The context root for a J2EE Web application is set in the application’s application.xml file. In some situations you may have more than one Web application deployed on the same server, which then requires areas of ATG functionality such as the Scenarios module to be aware of more than one context root. (Specifically, some scenario event and action elements contain references to pages or e-mail templates that may be stored in multiple context roots.) To manage context roots in multiple Web applications, the system maintains a registry called a WebAppRegistry.

The base class for this registry is atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry. Different implementations of this class supply the settings that the registry requires. Two key implementations are the StaticWebAppRegistry and the ServletContextWebAppRegistry, which are described below. For information on other implementations, refer to the ATG Platform API Reference.

Note that, as described in this section, the document picker in the ACC scenario editor uses the Web application name (the value of the <display-name> tag in the web.xml file) to resolve the context root for any documents that you add to scenarios. For this reason, you cannot add documents (for example, email templates) from unnamed Web applications. These applications are shown in gray in the scenario editor’s document picker, and they cannot be selected.