5 Starting the Standalone Client

This chapter contains the following topics:

5.1 Overview

To start the Standalone Client

  1. Launch the Standalone Client by double clicking the shortcut EnterpriseOne Solution Explorer either on your desktop or under this navigation: Start > All Programs > Oracle - JDE_Standalone_Home where JDE_Standalone_Home is the name of the Oracle Home that you designated when installing the EnterpriseOne client.

    Optionally, you can run the program activConsole.exe from this path:



    When running activConsole.exe and UAC is turned on, you must right click on the executable or shortcut and select Run as Administrator.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

  2. On JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Login, enter the default user ID, which is DEMO and the default password, which is also DEMO. If the environment and role fields are shown, you can accept the defaults, which are environment DEMO910 and role *ALL.

  3. If you have installed any Oracle Business Accelerators (OBA), click the Options button to display the environment and role fields. In this case, you should enter the role: DEMOROLE and take the default environment: DEMO910.

  4. Click the OK button to log in to the Standalone Client.


    Startup Time. You should allow sufficient startup time for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne background process jdenet_n.exe, which acts as the security server on the Standalone Client. Ensure this program has completed its initialization steps before you click OK on the logon screen.

    Depending on machine resources, you may have to wait up to 30 seconds before signing in. If you get an error indicating failure to connect to the Security Server, exit from EnterpriseOne and then retry running activConsole.exe giving a bit more time before clicking OK on the logon screen.

5.2 Post Installation - Set Up Media Object Queues

Table F98MOQUE contains the path to media objects; however, this table is shipped with generic paths. The table must be manually updated to include the correct paths for your installation. If this table is not updated, you will receive errors when attempting to access media objects.

To setup up media object queues:

  1. Launch the Standalone Client and log in.

  2. Run the EnterpriseOne application P98MOQUE.

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  3. On Work With Media Object Queues, click the Find button.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Most of the records found should be prefixed with the string below in the Queue path On-Line column:


  4. You must manually replace the string \\SERVERNAME\E910 in Queue path On-Line with the installation path of the Standalone Client. For example, if one of the entries is:


    And the installation directory is c:\E910_1, change the entry to:


  5. Click the Close button to exit the application.

5.3 Troubleshooting Standalone Client Startup Errors

This section describes these troubleshooting tasks:

5.3.1 General

If you have any trouble running the Standalone Client, turn on additional logging and rerun the Standalone Client.

  1. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

  2. Click the Processes tab.

  3. If the column titled PID is not displayed, use this procedure to turn it on:

    a. In the menu, go to View > Select Columns…

    b. Turn on the check box next to PID (Process Identifier).

    c. Click OK.

  4. Kill these processes if they are running:

    • activConsole.exe

    • jdenet_n.exe

  5. Edit this file:


  6. In the [DEBUG] section, change the value of the Output key to FILE, as shown below:

  7. Note the names of the log files specified for the JobFile and DebugFile keys in the Debug section so you can locate them when needed. If no directory is specified, the files will reside in the root directory.

  8. Run activConsole.exe from this directory:


  9. Attempt to sign into the Standalone Client.

    Logs are generated in the directory specified by the JobFile and DebugFile keys in the [DEBUG] section of the jde.ini. However, the names of the files will be of the forms jde_pid_mmddyy.log and jdedebug_pid_mmddyy.log where:

    • pid is the ID of the process generating the log.

    • mmddyy is the month, day, and year in which the log was generated.

    You can determine which process ID belongs to each EnterpriseOne process by noting the process IDs and names shown in the Microsoft Windows Task Explorer and by examining the first few lines of the generated logs.

5.3.2 Cannot Connect to the Security Server


You get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the logs) indicating that the Standalone Client could not connect to the security server.


Try the following:

  1. Try again to sign on. The security server (process jdenet_n.exe) may have simply been slow in starting causing the activConsole.exe to time out.

  2. By default, the Standalone Client attempts to start the web client at the same time that activConsole.exe starts. This could cause the security server (process jdenet_n.exe) to take too long to start causing the activConsole.exe to time out.

    You can specify that the web client should start only when you attempt to bring up the Web menu (described in the next section entitled: Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server). To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

    2. Kill these processes if they are running:



    3. Edit the c:\windows\jde.ini file.

    4. Change the value of the StartAppServer key in the [LOCALWEB] section to ONDEMAND. For example:

    5. Rerun activConsole.exe.

5.3.3 Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server


After doing the above, you again get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the logs) indicating that the Standalone Client could not connect to the security server.


Verify that the local database services are running using this procedure:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Verify that the statuses of these services are Started:

    • OracleServiceE1LOCAL

    • OracleE1LocalTNSListener

    If not, for each stopped service click Action > Start in the menu.

  3. Try to sign in again by following these steps:

    1. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

    2. Kill these processes if they are running:

    3. Rerun the activConsole.exe program.