Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (

Class Page

  extended by

public final class Page
extends java.lang.Object

The Page is the virtual representation of both the view and model activities related to a JSP document.

Field Summary
static WidgetFactory.WidgetFilter _WIDGET_FILTER
static java.lang.String ADF_FACES_DEFAULT_PREFIX
static java.lang.String ADF_FACES_NS
static java.lang.String REGION_TAGNAME
Constructor Summary
protected Page(PageOptions options)
Method Summary
 oracle.adfdt.model.objects.Executable createExecutable(oracle.adfdt.model.binding.BindingInfo executableInfo)
          Creates a new executable and inserts it into the page definition.
 FragmentAndBinding<oracle.adf.controller.internal.dtrt.binding.DTTaskFlowBinding> createRegionAndBinding(java.lang.String taskFlowPath, java.lang.String taskFlowId)
          Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents as well as the DTTaskFlowBinding that is used by the region.
 FragmentAndBinding<oracle.adf.controller.internal.dtrt.binding.DTTaskFlowBinding> createRegionAndBinding(java.lang.String taskFlowPath, java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> taskFlowBindingParameters)
          Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents as well as the DTTaskFlowBinding that is used by the region.
 org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String regionType)
 org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String taskFlowPath, java.lang.String taskFlowId)
          Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents.
 org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String taskFlowPath, java.lang.String taskFlowId, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> taskFlowBindingParameters)
          Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents.
 oracle.adfdt.model.objects.ControlBinding findControlBinding(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
          Finds the binding (executable or control) that the component is currently bound to.
 oracle.adfdt.model.objects.ControlBinding findOrCreateControlBinding(oracle.adfdt.model.objects.DataControl dataControl, oracle.binding.meta.NamedDefinition definition, oracle.adfdt.model.binding.BindingInfo controlInfo)
          Creates a new binding and inserts it into the page definition.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Widget> getAvailableWidgets(oracle.adfdt.model.objects.DataControl dataControl, oracle.binding.meta.NamedDefinition definition)
          Returns a map of to Widgets that can be used to create databound components.
 DtAtRtContext getContext()
          Returns the DT@RT design time context.
 oracle.adfdt.model.objects.Application getDesignTimeApplication()
          Returns the current Application CPX represenation.
 oracle.adfdt.model.objects.PageDefinition getDesignTimePageDefinition()
          Returns the Page Definition for the current view.
static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext, java.lang.String jspPath)
          Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).
static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext, java.lang.String jspPath, boolean usePersonalization)
          Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).
static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext, java.lang.String applicationFullName, java.lang.String pagePath)
          Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).
static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext, java.lang.String applicationFullName, java.lang.String pagePath, boolean usePersonalization)
          Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).
static Page getInstance(PageOptions options)
          Returns an new instance of the Page class given the options.
 org.w3c.dom.Document getViewDocument()
          Returns the read-only representation of the view DOM document.
 void setPageDefinitionUsageResolver(PageDefinitionUsageResolver resolver)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final WidgetFactory.WidgetFilter _WIDGET_FILTER


public static final java.lang.String ADF_FACES_NS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String REGION_TAGNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ADF_FACES_DEFAULT_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Page(PageOptions options)
Method Detail


public static Page getInstance(PageOptions options)
Returns an new instance of the Page class given the options. See PageOptions for details on what required and optional parameters may be passed in.

options - The configuration options
new Page object


public final org.w3c.dom.Document getViewDocument()
Returns the read-only representation of the view DOM document.

DOM document representing the view.


public final DtAtRtContext getContext()
Returns the DT@RT design time context.

Gauranteed design time context designed for DT@RT.


public oracle.adfdt.model.objects.PageDefinition getDesignTimePageDefinition()
Returns the Page Definition for the current view.

The view's Page Definition representation.


public oracle.adfdt.model.objects.Application getDesignTimeApplication()
Returns the current Application CPX represenation.

The webapp Application representation.


public oracle.adfdt.model.objects.ControlBinding findControlBinding(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
Finds the binding (executable or control) that the component is currently bound to. If the component is not bound to a binding, then null is returned. This method uses a heuristic algorithm to associate a component with a binding.

component - The referring component.
Control binding for the component, or null if none.


public oracle.adfdt.model.objects.Executable createExecutable(oracle.adfdt.model.binding.BindingInfo executableInfo)
Creates a new executable and inserts it into the page definition.

executableInfo - Containing namespace of DT binding factory, and name of executable to create.
New executable matching the information passed in.


public oracle.adfdt.model.objects.ControlBinding findOrCreateControlBinding(oracle.adfdt.model.objects.DataControl dataControl,
                                                                            oracle.binding.meta.NamedDefinition definition,
                                                                            oracle.adfdt.model.binding.BindingInfo controlInfo)
Creates a new binding and inserts it into the page definition. If an identical binding already exists in the page definition, this will just return that binding.

dataControl - Data control containing passed in definition.
definition - Definition of the data structure to create the binding.
controlInfo - Containing namespace and name of the binding to create.
New control binding, or an existing one matching the information passed in.


public final org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String taskFlowPath,
                                                               java.lang.String taskFlowId)

Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents. The region is guaranteed to contain a component ID that is unique to the page.

