Oracle Fusion Applications Search Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework
11g Release 1 (



ACL_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Access control list key value
ACTION_TYPE_TASK - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
ACTION_TYPE_URL - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
ActionURLResolver - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.action
ActionURLResolver() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Adds an attachment to this document.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Adds attribute mName and dataType pairs to the attribute Map
addChildDoc(String, Document) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Adds a child indexable document.
addDocument(IndexedDocument) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
Adds document to the hits.
addField(FieldDefinition, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Adds a name/value pair as a unstored field.
addField(FieldDefinition) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Adds a field to this document.
addFilter(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the filters to be used for this advanced search query
addFilter(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Searcher
Add field filters to the Searcher
addFilters(List<FieldFilter>) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Searcher
Add field filters to the Searcher
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
addSearchableObject(SearchableObject) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Deprecated. if this is used, these objects are not serialized.
addSearchableObject(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Associate a searchable object with this searchable group
addSelection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Adds a facet selection to the path.
addTag(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Add a tag to the query.
addTags(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Adds a list of tags to this document.
Administrator - Interface in oracle.ecsf
ApplicationExtension - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Attachment - Interface in oracle.ecsf
An attachment is a document that is associated to an IndexableDocument.
ATTACHMENT_CLASS - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
authenticate(SearchContext, String, char[], String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SecurityService
Authenticate user.
authorize(SearchContext, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SecurityService
Authorize the current user.


bindProxySession(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Deprecated. Binds search engine proxy session to this context.
bindSession(SearchContext, SessionObject) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Binds an existing session to the current SearchContext
bindUser(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Binds user name of undeline user session


ChangeListener - Interface in oracle.ecsf
ChangeListener is an interface one should implement to customize the way the updates are detected by ECSF.
CLASS_PREFIX - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
clear() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
clearFacetPaths() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Clears all facet paths.
clearSearchObjects() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
clearTags() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Clears tags added to this document.
clearTags() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Clears the tags added to the query.
close(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Indexer
Closes the indexer.
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
Configuration - Interface in oracle.ecsf.meta
containsKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
containsValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
copy() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Creates a copy of this query meta data.
Crawlable - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Crawlables are objects that can be crawled by a search engine.
Crawler - Interface in oracle.ecsf
A crawler is repsonsible for creating crawlables from an accessible URL.
createApplicationModule(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Creates a new AM when needed.
createAttachment(DocumentDefinition, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Creates an attachment by the extension.
createIndex(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Indexer
Creates an index store.
createIndexableDocument() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Creates an indexable mDocument instance.
createIndexableDocument(SearchableObject) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Creates a new indexable document instance.
createIndexedDocument(SearchContext, Map) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Searcher
Creates an engine implementation of indexed document based on a list attribute values.
createSavedSearch(SearchContext, String, String, QueryMetaData) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Creates a new saved search
createSavedSearch(SearchContext, String, String, QueryMetaData, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Creates a new saved search


DATA_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
DELETE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.ChangeListener
DELETE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
deleteIndex(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Indexer
Deletes the index store permanently
deleteSavedSearch(SearchContext, SavedSearch) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Deletes the specified Saved Search from the database
DeployManager - Interface in oracle.ecsf
deploySchedule(SearchContext, long, String, String[], Map) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
deploySearchGroup(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
deploySearchObject(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
Document - Interface in oracle.ecsf
An document represents an instance of a searchable object.
DocumentDefinition - Interface in oracle.ecsf.meta
Decuement definition for a search engine.


ECSF_ACTION_TITLE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Reserved column name for ECSF default action title
ECSF_IS_ADMIN_MODE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
ECSF_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Reserved column name for ECSF last modified date
ECSF_SO_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Reserved column name for ECSF searchable object name
ECSF_TAGS - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Reserved column name for ECSF tags
enableFacets(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets whether the facet functionality is enabled.
endSession(SessionObject) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Deprecated. Ends the current session which logs out of the SES proxy.
entrySet() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
evaluate(SearchContext, Document, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
evaluateActionParams(SearchContext, SearchAction) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
Returns the evaluated action params for a given action.
evaluateActionTarget(SearchContext, SearchAction) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
Returns the evaluated action Target for a given action.
evaluateTaskParams(SearchContext, SearchAction) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
Returns evaluated task parameters for a given action.
evaluateTitle(SearchContext, SearchAction) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
Returns evaluated title of the action.


