Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface Binder2<O extends PatternOptions>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AreaGraphPattern, BarGraphPattern, BaseBinder2, BasePattern, GoLinkPattern, LineGraphPattern, PieGraphPattern, TablePattern

public interface Binder2<O extends PatternOptions>

A programmatic way of configuring binding for databinding patterns. Binders run on two occurrences: 1. Creating a pattern - they are run immediately after a Creator has run. This is typically a declarative pattern. 2. On rebind. Here they are the only class that modifies the DOM. A pattern without a binder cannot currently participate in rebinding. A Binder is eligable for rebind if two conditions are met: 1. If the localName and namespace of the pattern matches the element to be rebound. 2. If canRebind(.) returns true for that given subtree and element. In most cases, check #1 is sufficient, and most Binders return true without any additional check for canRebind(.). Binders support annotations as defined in: oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.creator.BinderAnnotations are applicable for the Binder2 interface. Clients may be interested in subclassing BaseBinder2 or BasePattern instead of directly implementing this interface.

Method Summary
 BinderResult bind(BinderParams<O> params)
          Binds the given subtree and returns a result demonstrating whether the bind was successful or not.
 boolean canRebind(org.w3c.dom.Node parent, org.w3c.dom.Node toBind)
          True if this binder knows how to bind the node.
 O generateOptions(BinderParams<O> params)
          If supported by the Binder, can generate a set of options based on the already bound node.

Method Detail


BinderResult bind(BinderParams<O> params)
Binds the given subtree and returns a result demonstrating whether the bind was successful or not.

params - See BinderParams for a complete list
Typically just one of the convenience classes in BinderResult


boolean canRebind(org.w3c.dom.Node parent,
                  org.w3c.dom.Node toBind)
True if this binder knows how to bind the node.

parent - The parent of the nodes to be bound
toBind - The nodes to bind. Typically either a DocumentFragment or Element


O generateOptions(BinderParams<O> params)
If supported by the Binder, can generate a set of options based on the already bound node. Only useful during rebind operations.

params - See BinderParams for a complete list
An instance of PatternOptions with the current options set, or null if not supported

Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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