This will bind the region to the a taskflow binding that will be created given the passed in taskflow path and id (which must uniquely identify a taskflow.

The invocation of this method assumes no view or model parameters.

taskFlowPath - Runtime path to the taskflow.
taskFlowId - Id for the particular taskflow to use.
Fully consumable DocumentFragment representing the view region instance.


public final org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String taskFlowPath,
                                                               java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> taskFlowBindingParameters)

Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents. The region is guaranteed to contain a component ID that is unique to the page.

This will bind the region to the a taskflow binding that will be created given the passed in taskflow path and id (which must uniquely identify a taskflow.

Parameters can be passed using the String:String Map.

taskFlowPath - Runtime path to the taskflow.
taskFlowId - Id for the particular taskflow to use.
taskFlowBindingParameters - Parameters to be set on the taskflow binding.
Fully consumable DocumentFragment representing the view region instance.


public final FragmentAndBinding<oracle.adf.controller.internal.dtrt.binding.DTTaskFlowBinding> createRegionAndBinding(java.lang.String taskFlowPath,
                                                                                                                      java.lang.String taskFlowId)

Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents as well as the DTTaskFlowBinding that is used by the region. The region is guaranteed to contain a component ID that is unique to the page.

This will bind the region to the a taskflow binding that will be created given the passed in taskflow path and id (which must uniquely identify a taskflow.

Parameters can be passed using the String:String Map.

taskFlowPath - Runtime path to the taskflow.
taskFlowId - Id for the particular taskflow to use.
taskFlowBindingParameters - Parameters to be set on the taskflow binding.
Fully consumable DocumentFragment representing the view region instance.


public final FragmentAndBinding<oracle.adf.controller.internal.dtrt.binding.DTTaskFlowBinding> createRegionAndBinding(java.lang.String taskFlowPath,
                                                                                                                      java.lang.String taskFlowId,
                                                                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> taskFlowBindingParameters)

Returns the element representation of the region instance tag for use with JSF JSP documents as well as the DTTaskFlowBinding that is used by the region. The region is guaranteed to contain a component ID that is unique to the page.

This will bind the region to the a taskflow binding that will be created given the passed in taskflow path and id (which must uniquely identify a taskflow.

Parameters can be passed using the String:String Map.

taskFlowPath - Runtime path to the taskflow.
taskFlowId - Id for the particular taskflow to use.
taskFlowBindingParameters - Parameters to be set on the taskflow binding.
Fully consumable DocumentFragment representing the view region instance.


public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Widget> getAvailableWidgets(oracle.adfdt.model.objects.DataControl dataControl,
                                                                        oracle.binding.meta.NamedDefinition definition)

Returns a map of to Widgets that can be used to create databound components. A creatable widget is a composition of bound components. Some examples are:

The widgets will be tailored to the particular type of JSR 227 definition that is passed in. For instance, form widgets will only be selectable for structured, and iterator definitions.

See Widget on more discussion on how these widgets can be created.


public final org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment createRegionInstance(java.lang.String regionType)

Used to not break any ADFp projects that don't compile with the build.


public static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext,
                                          java.lang.String jspPath)
Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).

Creates a new instance of the Page representing the current view document.

bindingContext - The runtime binding context.
jspPath - The context path to the JSP file.
The Page representing the view document.


public static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext,
                                          java.lang.String jspPath,
                                          boolean usePersonalization)
Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).

Creates a new instance of the Page representing the current view document.

bindingContext - The runtime binding context.
jspPath - The context path to the JSP file.
usePersonalization - controls option to turn on personalization
The Page representing the view document.


public static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext,
                                          java.lang.String applicationFullName,
                                          java.lang.String pagePath)
Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).

Creates a new instance of the Page representing the current view document.

bindingContext - the runtime binding context
applicationFullName - the full name of the application(.cpx) file.
jspPath - The context path to the JSP file
The Page representing the view document.


public static Page getInstance(oracle.adf.model.BindingContext bindingContext,
                                          java.lang.String applicationFullName,
                                          java.lang.String pagePath,
                                          boolean usePersonalization)
Deprecated. It is advisable to now create a PageOptions object and pass in the parameters via that class to getInstance(...).

Creates a new instance of the Page representing the current view document.

bindingContext - the runtime binding context
applicationFullName - the full name of the application(.cpx) file.
pagePath - The context path to the JSP file
usePersonalization - Should be true if personalization is to be used.
The Page representing the view document.


public void setPageDefinitionUsageResolver(PageDefinitionUsageResolver resolver)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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