Facet - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
Represents a Facet.
Facet() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Facet(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Construct an empty facet with just a name.
FacetDef - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet
Represents a Facet Definition.
FacetDef() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
FacetEntry - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
Represents a Facet Entry.
FacetEntry(Facet, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Constructor for FacetEntry
FacetEntryDef - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet
Represents a Facet Definition Entry.
FacetEntryDef(FacetDef, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
Constructor for FacetEntry
FacetManager - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
Used during query to set filters and get applicable facets for a query.
FacetManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetManager
FacetPath - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
Represents the values selected for a facet and its child facets.
FacetPath() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Constructor for FacetPath with no facet selections.
FacetPath(FacetSelection[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Constructor for FacetPath with facet selections.
FacetPath(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Constructor for FacetPath with facet selections.
FacetSelection - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
Represents the value selected for a facet.
FacetSelection() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
FacetSelection(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
FieldDefinition - Interface in oracle.ecsf.meta
Field definition interface.
FilterDefinition - Interface in oracle.ecsf.meta
A filter enforces a particularimport java.util.Collection; rule on result set.
filterEntries(Set<String>) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Filter the entries to just the ones provided.
findAndSetECSFComponentId(SearchContext, SavedSearch) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
find and set the ECSF component ID of a saved search object
format(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Return formatted string based on current session user locale.


