Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class DCUtil

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.JboBeanUtils
      extended by oracle.adf.model.binding.DCUtil
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DCUtil
extends JboBeanUtils

Contains some static utility methods used by the framework.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DATA_PREFIX
static java.lang.String DESIGNTIME_PROPERTY
static java.lang.String DOT
static char SEP_DOT_CHAR
static char SEP_SLASH_CHAR
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboBeanUtils
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.Object createNewInstance(java.lang.String className)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.String decodePath(java.lang.String encodedString, char sep)
          Replace the 'sep' characters in this name with dots so that the converted name is a spel expression which ADFc would call to execute a method or setInputValue via a control-binding
static java.lang.Object elEvaluate(java.lang.Object context, java.lang.Object onObject, java.lang.String expression)
          If an ADFExpressionEvaluatorFactory is registered in the environment, then use that to fetch a static ADFExpressionEvaluator and run the given expression through it and return the evaluated result.
static java.lang.String encodePath(java.lang.String dotSeperatedName, char sep)
          Replace the dot characters in this dot seperated name with the give seperator.
static DCBindingContainer findBindingContainer(BindingContext ctx, java.lang.String model)
static java.lang.Class findClass(java.lang.String className)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.Object findContextObject(BindingContext ctx, java.lang.String objFullName)
static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj, java.lang.String expression)
          Deprecated. since 10.1.3. use evaluate() or findSpelObject(Object rootObj, String expression, boolean hasElSyntax). Pass true if the expression is an el expression and false if it is simply a . separated string.
static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj, java.lang.String expression, boolean hasElSyntax)
          If the given expression is to be evaluated as el (has {''} or is a static value, pass true for hasElSyntax.
static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj, java.lang.StringBuffer tokenizer)
static java.lang.String fixDataControlExpression(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.String dcName)
static java.lang.String generateContainerName(DCBindingContainer formBnd)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.String generateControlName(DCControlBinding controlBnd)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.String generateIteratorName(DCIExecutable iterBnd)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static JUCtrlActionBinding getActionBinding(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path, char sep)
static DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static BindingContext getBindingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.String getCategoryValue(AttributeDef aDef, LocaleContext localCtx)
static java.lang.String getControlType(StructureDef vo, AttributeDef attrDef, LocaleContext locale)
          This method determines what control type to use for a given attribute.
static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs, AttributeHints[] rowBasedHints, LocaleContext locale, java.lang.String category, boolean summaryForm)
          Returns an attribute list filtered based on the RowBased Attribute Hints, category and the other filter flags passed into this API.
static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs, AttributeHints[] rowBasedHints, LocaleContext locale, java.lang.String category, boolean summaryForm, boolean enableDisplayFilter, boolean enableQueriableFilter, boolean doOrdering)
          Returns an attribute list filtered based on the RowBased Attribute Hints, category and the other filter flags passed into this API.
static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs, LocaleContext locale, java.lang.String category, boolean summaryForm)
          Returns an attribute list filtered based on the category and the other filter flags passed into this API.
static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs, LocaleContext locale, java.lang.String category, boolean summaryForm, boolean enableDisplayFilter, boolean enableQueriableFilter, boolean doOrdering)
          Returns an attribute list filtered based on the category and the other filter flags passed into this API.
static java.util.Iterator getIteratorForArray(java.lang.Object data, java.lang.Class clz)
          If clz object represents a primitive type array, then the name returned is the name determined by the following table.
static java.util.List getLocalizedExceptionsList(java.util.List excs, LocaleContext lCtx)
          Get an interMedia object for an InputStream
static JUCtrlValueBinding getValueBinding(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path, char sep)
static JUCtrlValueBinding getValueBinding(DCBindingContainer bindingContainer, java.lang.String path)
static java.lang.String getValueBindingNameFromPath(java.lang.String path)
static boolean inDesignTime()
static DCBindingContainer initializeBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, BindingContext ctx, java.lang.String model)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static java.lang.Object invokeActionBinding(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String modelRef, java.util.ArrayList methodParams)
          Invoke an actionBinding with a list of parameter values
static java.lang.Object invokeActionBindingFromPath(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path, java.util.ArrayList methodParams, char sep)
          Invoke an actionBinding with a list of parameter values
static boolean isActionBindingPath(java.lang.String path)
static boolean isAppInPollingDCEMode()
          Deprecated. since Polling mode information is moved into ADS.
static boolean isCollectionOrStructureType(java.lang.Class propClass)
static boolean isCollectionType(java.lang.Class propClass)
static boolean isEmptyString(java.lang.String s)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static boolean isScalarType(java.lang.Class type)
static boolean isValueBindingPath(java.lang.String path)
static void putValueInPath(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path, java.lang.Object value)
static refreshMetadata(boolean force)
          Refreshes ADFbc and ADFm to the latest, updated metadata.
static java.lang.Object removeValueFromPath(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path)
static void setBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, DCBindingContainer container)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
static boolean setBindingValueFromPath(BindingContext bctx, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String value, char sep)
          Set the value of a AttrsBinding
static boolean skipMetaDataLookup(java.lang.String sType)
          If string is null/empty or one of the known java types then skip metadata lookup.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.JboBeanUtils
getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyInMapOrBean, isElExpr, setProperty, setPropertyInMapOrBean
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DATA_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char SEP_DOT_CHAR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char SEP_SLASH_CHAR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DOT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DESIGNTIME_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DCUtil()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.Class findClass(java.lang.String className)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static java.lang.Object createNewInstance(java.lang.String className)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static java.lang.String fixDataControlExpression(java.lang.String expr,
                                                        java.lang.String dcName)


