Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class JRunProcess

  extended by oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
All Implemented Interfaces:
Helpable, Displayable, Element
Direct Known Subclasses:
RemoteProcess, RunningProcess

public abstract class JRunProcess
extends RunProcess

An abstract class that represents a Java process.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMPILE_FROM_JRUNPROCESS
          Context marker to let build listeners know that this compilation is being launched as part of a Run.
protected  boolean compileSavedAll
          Whether the compiler has already done a save all as controlled by Ide environment option
protected  boolean considerDefaultRunTarget
          Whether to consider the default run target when determining the target Node.
static java.lang.String DATABASE_RUN_HELPER
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
static java.lang.String JAVA_BOOT_CLASS_PATH
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
static java.lang.String JAVA_CLASS_PATH
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
static java.lang.String JAVA_FIRST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
static java.lang.String JAVA_LAST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
protected  boolean lockCompiler
          Whether to lock the compiler while the process is running.
          Constant for use as cookie argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
static java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_DATABASE
          Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
static java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_JAVA
          Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
static java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_JS_MOZILLA_FIREFOX
          Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
static java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_XQUERY
          Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
static java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_XSLT
          Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
protected  RunConfiguration runConfiguration
          The RunConfiguration part of the project.
protected  long timeAfterCompile
          The time after compile finished.
static java.lang.String XSLT_FIRST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
static java.lang.String XSLT_LAST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
          Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call.
Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
addToProcessesFolder, addToTerminateMenu, allowInput, container, context, determineTargetAndStarterAlready, errors, hideTerminateAction, iconOverride, isPreparingLabel, labelOverride, labelPrefixOverride, logCommandString, logError, logExit, logOutput, logPageOverride, logStartDirectory, RUN_PROCESS_DO_NOT_CONSIDER_DEFAULT, RUN_PROCESS_USE_NODE_FROM_CONTEXT, runProcessListener, showStartStatus, starter, target, timeCreated, useContainerLogPage, useLogPage, useLogPageQuietly, userCanceled
Constructor Summary
          Calls JRunProcess(Context) with a null Context.
JRunProcess(Context context)
          This constructor initializes fields, including runConfiguration.
Method Summary
protected  ToolButton addProcessActionButtonToToolbar(IdeAction action, java.lang.String group)
          Add a process related action as a button on the toolbar.
protected  boolean addProcessActionButtonToToolbar(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton, java.lang.String group)
          Add a process related action button on the toolbar.
protected  boolean checkStarter(Starter starter, java.util.List errors)
          Returns whether the given starter can really be used to start a process.
protected  void clearProcessActionButtonsFromToolbar()
          Remove any process related action buttons from the toolbar
protected  boolean compile()
          Compiles the project (if appropriate).
protected  void determineTargetAndStarter(java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
          Determines what should be the target and starter for this process.
 JDK getJdkDefinition()
          Returns the JDK for the project.
 Project getJProject()
          Returns the current Project associated with the JRunProcess.
protected  Toolbar getLogPageToolbar()
          Get the toolbar
protected  java.lang.String getProcessActionButtonGroup(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton)
          Get the group with which this action button is associated
 RunConfiguration getRunConfiguration()
          Returns the current RunConfiguration associated with the JRunProcess. getStartDirectory()
          Returns the directory that should be used as the working directory for the process.
 long getTimeAfterCompile()
          Returns the time after compile finished.
 boolean isPlainRun()
          Returns true if this is a plain run.
 boolean isSameType(JRunProcess other)
          Returns true if this is the same type of run as the other JRunProcess.
protected  LogPage makeLogPage(boolean create)
          Creates the RunLogPage for this process.
protected  void setProcessActionButtonGroup(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton, java.lang.String group)
          Set the group with which this action button is associated
protected  void showLogPageToolbar(boolean visible)
          Adjust the visibility of the toolbar
protected  void showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(java.lang.String group, boolean visible)
          Adjust the visibility of toolbar action buttons in a certain group
 void start()
          Creates a new thread to compile the project.
protected  boolean startTarget()
          Clears the log page associated with this run process (if appropriate).
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
canContainRunProcesses, canGarbageCollect, canGetStarterForTarget, canGetStarterForTarget, canRun, canStart, canStopInChrome, canStopOnDebuggerStatement, canStopOnError, canStopOnException, canTerminate, canTransferErrors, copyTo, determineTargetAndStarter, doGarbageCollection, doubleClicked, doUI, doUILater, duplicateErrorStream, duplicateOutputStream, finished, fireFinished, fireStarted, fixCommandStringForLog, getAttributes, getChildren, getContainer, getContext, getContextNodeForRun, getData, getHelpInfo, getIcon, getLogPage, getLogPage, getLongLabel, getProcessLabelPrefix, getProcessLayout, getProject, getProject, getRunnableItems, getRunnableItemsForTarget, getRunnableItemsForTarget, getShortLabel, getShortLabelWithPrefix, getStartCommand, getStartEnvironmentParams, getStarter, getStarter, getStarterFactorySubClass, getStarterForTarget, getStarterForTarget, getStopInChrome, getStopOnDebuggerStatement, getStopOnError, getStopOnException, getSystemErrAttributeSet, getSystemOutAttributeSet, getTarget, getTarget, getTerminateCommand, getTimeCreated, getToolTipText, getTransferErrors, getUseContainerLogPage, getUseLogPage, getUseLogPageQuietly, getValue, getWorkspace, hasFinished, inheritLogPage, isStartOnly, log, logCommandString, logStartDirectory, logStartErrors, mayHaveChildren, mustPrepareToStart, prepareToStart, redirectInput, redirectOutput, reuseLogPage, selected, setContainer, setHideTerminateAction, setIconOverride, setLabelOverride, setLabelPrefixOverride, setLogError, setLogExit, setLogOutput, setLogPageOverride, setStopInChrome, setStopOnDebuggerStatement, setStopOnError, setStopOnException, setTransferErrors, setUseContainerLogPage, setUseLogPage, setUseLogPageQuietly, showStartStatus, start, started, suppressDirectoryDefault, terminate, toString, unselected, waitForRedirectOutput
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean considerDefaultRunTarget
Whether to consider the default run target when determining the target Node. Usually this is true.


