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Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition)
Release 11g (11.1.1)
Part Number E20837-01
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Setting Up Delivery Destinations


Use the Delivery Options page to set up the delivery channels that you wish to use with your BI Publisher application. This chapter includes the following procedures:

Configuring Delivery Options

Use the Delivery Configuration Options page to set general properties for e-mail deliveries from BI Publisher and for defining your SSL certificate file.

  1. From the Admin page select Delivery Configuration.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter the following properties:

Adding a Printer or Fax Server

Printing is only supported through Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). If BI Publisher is operating in a Linux environment, you must set up the Common Unix Printing Service (CUPS). If BI Publisher is operating in a Windows environment, you must set up Windows Print Server for IPP. For information on setting up CUPS and Windows IPP, see Print Server Setup.

About Printing PDF

PDF is a popular output format for business reports and is printable from viewer software such as Adobe Reader. However, some reports require printing directly from the report server. For example, paychecks and invoices are usually printed as scheduled batch jobs. Some newer printers with Postscript Level 3 compliant Raster Image Processing can natively support PDF documents, but there are still many printers in business use that only support Postscript Level 2 that cannot print PDF documents directly.

To print PDF documents directly from the BI Publisher server you have the following options:

After completing all other required fields for the print server, you will be able to schedule reports to print directly from the BI Publisher server to any printer in your system that supports PostScript Level 2.

To set up your printer or fax:

  1. From the Admin page select Printer or Fax. Select Add Server.

  2. Enter the following required fields:

  3. Enter a Filter (optional).

    A filter enables you to call a conversion utility to convert PDF to Postscript or PDF to TIFF (for fax) for Windows-based print servers.

    BI Publisher includes a PDF to Postscript filter. This filter converts PDF to Postscript Level 2. Choose PDF to Postscript from the list if you wish to use BI Publisher's predefined filter. See About Printing PDF for more information.

    About Custom Filters

    To specify a custom filter, pass the native OS command string with the 2 placeholders for the input and output filename, {infile} and {outfile}.

    This is useful especially if you are trying to call IPP printers directly or IPP printers on Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS). Unlike CUPS, those print servers do not translate the print file to a format the printer can understand, therefore only limited document formats are supported. With the filter functionality, you can call any of the native OS commands to transform the document to the format that the target printer can understand.

    For example, to transform a PDF document to a Postscript format, enter the following PDF to PS command in the Filter field:

    pdftops {infile} {outfile}

    To call an HP LaserJet printer setup on a Microsoft IIS from Linux, you can set Ghostscript as a filter to transform the PDF document into the format that the HP LaserJet can understand. To do this, enter the following Ghostscript command in the Filter field:

    gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=laserjet -sOutputFile={outfile} {infile} 

    For fax servers, you can use the filter to transform the file to Tag Image File Format (TIFF).

  4. Optionally enter the following fields if appropriate:

Adding an E-mail Server

  1. From the Admin page select Email. This will show the list of servers already added. Select Add Server.

  2. Enter the Server Name, Host, and Port for the e-mail server.

    Important: You must enter a unique name for each server regardless of the type (printer, fax, e-mail, WebDAV, or FTP).

  3. Select a Secure Connection method to use for connections with the e-mail server. The options are:

  4. Optionally enter the following fields if appropriate:

Adding a WebDAV Server

  1. From the Admin page select WebDAV. This will show the list of servers already added. Select Add Server.

  2. Enter the Name and Host for the new server.

    Important: You must enter a unique name for each server regardless of the type (printer, fax, email, WebDAV, or FTP).

  3. Optionally enter the following fields if appropriate:

Adding an HTTP Server

You can register an application URL or postprocess HTTP URL as an HTTP server to send a notification request to after your report has completed. The HTTP notification sent by BI Publisher will post a form data for Job ID, report URL and Job Status to the HTTP Server URL page.

For more information about setting up an HTTP notification to integrate with a third-party application, see Setting Up an After Report Trigger, Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. For information on enabling an HTTP notification for a scheduled report, see Configuring Notifications, Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

  1. From the Admin page select HTTP. This will show the list of servers already added. Select Add Server.

  2. Enter a name for your server, and enter the URL. When your report finishes processing, BI Publisher will post form data for Job ID, report URL and Job Status.

  3. Enter the Security information, if required. If your server is password protected, enter the Username and Password. Select the Authentication Type: None, Basic, or Digest; and Encryption Type: None or SSL.

  4. If the notification is to be sent through a proxy server, enter the fully qualified Host name, the Port, the Username and Password, and Authentication type of the proxy server.

Adding an FTP Server

Important: If the destination file name supplied to the BI Publisher scheduler contains non-ascii characters, BI Publisher will use UTF-8 encoding to specify the file name to the destination FTP server. Your FTP server must support UTF-8 encoding or the job delivery will fail with "Delivery Failed" error message.

  1. From the Admin page select FTP. This will show the list of servers already added. Click Add Server.

  2. Enter the following fields for the FTP server:

    Important: You must enter a unique name for each server regardless of the type (printer, fax, email, WebDAV, or FTP).

  3. Select the Use Secure FTP box to enable Secure FTP (SFTP)

  4. Enter a Username and Password for the server if required.

Adding a Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Server

  1. From the Admin page select CUPS. This will show the list of servers already added. Select Add Server.

  2. Enter the Server Name and Host and Port for the CUPS server.

    For more information see Setting Up Cups.