public static java.lang.String generateContainerName(DCBindingContainer formBnd)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static java.lang.String generateIteratorName(DCIExecutable iterBnd)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static java.lang.String generateControlName(DCControlBinding controlBnd)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static boolean isEmptyString(java.lang.String s)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static boolean inDesignTime()


public static java.lang.String encodePath(java.lang.String dotSeperatedName,
                                          char sep)
Replace the dot characters in this dot seperated name with the give seperator. This is a utility method for ADFc to call so that it can convert the dot-seperated spel expression to a single-name string to place on a jsp page and then use this string to execute a model-binding -action like calling invoke method or setInputValue on the binding.


public static java.lang.String decodePath(java.lang.String encodedString,
                                          char sep)
Replace the 'sep' characters in this name with dots so that the converted name is a spel expression which ADFc would call to execute a method or setInputValue via a control-binding


public static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj,
                                              java.lang.String expression,
                                              boolean hasElSyntax)
If the given expression is to be evaluated as el (has {''} or is a static value, pass true for hasElSyntax.


public static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj,
                                              java.lang.String expression)
Deprecated. since 10.1.3. use evaluate() or findSpelObject(Object rootObj, String expression, boolean hasElSyntax). Pass true if the expression is an el expression and false if it is simply a . separated string.


public static java.lang.Object findSpelObject(java.lang.Object rootObj,
                                              java.lang.StringBuffer tokenizer)


public static java.lang.Object findContextObject(BindingContext ctx,
                                                 java.lang.String objFullName)


public static boolean isValueBindingPath(java.lang.String path)


public static java.lang.String getValueBindingNameFromPath(java.lang.String path)


public static JUCtrlValueBinding getValueBinding(BindingContext bctx,
                                                 java.lang.String path,
                                                 char sep)


public static JUCtrlValueBinding getValueBinding(DCBindingContainer bindingContainer,
                                                 java.lang.String path)


public static boolean setBindingValueFromPath(BindingContext bctx,
                                              java.lang.String path,
                                              java.lang.String value,
                                              char sep)
Set the value of a AttrsBinding


public static boolean isActionBindingPath(java.lang.String path)


public static JUCtrlActionBinding getActionBinding(BindingContext bctx,
                                                   java.lang.String path,
                                                   char sep)


public static void putValueInPath(BindingContext bctx,
                                  java.lang.String path,
                                  java.lang.Object value)


public static java.lang.Object removeValueFromPath(BindingContext bctx,
                                                   java.lang.String path)


public static java.lang.Object invokeActionBindingFromPath(BindingContext bctx,
                                                           java.lang.String path,
                                                           java.util.ArrayList methodParams,
                                                           char sep)
Invoke an actionBinding with a list of parameter values


public static java.lang.Object invokeActionBinding(BindingContext bctx,
                                                   java.lang.String modelRef,
                                                   java.util.ArrayList methodParams)
Invoke an actionBinding with a list of parameter values


public static BindingContext getBindingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static DCBindingContainer initializeBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                            BindingContext ctx,
                                                            java.lang.String model)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static void setBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                       DCBindingContainer container)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
*** For internal framework use only ***


public static DCBindingContainer findBindingContainer(BindingContext ctx,
                                                      java.lang.String model)


public static java.util.List getLocalizedExceptionsList(java.util.List excs,
                                                        LocaleContext lCtx)
Get an interMedia object for an InputStream

inStream - the inputStream to read from
contentType - the mime-type of the stream
binding - the binding for which the interMedia object must be created


public static java.lang.Object elEvaluate(java.lang.Object context,
                                          java.lang.Object onObject,
                                          java.lang.String expression)
If an ADFExpressionEvaluatorFactory is registered in the environment, then use that to fetch a static ADFExpressionEvaluator and run the given expression through it and return the evaluated result.