get(Object) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
getAccessURL(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Returns Url to access EBS detail page.
getAcl(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Returns a list of strings, the access list.
getAcl(SearchContext, IndexableDocument) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
This is the mechanism to enforce applications security.
getActions() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
Returns all actions available for this document.
getActionType() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Returns the action type required for the document.
getAdministrator(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Retruns admin class for admin API
getAdvancedSearchGroups(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the available search groups for advanced search based on engine instance name
getAdvancedSearchGroups(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the available search groups for advanced search based on engine instance id
getAdvancedSearchGroups() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Returns a Collection of SearchGroup objects for advanced search for this search engine instance
getAltKeywords() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns comma delimited alternate keywords for the query string used
getApplicationExtension() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns application extension if exists, otherwise, null is returned.
getApplicationIds(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Returns a list of application ids for a given pillar name
getApplId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
get the application id
getApplId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
get the application mId
getApplId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
get the application id
getAttachments() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Returns a list of attachments this document contains.
getAttribute(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns a hashed object;
getAttribute(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SessionObject
Returns a hashed object;
getAttributeAcl(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Returns a list of acl per field name.
getAttributes() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Returns a map of attribute mName and data type pairs for an advanced search SearchGroup
getAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns fields map hashed against attribute name.
getAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns attributes assigned to the context.
getAttributeValues() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
Returns a list of attribute values, type of AttributeValue
getBinding() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns the binding name of this definition.
getBindingName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the binding name of the facet.
getBindingName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the physical column binding of this facet.
getBody() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Gets body definition per developers of the searchable object.
getBodyExpr() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Expression built from body groovy expression.
getBoost() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns a boost value for this field.
getChangeList(SearchContext, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ChangeListener
Returns an iterator that allows ECSF iterators through the changes.
getChildDocs(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Gets a child indexable document by name.
getChildFacet() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Gets the child facet.
getChildFacetDef() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
Gets the child Facet Def of this entry if one exists.
getColumnName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns the column name of this definition.
getColumnNameForQuery() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns the column name for query including table alias.
getComponentName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
getConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Provides cross module service for connection management.
getContent() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns content assigned to this document.
getContentType() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns mContent type for this document.
getCount() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Gets the number of documents that match the value of the entry.
getCount() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
Returns number of documents returned.
getCrawlableFactoryName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns the name of Crawlable Factory used for this object.
getCrawlables() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Crawlable
Returns a list of documents that this crawlable is linked to.
getCrawler(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Returns a crawler implemenation
getCredentialKeyString(long, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Return the credential key string based on the username.
getCredentialMapString(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Return the credential map string based on the username.
getCurrentPage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the page number retrieved for this query
getCurrLocale() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns locale of current session user.
getDataType() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns data type of this field.
getDefaultAction() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
Returns default action for this document.
getDefaultActionDef() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns default action definition object.
getDefaultActionExpr() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns Expression Evaluator for default action;
getDefaultActionTitle() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns the default aciton title in groovy expression.
getDeployedVersion() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns the deployed version of this object being deployed into SES instance.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
A short description of this document.
getDescription(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Returns human readable description for this search engine
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Returns the display mName of the search group
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the display name of the facet.
getDisplayName(Object, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns the display name of a search group, search object, for field definition
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns display name of this field.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns display name of this field.
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Returns the display name of this searchable group
getDisplayName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Gets display name.
getDisplayURL() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns a url that uniquely identifies the document in a search engine instance.
getDisplayValue() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Gets the display value of the entry.
getDisplayValue() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
Gets the display value of this entry.
getDocument(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Crawlable
Returns indexable document for a given doc id.
getDocument() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
getDocument() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns root mDocument.
getDocument(int) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
Returns ith document in the hit list
getDocumentDefinition() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Gets document definition of this document.
getDocuments() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Returns sub documents for this document.
getDrivingTableAlias() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns driving table alias for this object.
getDrivingTableName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns driving table name for this object.
getECSFComponentId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
Retrieve the ECSFComponentId of the saved search.
getECSFComponentId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
get the remote ECSF server id for global search
getECSFComponentId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getECSFComponentId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
get the remote ECSF server mId for global search
getECSFComponentId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Get the remote ECSF server id for global search
getECSFPlugIn() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns plugin definition for this object.
getEngineInstanceId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
getEngineInstanceId() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Return engine instance id assigned to the context;
getEngineInstances() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Returns a list of search engine instances from current ECSF installation.
getEngineInstances() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns all search engine instances, regardless engine types
getEngineInstances(long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns all search engine instances of a given type by type id
getEngineParameters(long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns engine parameters in a hashmap for a given engine instance.
getEngineType() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getEngineTypeId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getEntries() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the entries for this facet.
getEntryDef(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the child entry def that matches the value.
getEntryDefs() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the entry defs.
getEntrylessFacets(SearchableObject, FacetPath[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetManager
Get the empty Facets (no entries) for a given SearchableObject based on selected FacetPaths.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the error message for this search
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns the error message for this search
getExternalContext() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns Application Context assigned to this search context.
getFacetDefs(SearchableObject) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns a list of facet definitions for the searchable object.
getFacetDefs() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
A convenient method to get Facet Defitions associated to this searchable object.
getFacetName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
Gets the facet name.
getFacetPaths() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the facet paths used for this query
getFacets() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the facets applicable to the searchable object
getFacets(SearchableObject, FacetPath[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetManager
Get the Facets for a given SearchableObject based on selected FacetPaths.
getField(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Returns named field definition.
getFieldByName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Returns named field definition.
getFieldName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FilterDefinition
Returns field name this filter will be applied on.
getFieldName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the field that this facet is bound to.
getFields() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns fields map hashed against field binding.
getFields() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Returns field definitions for this document.
getFieldValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns a field value from result for a given name.
getFieldValue() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FilterDefinition
Returns value this filter will be used to filter fields
getFilteredStoredAttrs(SearchableObject, HashMap<String, Object>, Map) - Static method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
Get a set of stored Attrs that are filtered using the attrs in referencedAttrs.
getFilters() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the filters used for the query
getFilters(SearchableObject, FacetPath[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetManager
Construct query Filters from Facet Paths.
getFilters() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the a list of FieldFilter objects hashed by field name.
getFullName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Returns the name for this definition.
getGroupFacet(SearchableGroup) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetManager
Get a single Facet representing a group and its objects.
getGroups(SearchContext, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
getHits() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the estimated total number of hits for the query performed This is not the number of hits returned to the user
getHitsMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Searcher
Retruns the hit meta data per search.
getHitsMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
Returns meta data for this search hits.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the number of entries per page
getId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Returns the id of the search engine instance
getId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Returns mId attribute for this group.
getId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns mId of this object.
getIndexer(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Returns an indexer implemenation
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
getKeywords() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns keywords of this document.
getKeyWords() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Deprecated. use getKeywords instead
getKeywords() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns keywords definition for this searchable object.
getKeywordsExpr() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns an evaluated expression of Groovy.
getLanguage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns the language code for the document
getLanguage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the language for the query.
getLanguageFieldName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns langauge field name.
getLastTimeCrawled() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns time last this searchable object is crawled.
getLoadedTime() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Returns the time when the entries were last attempted to be loaded.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
getMaxFacetValues() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Gets the maximum number of facet values each facet should return.
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Returns the name of the search engine instance
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Returns the mName of the search group
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the name of the facet.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns the name of this definition.
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Get the name of this searchable group
getOperators(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the operators for a particular data type, used for advanced search
getPage() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the page number of the current hits
getPages() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the number of pages
getPageSize() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the page size used for this query
getParameters() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
Returns configuration parameters that will be used to retrieve the attachment.
getParameters() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getParameters() - Method in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
Retruns parameters for th eerror message.
getParentEntry() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the parent facet entry.
getParentEntryDef() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the parent entry def, if one exists.
getParentFacet() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Gets the facet that the entry belongs to.
getParentFacetDef() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
Gets the FacetDef that this entry belongs to.
getPath() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the path to this Facet.
getPathEntries() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the FacetEntries that make up the path to this facet.
getPlugInName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns plugin name for this object.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
Returns the primary key for the attachment.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Gets primaryKey of this document.
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Get the properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Get the property.
getProxySession() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Deprecated. Returns search engine proxy session object.
getQuery() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the query string for the search
getQueryMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the query metadata for the search
getQueryString() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the query string for this query
getRedirectURL() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
getRootFacetName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Gets the name of the root facet that this facet belongs.
getSavedSearch(SearchContext, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Returns the SavedSearch object with the specified name
getSavedSearchDetails() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
Retrieve the SavedSearchDetails for this saved search.
getSavedSearches(SearchContext) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Returns an ArrayList of SavedSearch data objects for the current user defined in the SearchContext
getSavedSearches(SearchContext, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Returns an ArrayList of SavedSearch data objects for the current user defined in the SearchContext and the specified caller context
getSchedule(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
getScheduleId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
This method is not for external consumption
getSchedules(SearchContext, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
getScheduleStatus(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
getSchemaName() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Gets Schema name.
getScope() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
get the scope of the search group
getScope() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
get the scope of the search group
getScope() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns the search scope associated with this context.
getScore() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
Returns Score for this document
getSearchableGroup(long, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns a searchable group for a given search engine instance, by name.
getSearchableGroups() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the searchable groups for this search
getSearchableGroups(long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns a list of searchable groups for a given search engine instance.
getSearchableGroups() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getSearchableObject() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Gets meta data definition for this document.
getSearchableObject(long, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Returns a searchable object for a given search engine instance by class name.
getSearchableObject(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
getSearchableObject() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns the searchable object associated with this context.
getSearchableObjectFullNames() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Get the names of searchable objects.
getSearchableObjects() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Get a list of searchable objects for this searchable group
getSearchActions() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns an array of search actions assigned to this object.
getSearchEngine() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns a search engine implementation for this object.
getSearchEngineDataType() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns data type of this field as stored on the search engine.
getSearchEngineInstanceId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Returns the search engine instance id of the search group
getSearchEngineInstanceId() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
getSearchEngineReference() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Get the search engine reference for this searchable group
getSearchEngineReference() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns search engine reference for this searchable object.
getSearcher(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchEngine
Returns a searcher that can be used to query into its index store.
getSearchGroup(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets a search group for basic search based on engine instance name and search group name
getSearchGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Returns a SearchGroup object for this search engine instance
getSearchGroups() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the available search groups for basic search
getSearchGroups(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the available search groups for basic search based on engine instance name
getSearchGroups(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the available search groups for basic search based on engine instance id
getSearchGroups() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Returns a Collection of SearchGroup objects for this search engine instance
getSearchGroups() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the search groups used for this query
getSearchPlugin() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Gets a service bean.
getSecurableParams() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
This method is used to return a list of the names of the configuration parameters used by the security plug-in.
getSecureAttrAcl(SearchContext, IndexableDocument, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
SES implemenation.
getSecureAttrKeys(SearchContext, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
SES implemenation.
getSecurityKeys(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
Returns a list of keys owned by the session user, identified by session information passed in through ctx.
getSecurityValues(SearchContext, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SecurityService
Gets security values/keys of a secure attribute in a searchable object.
getSelections() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Gets the selections.
getSelectStatement(IndexableDocument) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.DocumentDefinition
Returns select statement that will be used to select data fro crawling.
getSESSearchControls() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns SES search controls used for this query
getSession(SearchContext) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Gets the active session from the search context for reuse
getSessionObject() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns session bound to this context.
getSOName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns the search object name used to filter the query
getSource() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets the Facet source.
getSubFacetDef(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Gets a sub-facet def that corresponds to the selected values.
getTags() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns a list of tags attached to this document.
getTags() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns a list of tags added to the query.
getTimeSpent() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the time spent in ms for a given search
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Returns title of this document.
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
getTitle() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns title definition for this object.
getTitleExpression() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns parsed expression
getType() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
Returns Mime type of this attachment.
getType() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
getUserName() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns user name of the user bound to this context.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Gets the value of the entry.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
Gets the value selected for the facet.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
Gets the value of this entry.
getValues() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Get just the values for the selections.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Returns mVersion of this object.
getWriter() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns a writer to write information to external systems.
GLOBAL - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext


