Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
      extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractChildDBObject
          extended by oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChildDBObject, DBObject, Copyable, DynamicPropertySet
Enclosing class:

public static class OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier
extends AbstractChildDBObject

The LOCATION clause lets you specify one or more external data sources. A LocationSpecifier object represents one entry in a LOCATION clause.

Usually the LocationSpecifier is a file, but it need not be. Oracle Database does not interpret this clause. It is up to the access driver to interpret this information in the context of the external data. You cannot use wildcards in the LocationSpecifier to specify multiple files.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
AbstractDBObject.ChildSupport, AbstractDBObject.ListenerSupport
Field Summary
static java.lang.String TYPE
Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty LocationSpecifier.
OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier(DBObjectID directory, java.lang.String specifier)
          Creates a LocationSpecifier with the given location and Directory.
OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier(java.lang.String specifier)
          Creates a LocationSpecifier with the given location, to use the default Directory.
Method Summary
 DBObjectID getDirectory()
          Gets the id for the Directory this location is using.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Retrieves the name of this object.
 java.lang.String getSpecifier()
          Gets the location in the Directory being specified.
 java.lang.String getType()
          Returns the type of this object.
 void setDirectory(DBObjectID directory)
          Sets the id for the Directory this location is using.
 void setSpecifier(java.lang.String specifier)
          Sets the location in the Directory being specified.
Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractChildDBObject
copyToImpl, findParent, getParent, getProperty, setParent, setProperty
Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
changeParent, compareToImpl, copyObject, copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, equals, equalsImpl, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, getChildSupport, getID, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjectsImpl, getProperties, getProperty, getReferenceIDs, getReferenceIDsImpl, hashCode, includeOwnedObject, includesType, includesType, removeThisAsParent, replaceReferenceIDs, setID, setName, setProperties, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, getID, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjects, getReferenceIDs, replaceReferenceIDs, setID, setName
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySet
getProperties, getProperty, setProperties

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier()
Creates an empty LocationSpecifier.


public OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier(java.lang.String specifier)
Creates a LocationSpecifier with the given location, to use the default Directory.


public OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier(DBObjectID directory,
                                                       java.lang.String specifier)
Creates a LocationSpecifier with the given location and Directory.

directory - the id of the Directory to use.
specifier - the location in that Directory being specified.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getType()
Description copied from interface: DBObject
Returns the type of this object. Valid types include things like tables, views, synonyms, and columns.

a string describing the type of object.


public void setDirectory(DBObjectID directory)
Sets the id for the Directory this location is using. If null the Directory of the owning OracleExternalTableProperties is used.


public DBObjectID getDirectory()
Gets the id for the Directory this location is using. If null the Directory of the owning OracleExternalTableProperties should be used.


public void setSpecifier(java.lang.String specifier)
Sets the location in the Directory being specified.


public java.lang.String getSpecifier()
Gets the location in the Directory being specified.


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: DBObject
Retrieves the name of this object.

Specified by:
getName in interface DBObject
getName in class AbstractDBObject
a string containing the name of this object.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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