Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Class ApplcoreSelenium

  extended by com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
      extended by
          extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.test.selenium.ApplcoreSelenium
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ApplcoreSelenium

Field Summary
static long INTERVAL
protected static long TIMEOUT
Fields inherited from class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
ApplcoreSelenium(java.lang.String seleniumServerHost, int seleniumServerPort, java.lang.String browser, java.lang.String baseUrl)
          Constructor defers construction to parent.
Method Summary
 void captureScreenshot(java.lang.String filename)
          Capture a screen shot to the specified file.
 void clickAndWait(java.lang.String locator)
          Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for the page refresh.
 void clickAndWaitFor(java.lang.String clickLocator, java.lang.String waitLocator)
          Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for another page element present.
 void clickAndWaitForText(java.lang.String clickLocator, java.lang.String waitText)
          Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for another text to be present present.
 void clickLink(java.lang.String lnk)
          Click on a link element which contains text matching the specified pattern.
 void clickLinkAndWait(java.lang.String lnk)
          Click on a link element and wait for the page refresh.
 void clickLinkAndWaitFor(java.lang.String lnk, java.lang.String waitLocator)
          Click on a link element and wait for another page element present.
 void clickLinkAndWaitForText(java.lang.String lnk, java.lang.String waitText)
          Click on a link element and wait for another text to be present.
 void clickTableCell(java.lang.String cellLocator, java.lang.String txt)
          Click on a table cell with the specified text.
 void collapseTreeTable(java.lang.String node)
          Collapse a parent node in a tree table.
 void expandTreeTable(java.lang.String node)
          Expand a parent node in a tree table.
 java.lang.String findTableCellAddrByTxt(java.lang.String cellLocator, java.lang.String txt)
          Find a table cell locator according to its text in a table.
 int findTableRowByTexts(java.lang.String cellLocator, java.lang.String[] rowTxts)
          Find the first row in the table, containing texts in the rowTxt array.
 int getTableColCount(java.lang.String tblLocator)
          Get the column number of a non-rowHeader table.
 java.lang.String getTableLocatorByCell(java.lang.String cellLocator)
          Get a table locator according to its cell locator, which can be recorded using selenium-IDE or firebug.
 int getTableRowCount(java.lang.String tblLocator)
          Get the row number of a non-rowHeader table.
 boolean isTableCellPresent(java.lang.String cellLocator, java.lang.String txt)
          Verify whether a cell with the specified text exists in a table.
 boolean isTableRowPresent(java.lang.String cellLocator, java.lang.String[] rowTxts)
          Check whether a row exists in the table, containing texts in the rowTxt array.
 void loadMenu(java.lang.String menuName)
          Click the lazy-loaded menu and have its menu items fetched.
 void selectAndWait(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String option)
          select some drop down value and wait for the page refresh.
 void setApplcoreTimeOut(long period)
          Change the default timeout.
 void setScreenshotPath(java.lang.String dir)
          Set the directory used to save captured screen shots.
 void typeAndWait(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String val)
          Type some value in input field and wait for the page refresh.
 void waitForElementDisappear(java.lang.String elocator)
          Wait until a specified element disappears or timeout.
 void waitForElementHide(java.lang.String locator)
          Wait until a specified element is hide or timeout.
 void waitForElementVisible(java.lang.String locator)
          Wait until a specified element is visible or timeout.
 void waitForServer()
          Wait until server and client complete data exchange or timeout.
 void waitForTextPresent(java.lang.String txt)
          Wait until a specified text shown in the page or timeout.
 void waitForWindowDisappear(java.lang.String title)
          Wait until the window with the specified title disappear or timeout.
 void waitForWindowPresent(java.lang.String title)
          Wait until a secondary window with the specified title to apppear or timeout.
Methods inherited from class
callRichComponentFunction, callRichComponentFunctionChain, ctrlClick, dragAndDropUsingAWTRobot, getAllRichDialogIds, getCurrentUrl, getElementCenter, getElementCenterBiDi, getElementCode, getElementCoordinate, getElementPositionAndSize, getHTMLCode, getRichComponentProperty, getScrolledTo, getSeleniumBrowserLog, getWindowCoord, isBrowserMaximized, maxWindow, mouseClick, mouseClick, mouseOver, rightClick, selectAdfDialog, selectRichDialog, shiftClick, waitForElementPresent, waitForPageToLoad, waitForRichDialog, waitForRichDialogLaunch, waitForRichDialogReturn, waitForRichPageToLoad, waitForRichPopupHidden, waitForRichPopupVisible, waitForServer
