Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.flex.runtime.util.common

Provides for accessing flexfield metadata at design-time.


Interface Summary
ContextValueDef Definition of a context value.
FlexfieldDef Definition of a flexfield.
FlexfieldDef.Parameter An external data source that can be used in value sets, defaulting and derivation.
FlexfieldDefOverride Settings for overriding the metadata.
LOVDef The definition of a List-Of-Values in ADFbc.
LOVDef.ParameterBoundValue A bound value which is a parameter's current value.
LOVDef.PropertyBoundValue A bound value that is a property of the flexfield or the segment.
LOVDef.SegmentBoundValue A bound value which is a segment's current value.
SegmentDef Definition of a flexfield segment.
SegmentDef.Column A database table column.
SegmentDef.Operator A custom operator for this segment.
SegmentDefList A list of SegmentDef objects in order.
SegmentLabel.ValidationRule A validation rule associated with a segment label.
SegmentLabel.ValidationRuleExpression.BoundValue A bound value.
SegmentLabel.ValueAttribute A value attribute of a segment label.
UIHints Information for rendering the user interface.
ValueSetDef A set of values.

Class Summary
AdfbcUsageRowWrapper Facade to access data contained in a single VO Row from the table FND_DF_ADFBC_USAGES
CategoryDefManagerImpl This class gets all necessary category metadata TODO: We shouldn't have this class.
ContextLOVDefImpl A default LOV definition for descriptive flexfield contexts.
CustomLOVDefImpl An LOVDef implementation for CustomValueSetDef.
CustomLOVDefImpl.ViewAttributeDef A view attribute definition.
CustomValueSetDef.Column A database column.
CustomValueSetDefImpl Represents a custom value set from a database table.
CustomValueSetUsage The usage of a custom value set.
DescriptiveFlexfieldDefImpl Definition of a descriptive flexfield.
DescriptiveFlexfieldDefManager A definition manager for descriptive flexfields.
EFFConsumerWorkarounds This class is only for workarounds that the implementing team may wish to enable/disable.
ExtensibleFlexfieldDefImpl Definition of a extensible flexfield.
ExtensibleFlexfieldInternalUtil Determines BC4J artifact names by consulting the Flex Metadata Service
FlexfieldDefManager A manager class that retrieves FlexfielDefs and its related objects.
FlexfieldEntityUsage A flexfield entity usage.
FlexfieldTableUsage A reference to a flexfield table usage.
KeyFlexfieldDefImpl Definition of a key flexfield.
LOVDefImpl A generic implementation of LOVDef.
PortableExpression A portable expression where one token can be subtituted in the expression.
PortableViewAttrExpression A portable expression where the only token is the name of a view attribute.
SecuredLOVDefImpl A secured list-of-values definition.
SecuredValueSetUsage A usage of a secured value set.
SegmentDefImpl Standard implementation of SegmentDef.
SegmentDefImpl.ColumnImpl An implementation of Column.
SegmentLabel A segment label.
SegmentLabel.ValidationRuleExpression A validation rule expression.
SegmentLabel.ValidationRuleInstance An instance of a validation rule.
StructureInstanceDef Properties of a key flexfield structure instance.
ValidationRule A validation rule.
Validator Stores information on how to validate a flexfield segment.
ValidatorCharacter A validator for character values.
ValidatorNumber A flexfield number validator.
ValidatorUtilDate A validator for flexfield date, date-time or time values.
ValueSetDefImpl A default implementation of ValueSetDef.
ValueSetUsage The usage of a value set on a segment.
ValueType The type of a flexfield segment value.
ValueTypeCharacter A value type that represents a string.
ValueTypeDate A value type that represents a date.
ValueTypeDateTime A value type that represents date-time.
ValueTypeNumber A value type that represents a number.
ValueTypeTime A value type that represents time.
ValueTypeUtilDate A value type that represents all types that can be stored as a java.util.Date without losing precision.

Enum Summary
CustomValueSetDef.BoundValueType The types of bound values.
CustomValueSetDef.ColumnContentType Column content types.
FlexfieldDef.MetadataType Metadata type.
LOVDef.DefObjectType Definition object types.
SegmentLabel.ValidationRuleExpression.BoundValueKind Bound value kind.
UIHints.DisplayType The display type.
UIHints.DisplayTypeProperty Properties of the display types defined by DisplayType.
ValueSetDef.ValueSetType Value-Set types.
ValueType.DataType Value data types.

Exception Summary
SegmentDefException An exception thrown when there's an error with the segment defintiion.
ValueSetDefException Thrown when an error occurs when loading a value-set definition.

Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.flex.runtime.util.common Description

Provides for accessing flexfield metadata at design-time.

Package Specification

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Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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