Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Class DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBeanImpl

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.appltest.diagfwk.mbean.external.DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBeanImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBeanImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean

JMX API MXBean Implementation

$Date: 2011/08/12 15:06:34 $ $Author: sytang $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDiagnosticStatusByRunId(java.lang.String runId)
          Get the diagnostic status of a test run given its id
 java.lang.String getDiagnosticStatusByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
          Get the diagnostic status of a test run given its name
 java.lang.String getExecutionStatusByRunId(java.lang.String runId)
          Get the execution status of a test run given its id
 java.lang.String getExecutionStatusByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
          Get the execution status of a test run given its name
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> getInputParameters(java.lang.String testName)
          get input parameters of a given test.
 java.lang.String getODFDashboardURL()
          Gets the URL to the Diagnostics Dashboard UI application.
 java.lang.String getTestRunReportURL(java.lang.String runId)
          Gets the URL to the Run report for the given run ID.
 TestRunStatusSummary[] getTestRunStatusesByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
          Get an array of test status summary for the matched test runs givn the run name
 java.lang.Boolean isTestRunnable(java.lang.String testName)
          Check if a test can be run.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> queryListofTestDef()
          get list of diagnostic tests.
 java.lang.String run(java.lang.String[] testNames, java.lang.String[] products, java.lang.String[] moduleIds, java.lang.String[] moduleKeys, java.lang.String[] tagNames, java.lang.String[] tagValues, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by test names, product, module id, module key, and/or tag name/value pair (one of those must not be null) with the given settings.
 java.lang.String runByModuleId(java.lang.String[] moduleIds, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by the module id with the given settings.
 java.lang.String runByModuleKey(java.lang.String[] moduleKeys, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by the module key with the given settings.
 java.lang.String runByProduct(java.lang.String[] products, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by the product with the given settings.
 java.lang.String runByTag(java.lang.String[] tagNames, java.lang.String[] tagValues, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by the tag name/value pair with the given settings.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> runByTestName(java.lang.String[] testNames, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.String ADR_Home, java.lang.String incidentID)
          Run tests specified by test names with the given settings and copy the reports to the managed server's ADR location."
 java.lang.String runByTestName(java.lang.String[] testNames, java.lang.String runName, java.lang.Boolean recurse, java.lang.Boolean runPrereq, java.lang.Integer monitorInterval, java.lang.Integer numThreads, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams, java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
          Run tests specified by the test names with the given settings.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBeanImpl()
Method Detail


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> queryListofTestDef()
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
get list of diagnostic tests.

Specified by:
queryListofTestDef in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
test names and test definition attributes in this format: <$TestName, [$DisplayName, $TestID, $Description, $OwnerModuleID, $InputCount, $PrereqTestCount]> The first entry in the map will be a header entry which indicates the meaning of each field. Subsequent entries contains actual test definitions.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> getInputParameters(java.lang.String testName)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
get input parameters of a given test.

Specified by:
getInputParameters in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
testName - Name of the test to be checked, must not be null or empty.
parameterName and attributes in this format: <$InputParameterName, [$Description, $DataType, $DefaultValue, $IsRequired]>


public java.lang.Boolean isTestRunnable(java.lang.String testName)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Check if a test can be run.

Specified by:
isTestRunnable in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
testName - Name of the test to be checked, must not be null or empty.
true if the test can be run; false if not.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> runByTestName(java.lang.String[] testNames,
                                                                        java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                                                        java.lang.String ADR_Home,
                                                                        java.lang.String incidentID)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by test names with the given settings and copy the reports to the managed server's ADR location."

Specified by:
runByTestName in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
testNames - List of one or more names of the tests to run, must not be null or empty.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
ADR_Home - used to construct the ADR location to where the reports will be written.
incidentID - used to construct the ADR location to where the reports will be written.
RunId and list of report files generated for that run, in a map


public java.lang.String runByTestName(java.lang.String[] testNames,
                                      java.lang.String runName,
                                      java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                                      java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                      java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                                      java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                      java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by the test names with the given settings.

Specified by:
runByTestName in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
testNames - List of one or more names of the tests to run, must not be null or empty.
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String runByProduct(java.lang.String[] products,
                                     java.lang.String runName,
                                     java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                                     java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                     java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                                     java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                     java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by the product with the given settings.

Specified by:
runByProduct in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
products - List of products whose associated tests to run, must not be null or empty.
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String runByModuleId(java.lang.String[] moduleIds,
                                      java.lang.String runName,
                                      java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                                      java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                      java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                                      java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                      java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by the module id with the given settings.