Methods inherited from class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
addCustomRequestHeader, addLocationStrategy, addScript, addSelection, allowNativeXpath, altKeyDown, altKeyUp, answerOnNextPrompt, assignId, attachFile, captureEntirePageScreenshot, captureEntirePageScreenshotToString, captureNetworkTraffic, captureScreenshotToString, check, chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation, chooseOkOnNextConfirmation, click, clickAt, close, contextMenu, contextMenuAt, controlKeyDown, controlKeyUp, createCookie, deleteAllVisibleCookies, deleteCookie, deselectPopUp, doubleClick, doubleClickAt, dragAndDrop, dragAndDropToObject, dragdrop, fireEvent, focus, getAlert, getAllButtons, getAllFields, getAllLinks, getAllWindowIds, getAllWindowNames, getAllWindowTitles, getAttribute, getAttributeFromAllWindows, getBodyText, getConfirmation, getCookie, getCookieByName, getCursorPosition, getElementHeight, getElementIndex, getElementPositionLeft, getElementPositionTop, getElementWidth, getEval, getExpression, getHtmlSource, getLocation, getMouseSpeed, getPrompt, getSelectedId, getSelectedIds, getSelectedIndex, getSelectedIndexes, getSelectedLabel, getSelectedLabels, getSelectedValue, getSelectedValues, getSelectOptions, getSpeed, getTable, getText, getTitle, getValue, getWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression, getWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression, getXpathCount, goBack, highlight, ignoreAttributesWithoutValue, isAlertPresent, isChecked, isConfirmationPresent, isCookiePresent, isEditable, isElementPresent, isOrdered, isPromptPresent, isSomethingSelected, isTextPresent, isVisible, keyDown, keyDownNative, keyPress, keyPressNative, keyUp, keyUpNative, metaKeyDown, metaKeyUp, mouseDown, mouseDownAt, mouseDownRight, mouseDownRightAt, mouseMove, mouseMoveAt, mouseOut, mouseUp, mouseUpAt, mouseUpRight, mouseUpRightAt, open, openWindow, refresh, removeAllSelections, removeScript, removeSelection, retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs, rollup, runScript, select, selectFrame, selectPopUp, selectWindow, setBrowserLogLevel, setContext, setCursorPosition, setExtensionJs, setMouseSpeed, setSpeed, setTimeout, shiftKeyDown, shiftKeyUp, showContextualBanner, showContextualBanner, shutDownSeleniumServer, start, start, start, stop, submit, type, typeKeys, uncheck, useXpathLibrary, waitForCondition, waitForFrameToLoad, waitForPageToLoad, waitForPopUp, windowFocus, windowMaximize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
addCustomRequestHeader, addLocationStrategy, addScript, addSelection, allowNativeXpath, altKeyDown, altKeyUp, answerOnNextPrompt, assignId, attachFile, captureEntirePageScreenshot, captureEntirePageScreenshotToString, captureNetworkTraffic, captureScreenshotToString, check, chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation, chooseOkOnNextConfirmation, click, clickAt, close, contextMenu, contextMenuAt, controlKeyDown, controlKeyUp, createCookie, deleteAllVisibleCookies, deleteCookie, deselectPopUp, doubleClick, doubleClickAt, dragAndDrop, dragAndDropToObject, dragdrop, fireEvent, focus, getAlert, getAllButtons, getAllFields, getAllLinks, getAllWindowIds, getAllWindowNames, getAllWindowTitles, getAttribute, getAttributeFromAllWindows, getBodyText, getConfirmation, getCookie, getCookieByName, getCursorPosition, getElementHeight, getElementIndex, getElementPositionLeft, getElementPositionTop, getElementWidth, getEval, getExpression, getHtmlSource, getLocation, getMouseSpeed, getPrompt, getSelectedId, getSelectedIds, getSelectedIndex, getSelectedIndexes, getSelectedLabel, getSelectedLabels, getSelectedValue, getSelectedValues, getSelectOptions, getSpeed, getTable, getText, getTitle, getValue, getWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression, getWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression, getXpathCount, goBack, highlight, ignoreAttributesWithoutValue, isAlertPresent, isChecked, isConfirmationPresent, isCookiePresent, isEditable, isElementPresent, isOrdered, isPromptPresent, isSomethingSelected, isTextPresent, isVisible, keyDown, keyDownNative, keyPress, keyPressNative, keyUp, keyUpNative, metaKeyDown, metaKeyUp, mouseDown, mouseDownAt, mouseDownRight, mouseDownRightAt, mouseMove, mouseMoveAt, mouseOut, mouseUp, mouseUpAt, mouseUpRight, mouseUpRightAt, open, openWindow, refresh, removeAllSelections, removeScript, removeSelection, retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs, rollup, runScript, select, selectFrame, selectPopUp, selectWindow, setBrowserLogLevel, setContext, setCursorPosition, setExtensionJs, setMouseSpeed, setSpeed, setTimeout, shiftKeyDown, shiftKeyUp, showContextualBanner, showContextualBanner, shutDownSeleniumServer, start, start, start, stop, submit, type, typeKeys, uncheck, useXpathLibrary, waitForCondition, waitForFrameToLoad, waitForPageToLoad, waitForPopUp, windowFocus, windowMaximize

