2 Prerequisites

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Minimum Technical Requirements

Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Minimum Technical Requirements. In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle products. Refer to the following link for cross-reference material in the Program Documentation for Program prerequisites and version cross-reference documents to assure compatibility of various Oracle products.


For EnterpriseOne as a whole, you can access the current Minimum Technical Requirements (MTR) from My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com) by searching for this document:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Current MTR Index [ID 747323.1]

For the client MTRs, you can access the attachment (erp91_Client) within this document:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 9.1.x Minimum Technical Requirements For Web Client, Windows Admin Client, Development or Standalone Client and Pervasive Devices (Doc ID 1382699.1)

The computer on which you are installing the Standalone Client needs to meet the MTRs of all types of clients described in this section. Therefore you should review and ascertain that your machine meets the requirements listed in these topics of the client MTR document:

  • Information Common for all Clients

  • Web Client

  • Windows Client

  • Development or Standalone Client

In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle products. Refer to these links:

Oracle License and Service Agreement (OLSA)


The Oracle License and Services Agreement (OLSA) is the standard agreement that is used to license Oracle programs and acquire related services.

Oracle Program Documentation


Access current and previously released Oracle program documentation.

PeopleSoft / JD Edwards Program Table

From the above OLSA page, refer to the below verbiage which contains links to available PDFs as applicable.

Your license for the program(s) may include additional license rights, which varies according to your order date. Review the applicable tables.


EnterpriseOne Releases. The release of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications for this Standalone Client is 9.1. The release of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools for this Standalone Client is 9.1. The MTRs refer to the Tools release level.

Third-party software. Read the section entitled: Additional Considerations before installing any additional third-party software.

Deinstall versus uninstall OUI uses the term "deinstall" to mean removal of an Oracle product. This document will do the same.

2.2 Windows Security

When installing, uninstalling/deinstalling, or running any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product on Microsoft Windows operating systems, be sure to follow the below guidelines. This includes saving or restoring or deleting snapshots of EnterpriseOne using the Snapshot program. Not following these guidelines may cause unexpected errors to occur.

2.2.1 Registry and directory permissions

Be sure that the user account into which you are signing into Windows is in the Administrators group or a similar group that provides permissions to write to and read from registry hives (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE) and disk subdirectories (c:\Windows) that are restricted from standard Windows users.

2.2.2 "Run as Administrator"

If the Microsoft security User Access Control (UAC) is turned on, right-click on a program's icon or shortcut and select "Run as administrator." If a shortcut is configured to automatically "Run as administrator," you do not need to right-click and select "Run as administrator."

If a file that you need to edit and then save is located in a directory with access restricted by UAC, you will need to right-click on the icon of your text editor program, select "Run as administrator," and open the file from within the editor. If you do not follow those steps and UAC is turned on, you may not be able to save the modified file.

2.2.3 Remote Desktop Connections

When connecting to a remote Windows computer using Microsoft Remote Desktop, run Remote Desktop with the "/admin" flag. Not running with this setting may cause subtle, difficult-to-explain errors in the program. You can do this using these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Remote Desktop shortcut.

  2. Select properties.

  3. Click on the Shortcut tab.

  4. At the end of the Target field, add a space, a forward slash, and "admin" (without the quotes) to the end of the Target. The screen shot sample below illustrates this setting:

    This image is described in surrounding text.

2.3 Additional Considerations


To minimize the possibility that the Standalone Client's installer or deinstaller or Snapshot might fail due to locked files, follow these guidelines:
  1. Exit from all running programs. You can use Microsoft Windows Task Manager to verify that the programs are stopped. In particular, be sure that EnterpriseOne, JDeveloper, and SQL Developer are stopped, but other programs may also need to be stopped. Exceptions to this rule include the database service(s) which should be running.

  2. Verify that no files in the Standalone Client installation directory or subdirectories are open in any file editors.

  3. Verify that neither the installation directory nor any of its subdirectories are open in Microsoft Windows Explorer.

  4. Verify that no Command Prompt window has as its current working directory either the Standalone Client installation directory or any of its subdirectories.

