C H A P T E R  2

Feedback Performing Tasks With the CLI

This chapter provides examples of how to perform tasks using a series of CLI commands.

Discovering Arrays

TABLE 2-1 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when registering arrays with Sun Storage Common Array Manager.

TABLE 2-1 CLI Commands Used When Discovering Arrays

CLI Command


sscs list storage-system

sscs list devices

Lists the arrays that are already registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager.

sscs register -d storage-system

Directs Sun Storage Common Array Manager to discover all available arrays.

sscs list storage-system

sscs list devices

Lists all arrays registered, including the newly discovered arrays.

sscs unregister storage-system

Unregisters select arrays.

TABLE 2-1 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when registering arrays with Sun Storage Common Array Manager.


Command Sequence

1. Identify the names of the arrays currently registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager.

sscs list storage-system
Array: Snoopy1
Array: Snoopy2
Array: Linus1

Note - The command list devices can also be used to identify the names of arrays currently registered with Sun Storage Common Array Manager.

2. Discover all arrays.

sscs register -d storage-system
Name               Type Network Address Serial Number
------------------ ---- --------------- -----------------------
Snoopy1            6140 xx.xx.xx.103    SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
unlabeled          6140 xx.xx.xx.112    SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
Onyx               2540 xx.xx.xx.9      SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
Hal                6140 xx.xx.xx.72     SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
Linus1             6140 xx.xx.xx.16     SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
Snoopy2            6140 xx.xx.xx.106    SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx
Johnny5            6140 xx.xx.xx.67     SUN.xxxxx.
Pedro1             2540 xx.xx.xx.6      SUN.xxxxx-00.xxxxxxxxxx

3. Unregister the array Onyx.

sscs unregister storage-system Onyx

4. Verify the list of registered arrays to ensure that Onyx is no longer registered.

sscs list storage-system
Array: Snoopy1
Array: unlabeled
Array: Hal
Array: Linus1
Array: Snoopy2
Array: Johnny5
Array: Pedro1

Creating a Volume

TABLE 2-2 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume.

TABLE 2-2 CLI Commands Used When Creating a Volume

CLI Command


sscs list volume

List volumes that already exist on a specified array.

sscs create volume

Create a new volume on an array.

sscs list jobs

Verify that the volume creation job is in progress.

sscs list volumes

Verify the volume characteristics.

sscs list vdisk

Verify the characteristics of the virtual disk used by the newly created volume.

sscs list host

Identify the hosts available for mapping to the volume.

sscs map volume

Map the volume to a host.

TABLE 2-2 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume.

Sample Data

In this example, the following sample data are used in the execution of the commands:

TABLE 2-3 Sample Data

Array Name:


Pool Name:


Volume Name:


Profile Name:


Disk Names:

t1d01, t1d02, t1d03, t1d04

TABLE 2-3 shows the sample data used in the following command sequence.

Command Sequence

1. Identify the names of the volumes that already exist on the array den-toi-6130.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume
Volume: ACC Type: Standard Pool: Default Profile: Default
Volume: RCV Standard Pool: Default Profile: Default.

2. Identify the names of the storage pools that already exist on the array

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 pool
Pool: newNFSmirroringPool  Profile: NFS_Mirroring  Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB
Pool: RAID1-32KB-NoReadAhead  Profile: RAID1-32KB-NoReadAhead  Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB
Pool: RAID5-512KB-NoReadAhead  Profile: RAID5-512KB-NoReadAhead  Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB
Pool: poolFortest6731502Raid5threeDisk  Profile: test6731502Raid5threeDisk  Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB
Pool: den-pool-64k-r Profile: RAID0-564KB-ReadAhead  Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB

3. Verify the characteristics of the storage pool den-pool-64k-r5.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 pool den-pool-64k-r
Description:          null
Profile:              RAID5-64KB-ReadAhead
Total Capacity:       0.000 MB
Configured Capacity:  0.000 MB
Available Capacity:   1.197 TB

4. Create a new volume on array den-toi-6130.

The new volume is named vol0-64k-r5, uses the storage pool named
den-pool-64k-r5, and has 5GB of storage capacity:

sscs create -a den-toi-6130 -p den-pool-64k-r5 -s 5GB volume vol0-64k-r5

5. Verify that the volume creation job is in progress.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 jobs
Job ID: VOL:0B70418253F6  Status: In progress

6. Verify the characteristics of the volume named vol0-64k-r5.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5
Volume: vol0-64k-r5
Type: 							Standard
WWN: 							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B							:70:41:82:53:F6
Pool: 							den-pool-64k-r5
Profile: 							den-profile-64k-r5
Virtual Disk: 							1
Size: 							5.000 GB
Status: 							Online
Action:							Ready
Condition: 							Optimal
Read Only: 							No
Controller: 							A
Preferred Controller: 							A
Modification Priority: 							High
Write Cache: 							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring: 							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries: 	Disabled
Flush Cache After: 							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing: 							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:	Disabled

7. List the virtual disks available on den-toi-6130.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 vdisk
Virtual Disk: 1

8. Verify the characteristics of the virtual disk named 1.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 vdisk 1
Virtual Disk: 1
Status: 							Online
Number of Disks: 							4
Maximum Volume Size: 							198.599 GB
RAID Level: 							5
Total Capacity: 							203.599 GB
Configured Capacity: 							5.000 GB
Available Capacity: 					198.599 GB
Disk Type: 					FC
Disk: 					t1d04
Disk: 					t1d03
Disk: 					t1d02
Disk: 					t1d01
Volume: 					vol0-64k-r5

9. Identify the hosts available of the array den-toi-6130.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 host
Host: 450e

10. Map the volume vol0-64k-r5 to the host 450e.

sscs map -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e -l 1 volume vol0-64k-r5

11. Ensure that the mapping was successful by verifying the characteristics of the volume named vol0-64k-r5.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5
Volume: vol0-64k-r5
Type:							Standard
WWN:							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B							:70:41:82:53:F6
Pool: 							den-pool-64k-r5
Profile: 							den-profile-64k-r5
Virtual Disk: 							1
Size: 							5.000 GB
Status: 							Online
Action: 							Ready
Condition: 							Optimal
Read Only: 							No
Controller: 							A
Preferred Controller: 							A
Modification Priority: 							High
Write Cache: 							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring:							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries:							Disabled
Flush Cache After: 							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing: 							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:	Disabled
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc5  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc6  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8

Creating a Snapshot

The following section demonstrates the commands used when creating a snapshot of a volume.

Commands Used

TABLE 2-4 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume snapshot.

TABLE 2-4 CLI Commands Used When Creating a Volume Snapshot

CLI Command


sscs list volume

Verify the existence and characteristics of a volume.

sscs create snapshot

Create a snapshot of a volume

sscs list snapshot

Verify the existence and characteristics of the snapshot

sscs list host

Identify the hosts available for mapping to the snapshot.

sscs map snapshot

Map the snapshot to a host.

sscs unmap snapshot

Unmap the snapshot from a host.

sscs delete snapshot

Remove the snapshot.

TABLE 2-4 identifies the sequence of CLI commands used when creating a volume snapshot.

Sample Data

In this example, the sample data listed in TABLE 2-5 are used in the execution of the commands:

TABLE 2-5 Sample Data

Array Name:


Pool Name:


Volume Name:


Profile Name:


Snapshot Name:


Reserve Volume Name:


Host Name:


TABLE 2-5 shows the sample data used in the following command sequence.

Command Sequence

1. Verify the existence and characteristics of the volume vol0-64k-r5.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5
Volume: vol0-64k-r5
Type:							Standard
WWN:							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B							:70:41:82:53:F6
Pool: 							den-pool-64k-r5
Profile: 							den-profile-64k-r5
Virtual Disk: 							1
Size: 							15.000 GB
Status: 							Online
Action: 							Ready
Condition: 							Optimal
Read Only: 							No
Controller: 							A
Preferred Controller: 							A
Modification Priority: 							Highest
Write Cache: 							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring: 							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries: 		Disabled
Flush Cache After: 							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing: 							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:	Disabled
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc5  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc6  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8

2. Create the snapshot volume named snapshot-vol0.

sscs create -a den-toi-6130 -V vol0-64k-r5 -L full -f failsnapshot -m reserve-vol0 -w 100 snapshot snapshot-vol0