Field Detail


protected static long TIMEOUT


public static final long INTERVAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ApplcoreSelenium(java.lang.String seleniumServerHost,
                        int seleniumServerPort,
                        java.lang.String browser,
                        java.lang.String baseUrl)
Constructor defers construction to parent.

seleniumServerHost - the host name on which the Selenium Server resides
seleniumServerPort - the port on which the Selenium Server is listening
browser - the command string used to launch the browser, e.g. "*firefox", "*iexplore" or "c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe"
baseUrl - the starting URL including just a domain name. We'll start the browser pointing at the Selenium resources on this URL, e.g. "" would send the browser to ""
Method Detail


public void setApplcoreTimeOut(long period)
Change the default timeout. It needs to be set in the constructor of testcase. Otherwise, some of wait functions may still stick to the default timeout.

period - the new timeout for wait functions


public void waitForServer()
Wait until server and client complete data exchange or timeout. The default timeout is 1 minute and can be changed by setApplcoreTimeOut().


public void clickAndWait(java.lang.String locator)
Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for the page refresh. It equals to click() + waitForServer().

locator - an element locator


public void typeAndWait(java.lang.String locator,
                        java.lang.String val)
Type some value in input field and wait for the page refresh. It equals to type() + waitForServer().

locator - an element locator
val - as Value


public void selectAndWait(java.lang.String locator,
                          java.lang.String option)
select some drop down value and wait for the page refresh. It equals to select() + waitForServer().

locator - an element locator
option - as Value for option


public void clickAndWaitFor(java.lang.String clickLocator,
                            java.lang.String waitLocator)
Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for another page element present. It equals to clickAndWait() + waitForElementPresent().

clickLocator - a clickable page element locator, such as link, button, checkbox, or radio button.
waitLocator - a page element locator.


public void clickAndWaitForText(java.lang.String clickLocator,
                                java.lang.String waitText)
Click on a link, button, checkbox, or radio button, and then wait for another text to be present present. It equals to clickAndWait() + waitForTextPresent().

clickLocator - a clickable page element locator, such as link, button, checkbox, or radio button.
waitText - a page text to be verified.


public void clickLink(java.lang.String lnk)
Click on a link element which contains text matching the specified pattern.

lnk - the link text pattern.


public void clickLinkAndWait(java.lang.String lnk)
Click on a link element and wait for the page refresh. It equals to clickLink() + waitForServer();

lnk - the link text pattern.