10.1.2 and earlier applications which are not migrated by designtime should continue to work without starting with '${' and ending with '}' syntax. For 10.1.3 onwards, all expressions should follow the el-expression syntax starting with '${' and ending with '}'.

context - may refer to ADFContext. This may be used to setup a evaluator factory.
onObject - Object on which to run the expression on.
expression - String to Evaluate on the given object.


public static java.util.Iterator getIteratorForArray(java.lang.Object data,
                                                     java.lang.Class clz)
If clz object represents a primitive type array, then the name returned is the name determined by the following table. The encoding of element type names is as follows:
 B            byte
 C            char
 D            double
 F            float
 I            int
 J            long
 Lclassname;  class or interface
 S            short
 Z            boolean
 V     void


public static final java.lang.String getControlType(StructureDef vo,
                                                    AttributeDef attrDef,
                                                    LocaleContext locale)
This method determines what control type to use for a given attribute. It first checks the hints for specific directions from the developer. If no control type was specified, the attribute's type is used. If all else fails, the default type (textfield) is returned.

attrDef - the attribute to determine a control type for
the suggested control type to display the attribute


public static boolean skipMetaDataLookup(java.lang.String sType)
If string is null/empty or one of the known java types then skip metadata lookup.


public static boolean isCollectionOrStructureType(java.lang.Class propClass)


public static boolean isCollectionType(java.lang.Class propClass)


public static boolean isScalarType(java.lang.Class type)


public static boolean isAppInPollingDCEMode()
Deprecated. since Polling mode information is moved into ADS.

Return true if ADFConfig setting Active Data exists and if 'use-polling' entry is true. Else, look in "activeDataConfigUsePolling" key in request/session/application scope and if it exists and is a boolean true, then return true. Else return false. This value is evaluated everytime this method is called.


public static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs,
                                                                         LocaleContext locale,
                                                                         java.lang.String category,
                                                                         boolean summaryForm)
Returns an attribute list filtered based on the category and the other filter flags passed into this API. Inorder to obtain the list of attributes that do not belong to any category, the category value passed should be "default". This method never returns null.

attrDefs - - AttributeDefs
locale -
category -
summaryForm -
list of filtered AttributeDefs


public static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs,
                                                                         AttributeHints[] rowBasedHints,
                                                                         LocaleContext locale,
                                                                         java.lang.String category,
                                                                         boolean summaryForm)
Returns an attribute list filtered based on the RowBased Attribute Hints, category and the other filter flags passed into this API. Inorder to obtain the list of attributes that do not belong to any category, the category value passed should be "default". This method never returns null.

attrDefs - - AttributeDefs
rowBasedHints - - Order of AttributeHints should be same as AttributeDefs
locale -
category -
summaryForm -
list of filtered AttributeDefs


public static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs,
                                                                         LocaleContext locale,
                                                                         java.lang.String category,
                                                                         boolean summaryForm,
                                                                         boolean enableDisplayFilter,
                                                                         boolean enableQueriableFilter,
                                                                         boolean doOrdering)
Returns an attribute list filtered based on the category and the other filter flags passed into this API. Inorder to obtain the list of attributes that do not belong to any category, the category value passed should be "default". This method never returns null.

attrDefs - - AttributeDefs
locale -
category -
summaryForm -
enableDisplayFilter -
enableQueriableFilter -
doOrdering -
list of filtered AttributeDefs


public static java.util.ArrayList<AttributeDef> getFilteredAttributeDefs(AttributeDef[] attrDefs,
                                                                         AttributeHints[] rowBasedHints,
                                                                         LocaleContext locale,
                                                                         java.lang.String category,
                                                                         boolean summaryForm,
                                                                         boolean enableDisplayFilter,
                                                                         boolean enableQueriableFilter,
                                                                         boolean doOrdering)
Returns an attribute list filtered based on the RowBased Attribute Hints, category and the other filter flags passed into this API. Inorder to obtain the list of attributes that do not belong to any category, the category value passed should be "default". This method never returns null.

attrDefs - - AttributeDefs
rowBasedHints - - Order of AttributeHints should be same as AttributeDefs
locale -
category -
summaryForm -
enableDisplayFilter -
enableQueriableFilter -
doOrdering -
list of filtered AttributeDefs


public static java.lang.String getCategoryValue(AttributeDef aDef,
                                                LocaleContext localCtx)


public static refreshMetadata(boolean force)
Refreshes ADFbc and ADFm to the latest, updated metadata.

force - If true, ADFbc and ADFm definitions are always refreshed. If false, refresh occurs only if metadata changes are detected.
the snapshot of the current state. Returns null if force parameter is false and no metadata has been modified.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.