Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class DefaultCodeFoldingModel

  extended by oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultCodeFoldingModel
extends java.lang.Object
implements CodeFoldingModel

A simple data model that describes the collapsible source code blocks in the code editor. The collapsible code blocks are arranged in a tree hierarchy. Code blocks are expected to be discrete; a parent should fully contain each of its children, and siblings should not overlap.


Field Summary
protected  BasicDocument document
protected  javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList
protected  ReadWriteLock lock
protected static int MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH
protected static java.lang.Object[] NO_BLOCKS
protected  DefaultFoldingBlock root
Constructor Summary
DefaultCodeFoldingModel(BasicDocument document)
Method Summary
 void addCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener listener)
          Adds a listener for changes to the data model.
protected  void fireStructureChanged(FoldingBlock block)
 java.lang.String getAbbreviatedText(java.lang.Object block)
          Returns the abbreviated text to be used in place of the specified folding block when the block is collapsed.
 java.util.Iterator getChildren(java.lang.Object parent)
          Returns an Iterator over the children of the specified folding block.
 CodeFoldingModelListener[] getCodeFoldingModelListeners()
 java.lang.Object[] getCollapsedBlocks()
          Returns the set of all collapsed blocks in the model; any collapsed block that also has a collapsed ancestor must be excluded from the return array.
protected  void getCollapsedDescendants(FoldingBlock block, java.util.Collection collapsed)
 BasicDocument getDocument()
protected  FoldingBlock getEnclosingDescendant(FoldingBlock block, int offset)
 java.lang.Object getFirstBlockAtLine(int line)
          Returns the first collapsible source code block at the specified line.
protected  FoldingBlock getFirstDescendantAtLine(FoldingBlock block, int line)
protected  int getLineCount()
protected  int getLineEndOffset(int line)
protected  int getLineFromOffset(int offset)
protected  int getLineStartOffset(int line)
 java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object child)
          Returns the parent block for the specified folding block.
 java.lang.Object getRoot()
          Returns the root block in the data model.
 java.lang.Object getSmallestEnclosingBlock(int offset)
          Returns the smallest collapsible source code block that contains the specified character offset.
 int[] getTextOffsets(java.lang.Object block, int[] offsets)
          Stores the start and end character offsets of the specified block into the specified two-element integer array, and returns that array; if the specified array is null, a new array is allocated.
 java.lang.String getToolTipText(java.lang.Object block)
          Returns the tooltip text to display when the mouse is hovering over the specified source code block and the block is collapsed.
 void insertUpdate(int offset, int length)
protected  void insertUpdateChildren(DefaultFoldingBlock block, int offset, int length)
 boolean isExpanded(java.lang.Object block)
          Returns whether the specified folding block is expanded.
 void readLock()
          Acquires a read lock on the model.
 void readUnlock()
          Releases the previously acquired read lock on the model.
 void reload()
 void removeCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener listener)
          Removes a listener from the data model.
 void removeUpdate(int offset, int length)
protected  void removeUpdateChildren(DefaultFoldingBlock block, int offset, int length)
 void setExpanded(java.lang.Object block, boolean isExpanded)
          Sets whether the specified folding block should be expanded.
 void setRoot(java.lang.Object root)
protected  void writeLock()
protected  void writeUnlock()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.Object[] NO_BLOCKS


protected DefaultFoldingBlock root


protected BasicDocument document


protected javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList


protected ReadWriteLock lock
Constructor Detail


public DefaultCodeFoldingModel(BasicDocument document)
Method Detail


public BasicDocument getDocument()


public void reload()


public void setRoot(java.lang.Object root)


public CodeFoldingModelListener[] getCodeFoldingModelListeners()


public void insertUpdate(int offset,
                         int length)


public void removeUpdate(int offset,
                         int length)


protected void insertUpdateChildren(DefaultFoldingBlock block,
                                    int offset,
                                    int length)


protected void removeUpdateChildren(DefaultFoldingBlock block,
                                    int offset,
                                    int length)


public void readLock()
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Acquires a read lock on the model. If the lock is not available, then the current thread blocks until the lock is acquired. A lock must be acquired before querying the model.

Specified by:
readLock in interface CodeFoldingModel


public void readUnlock()
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Releases the previously acquired read lock on the model. The lock should always be released after the client has completed querying the model.

