Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Package oracle.apps.fnd.appltest.diagfwk.test.sample

Provides sample Java tests.


Class Summary
SampleAppGeneralSetupTest Sample test that collects general Fusion Application setup data.
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_ar Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_de Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_es Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_fr Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_it Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_ja Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_ko Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_nl Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_pt_BR Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_zh_CN Resource bundle for samples
SampleCheckSetupGLResourceBundle_zh_TW Resource bundle for samples
SampleCurrentUserInfoTest Sample test that collects user specific information.
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_ar Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_de Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_es Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_fr Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_it Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_ja Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_ko Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_nl Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_pt_BR Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_zh_CN Resource bundle for samples
SampleGLJournalDataCollectorResourceBundle_zh_TW Resource bundle for samples
SampleProfileTest Sample test that uses the Application service and its public EO/VO to do some data collection and create a report.
SampleTest A Sample Java Test class to illustrate the use of annotations to specify test definition metadata
SampleTestAnn A sample annotated Java diagnostic test.
SampleTestApplicationAM Sample test that uses the Application service and its public EO/VO to do some data collection and create a report.
SampleTestMsgSvc A sample test that logs Messages in the test report that refer to the FND Message Service as the NLS Bundle
SampleTestReportFormat Sample Test to test report format and display.
SampleTestResourceBundle Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_ar Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_de Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_es Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_fr Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_it Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_ja Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_ko Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_nl Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_pt_BR Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_zh_CN Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestResourceBundle_zh_TW Resource bundle for samples
SampleTestStep A simple Java test step that prints out the input parameters to a file.
SampleTestStepSleep This test step simply sleeps for the specified interval in milliseconds.
SampleTestSysPropChecker A sample test that checks/collects JVM system properties
SampleTestWithExecError A sample test that causes one or more execution errors.
SampleTestWithLinks Generates a report with an assortment of links.
SampleTestWithLOVAndValidator A sample test that demonstrates input parameters with LOV Provider and Validator classes.

Package oracle.apps.fnd.appltest.diagfwk.test.sample Description

Provides sample Java tests.

Package Specification

Provides sample Java tests.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostics
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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