  1. Be sure the MTRs are met before starting the Standalone Client installation.

  2. JDK 1.6 is supplied with the installation. Do not replace this with another version of the JDK because JDK 1.7 and higher have not been validated with EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.1. Also, do not replace this JDK with a 64-bit version because EnterpriseOne is a 32-bit program which requires a 32-bit version of the JDK even when running on a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows.

  3. Microsoft Visual Studio is not required unless you are building business functions. The installation of the Standalone Client installs the Microsoft libraries that are necessary to run EnterpriseOne, but if you plan to build business functions, you will need the compiler and additional libraries that Visual Studio provides.

  4. Verify that all previous releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (Standalone Clients and normal clients) have been completely deinstalled or saved via Snapshot before installing the Standalone Client. For instructions on how to deinstall the Standalone Client, refer to the section of this guide entitled: Section 9.1, "Deinstalling the Standalone Client".

  5. Standalone Client does not require Software Protection Codes (SPCs) to run so you will not need to perform the steps for applying SPCs that previous EnterpriseOne releases required.

  6. This version of the Standalone Client using OUI supports only the Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) as the local database. This version of Standalone Client using OUI does not support Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE).

  7. This release of the Standalone Client contains a 64-bit version of Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) 11gR2. If you previously had installed OEE 11gR2 as the local database and you are reinstalling the Standalone Client, you do not have to deinstall the database first. However, if you previously had installed OEE 10g or you need to reinstall the 11gR2 database for some reason, follow the instructions in the section of this guide entitled: Section 9.2, "Deinstalling the OEE Database (optional)".

  8. If you need to install the OEE database and the Microsoft Windows environment variable ORACLE_HOME exists, the OEE installer will delete it during the installation.

2.4 Microsoft Windows Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)

Both the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone client and Development Client require Microsoft Windows Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) for connectivity. Neither client can function using IPv6.

If your Standalone installation is not working as expected, use this procedure to determine if the problem is due to your Windows machine using IPv6 and if so, to remedy:

  1. After installing the local Oracle database, use a text editor to open the log.xml file which is typically located in this directory

    C:\Oracle\diag\tnslsnr\[MACHINE NAME]\listener\alert\.

  2. Examine the contents of the log.xml file for indicators that the machine is using IPv6 addresses.

    IPv6 addresses can be distinguished by alphanumeric digits separated by colons, rather than periods as in IPv4 addresses.

    One example is if you see host_addr='::1'>. This indicates an IPv6 address, which in this case is the machine's local loopback address, whose equivalent IPv4 address is

    Another example that indicates the use of IPv6 is if this string exists:


  3. If you see references to IPv6 addresses in the logs after installing the Oracle local database, then you may need to deinstall the Standalone Client and Oracle database as described in the chapter of this guide entitled: Chapter 9, "Deinstalling the Standalone Client or the OEE Database (optional)".

    Also, you may possibly need to perform additional cleanup for the standalone client and Oracle Database as described in these appendices of this guide: Appendix A, "Manual Cleanup of a Deinstalled Standalone Client" and Appendix B, "Manual Cleanup of a Deinstalled Oracle Database".

  4. After the deinstall and cleanup is complete, you must apply a software patch from Microsoft to disable IPv6 before reinstalling the Oracle local database and EnterpriseOne Standalone or Web Development Client. The Microsoft patch for disabling IPv6 is at the following link:

    How to disable IPv6 or its components in Windows


    On the above Microsoft web page, click the link labelled Disable IPv6 (Microsoft Fix it 50409).

  5. After you apply the Microsoft patch to disable IPv6, you can reinstall the Oracle database and EnterpriseOne Standalone Client using the procedures in this guide.



    Important: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a mandatory part of Windows Vista and later versions. We do not recommend that you disable IPv6 or its components, or some Windows components may not function. For more information, see the "What are Microsoft's recommendations about disabling IPv6?" question in IPv6 for Microsoft Windows: Frequently Asked Questions at this link:
