Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Share
11g Release 2 (


Interface TimerProvider

public interface TimerProvider

This interface gives the implementer control over which timers to be updated for a return value from a piece of code being monitored.

For example, if you want to measure how much time spent on making http request, and you want to separate the measurement based on the http return code, you can do following: Timer t= Timer.createTimer(Level.INFO, "oracle.adf.mycomp", "mySensor", "my sensor to be measured", new MyTimerProvider()); try { t.start(); int returnCode = makeHttpRequest(URL); t.stop(returnCode); } finally { t.cleanup(); }

Class MyTimerProvider implements TimerProvider interface, and the key methods to be implemented are createTimers and getTimers. In the above example, you could have following code: void createTimers(Level level, String groupName, String name, String type, String desc) { // timer for http response code >= 200 but < 300 Timer m2xx = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_2xx", type, desc + " for 200 series http response code"); // timer for http response code >= 300 but < 400 Timer m3xx = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_3xx", type, desc + " for 300 series http response code"); // timer for http response code >= 400 but < 500 Timer m4xx = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_4xx", type, desc + " for 400 series http response code"); // timer for http response code >= 500 but < 600 Timer m5xx = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_5xx", type, desc + " for 500 series http response code"); // timer for http response code >= 500 but < 600 Timer mOther = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_other", type, desc + " for other error http response code"); // timer for http successful response Timer mSucc = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_succ", type, desc + " for successful http response"); // timer for http failed response Timer mFail = Timer.createTimer(level, groupName, name + "_fail", type, desc + " for failed http response"); } Timer[] getTimers(int returnValue) { Timer[] timers = new Timer[2]; if ((returnValue >= 200) && (returnValue < 300)) { timers[0] = m2xx; timers[1] = mSucc; } else if ((returnValue >= 300) && (returnValue < 400)) { timers[0] = m3xx; timers[1] = mSucc; } else if ((returnValue >= 400) && (returnValue < 500)) { timers[0] = m4xx; timers[1] = mFail; } else if ((returnValue >= 500) && (returnValue < 600)) { timers[0] = m5xx; timers[1] = mFail; } else { timers[0] = mOther; timers[1] = mFail; } return timers; }

Method Summary
 void createTimers(java.util.logging.Level level, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String desc)
          Create children timers based on the parent timer level, groupName, name, type, and desc
 Timer[] getTimers(int returnValue)
          Get a list of children timers based on the returnValue int value.
 Timer[] getTimers(java.lang.Object returnValue)
          Get a list of children timers based on an Object type returnValue value.
 boolean isParentLoggable()
          To indicate if the parent timer to be loggable or not (which means it is just a place holder).

Method Detail


void createTimers(java.util.logging.Level level,
                  java.lang.String groupName,
                  java.lang.String name,
                  java.lang.String type,
                  java.lang.String desc)
Create children timers based on the parent timer level, groupName, name, type, and desc

By convention, the children timer level should be same as or lower than parent timer; the children timer groupName should be same as parent timer; the children timer name should be derived from parent timer; the children timer type should be same as parent timer; and the children timer description should be based on the parent timer, and then add its own information.

The children timers can be instanciated up front in this method, or instanciated later on demand (when the timer is used).

level - parent timer level
groupName - parent timer groupName
name - parent timer name
type - parent timer type
desc - parent timer desc


Timer[] getTimers(int returnValue)
Get a list of children timers based on the returnValue int value. These timers metrics will be updated by parent timer.

returnValue -
a list of children timers to be updated based on the returnValue


Timer[] getTimers(java.lang.Object returnValue)
Get a list of children timers based on an Object type returnValue value. These timers metrics will be updated by parent timer.

returnValue -
a list of children timers to be updated based on the returnValue


boolean isParentLoggable()
To indicate if the parent timer to be loggable or not (which means it is just a place holder).

true - the parent timer will be created using the group name, name, type, desc, level, and send to performance logging

false - the parent timer will be created as hidden timer, and its metrics won't be sent to performance logging. Internally we create a hidden phase event without type. The only purpose is to get timestamp from the dms phase event

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Share
11g Release 2 (


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