3. Verify that the specified volume, vol0-64k-r5, now has a snapshot named snapshot-vol0 associated with it.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 volume vol0-64k-r5
Volume: vol0-64k-r5
Type:							Standard
WWN:							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B							:70:41:82:53:F6
Pool:							den-pool-64k-r5
Profile:							den-profile-64k-r5
Virtual Disk:							1
Size:							15.000 GB
Status:							Online
Action:							Ready
Condition:							Optimal
Read Only:							No
Controller:							A
Preferred Controller:							A
Modification Priority:							Highest
Write Cache:							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring:							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries:							Disabled
Flush Cache After:							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing:							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:		Disabled
Snapshot Volume: vol0-snap1  Creation Date: Sat Oct 25 07:40:00 36797  Reserve Volume: res-vol0
Snapshot Volume: snapshot-vol0  Creation Date: Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805  Reserve Volume: reserve-vol0
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc5  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9
Host: 450e  LUN: 1  Initiator: 450e-qlc6  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8

4. Verify the characteristics assigned to the snapshot volume, snapshot-vol0.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0
Volume: snapshot-vol0
        Type:                            Snapshot
        WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B:7A:41:86:0B:02
        Virtual Disk:                    1
        Size:                            14.999 GB
        Status:                          Active
        Action:                          Ready
        Condition:                       Optimal
        Controller:                      A
        Preferred Controller:            A
        Modification Priority:           High
        Write Cache:                     Enabled
        Write Cache with Mirroring:      Enabled
        Write Cache without Batteries:   Disabled
        Flush Cache After:               10 Sec
        Disk Scrubbing:                  Enabled
        Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:  Disabled
        Percent Full:                    0
        Failure Policy:                  failsnapshot
        Warning Threshold:               100
        Creation Date:                   Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805
        Base Volume:                     vol0-64k-r5
        Reserve Volume:                  reserve-vol0
        Reserve Status:                  Online
        Reserve Size:                    14.999 GB

5. Identify the hosts available on the array den-toi-6130.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 host
Host: 450e

6. Map a snapshot to the host 450e.

sscs map -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e snapshot snapshot-vol0 

7. Verify the characteristics assigned to the snapshot volume, snapshot-vol0.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0
Volume: snapshot-vol0
Type:							Snapshot
WWN:							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B:							7A:41:86:0B:02
Virtual Disk: 							1
Size: 							14.999 GB
Status:							Active
Action:							Ready
Condition:							Optimal
Controller:							A
Preferred Controller:							A
Modification Priority:							High
Write Cache:							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring:							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries:							Disabled
Flush Cache After:							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing:							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:		Disabled
Percent Full:							0
Failure Policy:							failsnapshot
Warning Threshold:							100
Creation Date:							Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805
Base Volume:							vol0-64k-r5
Reserve Volume:							reserve-vol0
Reserve Status:							Online
Reserve Size:							14.999 GB
Host: 450e  LUN: 2  Initiator: 450e-qlc5  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:02:E9
Host: 450e  LUN: 2  Initiator: 450e-qlc6  WWN: 21:00:00:E0:8B:06:FC:E8

8. Unmap the snapshot names snapshot-vol0.

sscs unmap -a den-toi-6130 -h 450e snapshot snapshot-vol0

9. Verify that snapshot-vol0 was successfully unmapped.

sscs list -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0
Volume: snapshot-vol0
Type:							Snapshot
WWN: 							60:0A:0B:80:00:13:B9:8B:00:00:0B							:7A:41:86:0B:02
Virtual Disk:							1
Size:							14.999 GB
Status:							Active
Action:							Ready
Condition:							Optimal
Controller:							A
Preferred Controller:							A
Modification Priority:							High
Write Cache:							Enabled
Write Cache with Mirroring:							Enabled
Write Cache without Batteries:							Disabled
Flush Cache After:							10 Sec
Disk Scrubbing:							Enabled
Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy:		Disabled
Percent Full:							0
Failure Policy:							failsnapshot
Warning Threshold:							100
Creation Date:							Mon Apr 25 11:40:00 36805
Base Volume:							vol0-64k-r5
Reserve Volume:							reserve-vol0
Reserve Status:							Online
Reserve Size:							14.999 GB

10. Delete the snapshot named snapshot-vol0.

sscs delete -a den-toi-6130 snapshot snapshot-vol0