the LinkReferenceCount table and queries the ManagedLinks table for the content item references. Both the 'recompute' and 'refresh' table activities try to maintain the LinkReferenceCount table. However, on occasion, this table can become out-of-sync and this option, when used on a quiet system, rebuilds this table.

    • To cancel a refresh activity: Click Go next to the Abort activity option. Only one refresh activity can be active at any one time.

    The Status area indicates how many links have been processed and how many errors have been encountered.

    Only one refresh activity can be active at any one time. Wait until the refresh activity completes and the 'Ready' status is displayed before attempting another refresh activity.