public void clickLinkAndWaitFor(java.lang.String lnk,
                                java.lang.String waitLocator)
Click on a link element and wait for another page element present. It equals to clickLink() + waitForElementPresent().

lnk - the link text pattern.
waitLocator - a page element locator.


public void clickLinkAndWaitForText(java.lang.String lnk,
                                    java.lang.String waitText)
Click on a link element and wait for another text to be present. It equals to clickLink() + waitForTextPresent().

lnk - the link text pattern.
waitText - a page text to be waited for


public int getTableRowCount(java.lang.String tblLocator)
Get the row number of a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

tblLocator - a table locator.
the row number.


public int getTableColCount(java.lang.String tblLocator)
Get the column number of a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

tblLocator - a table locator.
the column number or -1 if the table is empty.


public java.lang.String getTableLocatorByCell(java.lang.String cellLocator)
Get a table locator according to its cell locator, which can be recorded using selenium-IDE or firebug. It is only used for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - a table cell locator.
table locator.


public java.lang.String findTableCellAddrByTxt(java.lang.String cellLocator,
                                               java.lang.String txt)
Find a table cell locator according to its text in a table. Since the order of row and column in a table may change at will, this function is needed to iterate a table. It is only used for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - a table cell locator.
txt - text of the wanted table cell.


public boolean isTableCellPresent(java.lang.String cellLocator,
                                  java.lang.String txt)
Verify whether a cell with the specified text exists in a table. Since the order of row and column in a table may change at will, this function will check by iterating the table. It is only used for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - a table cell locator.
txt - text of the wanted table cell.


public void clickTableCell(java.lang.String cellLocator,
                           java.lang.String txt)
Click on a table cell with the specified text. It is only used for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - a table cell locator
txt - text of the wanted table cell


public int findTableRowByTexts(java.lang.String cellLocator,
                               java.lang.String[] rowTxts)
Find the first row in the table, containing texts in the rowTxt array. The row number starts from 0. It only used for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enables the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - the locator of a cell in the table
rowTxts - array of texts contained in the row cells, which can identify a row in the table
row number or -1


public boolean isTableRowPresent(java.lang.String cellLocator,
                                 java.lang.String[] rowTxts)
Check whether a row exists in the table, containing texts in the rowTxt array. It only works for a non-rowHeader table. Non-rowHeader table means none of table columns enable the rowHeader property.

cellLocator - the locator of a cell in the table
rowTxts - array of texts contained in the row cells, which can identify a row in the table
true if the specified row exists, false otherwise.


public void expandTreeTable(java.lang.String node)
Expand a parent node in a tree table.

node - the text appears in the node table cell.


public void collapseTreeTable(java.lang.String node)
Collapse a parent node in a tree table.

node - the text appears in the node table cell.


public void waitForElementDisappear(java.lang.String elocator)
Wait until a specified element disappears or timeout.

elocator - an element locator


public void waitForElementVisible(java.lang.String locator)
Wait until a specified element is visible or timeout.

locator - an element locator.


public void waitForElementHide(java.lang.String locator)
Wait until a specified element is hide or timeout.

locator - an element locator.


public void waitForTextPresent(java.lang.String txt)
Wait until a specified text shown in the page or timeout.

txt - the specified text.


public void waitForWindowPresent(java.lang.String title)
Wait until a secondary window with the specified title to apppear or timeout.

title - the specified title for a secondary window.


public void waitForWindowDisappear(java.lang.String title)
Wait until the window with the specified title disappear or timeout.

title - the specified title for a window.


public void setScreenshotPath(java.lang.String dir)
Set the directory used to save captured screen shots.

dir - a directory


public void captureScreenshot(java.lang.String filename)
Capture a screen shot to the specified file.

Specified by:
captureScreenshot in interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
captureScreenshot in class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
filename - the absolute path to the file to be written, e.g. "c:\blah\screenshot.png"


public void loadMenu(java.lang.String menuName)
Click the lazy-loaded menu and have its menu items fetched.

menuLocator - the locator of the menu element, usually a link

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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