Specified by:
runByModuleId in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
moduleIds - List of module ids whose associated tests to run, must not be null or empty.
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String runByModuleKey(java.lang.String[] moduleKeys,
                                       java.lang.String runName,
                                       java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                                       java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                       java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                                       java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                       java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by the module key with the given settings.

Specified by:
runByModuleKey in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
moduleKeys - List of module keys whose associated tests to run, must not be null or empty.
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String runByTag(java.lang.String[] tagNames,
                                 java.lang.String[] tagValues,
                                 java.lang.String runName,
                                 java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                                 java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                                 java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                                 java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                                 java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by the tag name/value pair with the given settings.

Specified by:
runByTag in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
tagNames - List of tag names whose associated tests to run, must not be null or empty. The size of tagNames must be equal to that of tagValues
tagValues - List of tag value whose associated tests to run, must not be null or empty. The size of tagNames must be equal to that of tagValues
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String run(java.lang.String[] testNames,
                            java.lang.String[] products,
                            java.lang.String[] moduleIds,
                            java.lang.String[] moduleKeys,
                            java.lang.String[] tagNames,
                            java.lang.String[] tagValues,
                            java.lang.String runName,
                            java.lang.Boolean recurse,
                            java.lang.Boolean runPrereq,
                            java.lang.Integer monitorInterval,
                            java.lang.Integer numThreads,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> inputParams,
                            java.lang.Boolean asynchronous)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Run tests specified by test names, product, module id, module key, and/or tag name/value pair (one of those must not be null) with the given settings.

Specified by:
run in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
testNames - List of one or more names of the tests to run.
products - List of products whose associated tests to run.
moduleIds - List of module ids whose associated tests to run.
moduleKeys - List of module keys whose associated tests to run.
tagNames - List of tag names whose associated tests to run. The size of tagNames must be equal to that of tagValues
tagValues - List of tag values whose associated tests to run. The size of tagNames must be equal to that of tagValues
runName - The name of the test run, if null, this will be generated.
recurse - If TRUE, runs all tests associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If FALSE, runs only the tests immediately associated with the specified taxonomy modules and/or diagnostic tags. If null, defaults to TRUE.
runPrereq - If TRUE, performs a prerequisite analysis to identify any prerequisite tests and runs those prior to running the specified tests. If FALSE, runs only the specified tests. If null, defaults to FALSE
monitorInterval - The monitoring interval in seconds. This parameter specifies the interval in which the status of the run is uploaded to the test repository. If null, defaults to 30 seconds.
numThreads - The number of parallel threads that should be spawned to execute tests in this run. Specifying a value of 1 for this parameter will execute the tests serially. The value must be between 1 and the value specified in the system property "", or 100 if the system property is not set. If null, defaults to 5.
inputParams - For each test, a set of parameter values can be fed. Can be null.
asynchronous - If TRUE, tests are run asynchronously. Otherwise, they are run synchronously. If null, defaults to TRUE
RunId of the test run


public java.lang.String getDiagnosticStatusByRunId(java.lang.String runId)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Get the diagnostic status of a test run given its id

Specified by:
getDiagnosticStatusByRunId in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean


public java.lang.String getDiagnosticStatusByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Get the diagnostic status of a test run given its name

Specified by:
getDiagnosticStatusByRunName in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, WARNING, UNKNOWN if exactly one matching run is found; null if no matches or more than one match are found for the given run name.


public java.lang.String getExecutionStatusByRunId(java.lang.String runId)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Get the execution status of a test run given its id

Specified by:
getExecutionStatusByRunId in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean


public java.lang.String getExecutionStatusByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Get the execution status of a test run given its name

Specified by:
getExecutionStatusByRunName in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
one of RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, CANCELED, UNKNOWN if exactly one matching run is found; null if no matches or more than one match are found for the given run name.


public java.lang.String getTestRunReportURL(java.lang.String runId)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Gets the URL to the Run report for the given run ID.

Specified by:
getTestRunReportURL in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
runId - Run ID for which to get the run report URL.
The URL to the run report for the given run ID. Returns null if the runId is invalid.


public java.lang.String getODFDashboardURL()
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Gets the URL to the Diagnostics Dashboard UI application.

Specified by:
getODFDashboardURL in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
the URL to the Diagnostics Dashboard UI application. The URL is determined by reading the value of the DIAGNOSTICS_DASHBOARD_URL profile option


public TestRunStatusSummary[] getTestRunStatusesByRunName(java.lang.String runName)
Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
Get an array of test status summary for the matched test runs givn the run name

Specified by:
getTestRunStatusesByRunName in interface DiagnosticsTestFrameworkMXBean
runName - Can contain one or more wild cards(i.e. %)
an array of TestRunStatusSummary. If no matches are found, it returns an empty array

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Copyright © 2011 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.