Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Package oracle.apps.fnd.appltest.diagfwk.api.inputs

Interface Summary
DiagInputValidator Provides an API that need to be implemented by a input validator class.
DiagLOVProvider Provides APIs that define a LOV Provider class.
InputParamContext Provides a context object to be used for communication between the diagnostic framework and the LOV provider and validator classes.

Class Summary
FilterOperator Models the metadata for a filter operation.
LOVColumn Models the metadata for a single column in the LOV for a parameter.

Exception Summary
InputValidationException An exception that is generally thrown by input parameter validator classes whenever they detect a validation error.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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