Specified by:
readUnlock in interface CodeFoldingModel


public java.lang.Object getRoot()
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the root block in the data model. This is typically an uncollapsible dummy node representing the contents of the entire source document.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getRoot in interface CodeFoldingModel
the root block, or null if there is no root block in the model


public java.lang.Object getSmallestEnclosingBlock(int offset)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the smallest collapsible source code block that contains the specified character offset.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getSmallestEnclosingBlock in interface CodeFoldingModel
offset - the target character offset
the smallest block containing the specified offset, or null if the model is empty or the offset is invalid


public java.lang.Object getFirstBlockAtLine(int line)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the first collapsible source code block at the specified line.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getFirstBlockAtLine in interface CodeFoldingModel
line - the target line
the first block at the specified line, or null if the model is empty or the offset is invalid


public java.lang.Object[] getCollapsedBlocks()
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the set of all collapsed blocks in the model; any collapsed block that also has a collapsed ancestor must be excluded from the return array. If there are no collapsed blocks, an empty array should be returned.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getCollapsedBlocks in interface CodeFoldingModel
the array of collapsed blocks; the return value must not be null


public java.lang.String getToolTipText(java.lang.Object block)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the tooltip text to display when the mouse is hovering over the specified source code block and the block is collapsed. The text should correspond to text from the source document.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getToolTipText in interface CodeFoldingModel
block - the target source code block
the tooltip text to display


public java.util.Iterator getChildren(java.lang.Object parent)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns an Iterator over the children of the specified folding block. The return value may not be null; if the block contains no children, an empty Iterator should be returned.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface CodeFoldingModel
parent - the parent folding block from this data source
an iterator over the children of the block; the return value must not be null.


public java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object child)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the parent block for the specified folding block.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getParent in interface CodeFoldingModel
child - the child folding block from this data source
the parent block, or null if the specified block is the root


public int[] getTextOffsets(java.lang.Object block,
                            int[] offsets)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Stores the start and end character offsets of the specified block into the specified two-element integer array, and returns that array; if the specified array is null, a new array is allocated.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getTextOffsets in interface CodeFoldingModel
block - a folding block from this data source
offsets - a two-element integer array; if null, a new array is allocated
a two-element integer array, where the first integer is the start offset of the block and the second integer is is the end offset.


public java.lang.String getAbbreviatedText(java.lang.Object block)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns the abbreviated text to be used in place of the specified folding block when the block is collapsed. The length of the replacement text should be less than the length of uncollapsed text.

The client must acquire a lock on the model before calling this method.

Specified by:
getAbbreviatedText in interface CodeFoldingModel
block - a folding block from this data source
the abbreviated text used in place of the collapsed folding block


public boolean isExpanded(java.lang.Object block)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Returns whether the specified folding block is expanded.

This method may be called without acquiring a lock on the model.

Specified by:
isExpanded in interface CodeFoldingModel
block - a folding block from this data source
true if the folding block is expanded


public void setExpanded(java.lang.Object block,
                        boolean isExpanded)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Sets whether the specified folding block should be expanded.

This method may be called without acquiring a lock on the model.

Specified by:
setExpanded in interface CodeFoldingModel
block - a folding block from this data source
isExpanded - true if the folding block should be expanded


public void addCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener listener)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Adds a listener for changes to the data model.

This method may be called without acquiring a lock on the model.

Specified by:
addCodeFoldingModelListener in interface CodeFoldingModel
listener - the listener to add


public void removeCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener listener)
Description copied from interface: CodeFoldingModel
Removes a listener from the data model.

This method may be called without acquiring a lock on the model.

Specified by:
removeCodeFoldingModelListener in interface CodeFoldingModel
listener - the listener to remove


protected void writeLock()


protected void writeUnlock()


protected int getLineFromOffset(int offset)


protected int getLineCount()


protected int getLineStartOffset(int line)


protected int getLineEndOffset(int line)


protected FoldingBlock getFirstDescendantAtLine(FoldingBlock block,
                                                int line)


protected FoldingBlock getEnclosingDescendant(FoldingBlock block,
                                              int offset)


protected void getCollapsedDescendants(FoldingBlock block,
                                       java.util.Collection collapsed)


protected void fireStructureChanged(FoldingBlock block)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.