protected RunConfiguration runConfiguration
The RunConfiguration part of the project.


protected long timeAfterCompile
The time after compile finished.


protected boolean lockCompiler
Whether to lock the compiler while the process is running.


protected boolean compileSavedAll
Whether the compiler has already done a save all as controlled by Ide environment option


public static java.lang.String COMPILE_FROM_JRUNPROCESS
Context marker to let build listeners know that this compilation is being launched as part of a Run.


public static final java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_JAVA
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods. Cookie argument may be RUN_COOKIE_JAVA_EMBEDDED_SERVER.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_DATABASE
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods. Cookie argument is database.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_XSLT
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_XQUERY
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RUN_TYPE_JS_MOZILLA_FIREFOX
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RUN_COOKIE_JAVA_EMBEDDED_SERVER
Constant for use as cookie argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JAVA_FIRST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String[]

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JAVA_LAST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String[]

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JAVA_CLASS_PATH
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String JAVA_BOOT_CLASS_PATH
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DATABASE_RUN_HELPER
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is DatabaseRunHelper

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XSLT_FIRST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String[]

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XSLT_LAST_COMMAND_OPTIONS
Constant for use as key argument of getValue() call. Returned value is String[]

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JRunProcess()
Calls JRunProcess(Context) with a null Context.


public JRunProcess(Context context)
This constructor initializes fields, including runConfiguration.

context - the context for starting the process
Method Detail


public Project getJProject()
Returns the current Project associated with the JRunProcess.


public RunConfiguration getRunConfiguration()
Returns the current RunConfiguration associated with the JRunProcess.


public long getTimeAfterCompile()
Returns the time after compile finished.


protected void determineTargetAndStarter(java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
Determines what should be the target and starter for this process. First, if appropriate, the super class checks to see if the context node is runnable.
If that fails, we look at the project's default run target.

determineTargetAndStarter in class RunProcess
starterFactorySubClass - the chosen StarterFactory must extend this class


protected boolean checkStarter(Starter starter,
                               java.util.List errors)
Returns whether the given starter can really be used to start a process. Checks that the starter is an instance of JStarter.

checkStarter in class RunProcess


public getStartDirectory()
Returns the directory that should be used as the working directory for the process. May return null if RunConfiguration doesn't supply a value.

getStartDirectory in class RunProcess
the working directory


public final void start()
Creates a new thread to compile the project. When the compile is finished, SwingUtilities.invokeLater(java.lang.Runnable) is used to call the super.start method.

start in class RunProcess


protected boolean compile()
Compiles the project (if appropriate).

This method is called on a non-event thread.

true if there are no compiler errors


protected LogPage makeLogPage(boolean create)
Description copied from class: RunProcess
Creates the RunLogPage for this process.

makeLogPage in class RunProcess
the log page


protected boolean startTarget()
Clears the log page associated with this run process (if appropriate).

Calls the super.startTarget method.

startTarget in class RunProcess
true if the process was started


public JDK getJdkDefinition()
Returns the JDK for the project.


public boolean isPlainRun()
Returns true if this is a plain run. A run is considered a plain run if the FirstJavaCommandOptions and the LastJavaCommandOptions are both null or empty array.


public boolean isSameType(JRunProcess other)
Returns true if this is the same type of run as the other JRunProcess.


protected void showLogPageToolbar(boolean visible)
Adjust the visibility of the toolbar

visible - If true, toolbar will be made visible


protected Toolbar getLogPageToolbar()
Get the toolbar

The toolbar, which might be null


protected ToolButton addProcessActionButtonToToolbar(IdeAction action,
                                                     java.lang.String group)
Add a process related action as a button on the toolbar. These buttons are only visible as long as the process is running

action - The action for the button
group - If not null, the button is added to the named group, and a group of buttons can be shown/hidden with a call to showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(group)
The added button or null if the toolbar didn't exist


protected boolean addProcessActionButtonToToolbar(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton,
                                                  java.lang.String group)
Add a process related action button on the toolbar. These buttons are only visible as long as the process is running

actionButton - The button to add
group - If not null, the button is added to the named group, and a group of buttons can be shown/hidden with a call to showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(group)
True if the button was added


protected void setProcessActionButtonGroup(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton,
                                           java.lang.String group)
Set the group with which this action button is associated

actionButton - The action button
group - If not null, the button is added to the named group, and a group of buttons can be shown/hidden with a call to showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(group). If null, the button is removed from any group


protected java.lang.String getProcessActionButtonGroup(javax.swing.JComponent actionButton)
Get the group with which this action button is associated

actionButton - The action button
The group, or null if the button was not part of a group


protected void showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(java.lang.String group,
                                                 boolean visible)
Adjust the visibility of toolbar action buttons in a certain group

group - The group whose buttons should be shown/hidden, which cannot be null.
visible - If true show the buttons, otherwise hide it


protected void clearProcessActionButtonsFromToolbar()
Remove any process related action buttons from the toolbar

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.