HitsMetaData - Interface in oracle.ecsf


IndexableDocument - Interface in oracle.ecsf
An indexable document represents an instance of a searchable object that can be indexed by a search engine.
indexDocument(SearchContext, IndexableDocument) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Indexer
Indexs a document.
indexDocuments(SearchContext, Indexer) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Crawler
Indexes crawled documents with a provided indexer.
IndexedDocument - Interface in oracle.ecsf
The IndexedDocument class wraps a search hit.
Indexer - Interface in oracle.ecsf
The indexer is responsible for indexing a document.
IndexingException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
An exception thrown when a search engine fails to index a document.
IndexingException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.IndexingException
Constructs an IndexingException from another exception.
IndexingException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.IndexingException
Constructs an IndexingException from a message.
initialize(SearchContext, Map, PrimaryKey) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
This method is called to initialize this the object before read method is called.
initializeSession(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Initialize application specific session.
INSERT - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.ChangeListener
INSERT - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
invalidateCacheItem(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Invalidates the cached item.
isAclEnabled(SearchContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
Tests if this plug-in enables ACL security or not.
isActive() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
isDateBased() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Tests if this field will be used for incremental crawling.
isDefault() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
isDeployed() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
isDeployed() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
isEqual(SearchGroup) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Equals only if name and engine instance id are the same.
isEqual(FacetPath) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Equals if thier facet selections are equal via Arryas.equals
isEqual(FacetSelection) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
isError() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Returns the error status for the search
isError() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Returns the error status for the search
isExternal() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Return true if this group maps to a data source not created via ECSF, false otherwise
isFacetField() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Tests whether this field is a facet stored field.
isFacetsEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns whether facets are enabled or not.
isGrant() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Returns true if the field definition is used as secure attribute of type grant, false means type of deny.
isInvalid() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Returns true if the facet entries were not able to be loaded.
isLanguageField() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
whether this field denotes the language of the document
isLeaf() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.Facet
Returns whether this is the leaf facet in the hierarchy.
isLeaf() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetDef
Returns whether this is the leaf facet def.
isMLSEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Returns flag indicating if the query enables MLS, if enabled, the query would only return results of the query lanugage.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Tests whether this field is part of primary key
isSecure() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Tests whether this is field is a secure field.
isStored() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.FieldDefinition
Tests whether this field is stored.
isUserValid(SearchContext, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SecurityService
Check if user is valid.


KEY_COUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
KEY_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
KEY_VALUE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
keySet() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey


listSupportedFormats() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SecurityService
Return support user format list.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
logger - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject


mDefault - Variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
MetaEngineInstance - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta
MetaEngineInstance() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
mName - Variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
mTitle - Variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
mType - Variable in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction


newInstance(String) - Static method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
Factory method to construct a primary key instance from a serialized string.


oracle.ecsf - package oracle.ecsf
oracle.ecsf.client - package oracle.ecsf.client
oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject - package oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject
oracle.ecsf.impl.action - package oracle.ecsf.impl.action
oracle.ecsf.impl.facet - package oracle.ecsf.impl.facet
oracle.ecsf.meta - package oracle.ecsf.meta
oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet - package oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet
overrideAccessURL(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Overrides access URL logic, and use the value assigned here.
overrideActions(SearchAction[]) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexedDocument
The plugin can call this method to override default action.


PostQueryProcessor - Interface in oracle.ecsf
PostQueryProcessor interface should be implemented by the search plugin if developers intend to perform some extra tasks on the resulthits before it is returned.
preIndexProcess(SearchContext, List<IndexableDocument>) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.PreIndexProcessor
Called after the documents are extracted from data source and before security methods are called.
PreIndexProcessor - Interface in oracle.ecsf
The PreIndexProcessor interface should be implemented by application developers if they intend to perform data manipulation for a particular searchable object.
PrimaryKey - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta
Primary Key is a mMap that holds primary key information for a document.
PrimaryKey() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
provisionEngineInstance(SearchContext, long, Map) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
put(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
putAll(Map) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey


QueryMetaData - Interface in oracle.ecsf
QueryMetaData defines the input meta data of a search query.
queryPostProcess(SearchContext, SearchHits) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.PostQueryProcessor
If implemented, this method is called after a query returned from a search engine.


RCS_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
RCS_ID - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.IndexingException
RCS_ID - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeSearchException
RCS_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
RCS_ID - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchSecurityException
RCS_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
RCS_ID - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.UnSupportedFeatureException
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.IndexingException
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeSearchException
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchHits
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Securable
RCS_ID_RECORDED - Static variable in exception oracle.ecsf.UnSupportedFeatureException
read(SearchContext, OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
Reads the attachment.
registerIdentityPlugin(SearchContext, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
release() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Releases the context, and clean up resources used by this context.
releaseConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Provides cross module service for connection management.
releaseSession() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.ApplicationExtension
Release application specific session.
reload() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Request a reload the configuration.
RELOAD_PERIOD_IN_MS - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.meta.impl.facet.FacetEntryDef
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
removeAllFilters() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Removes all the filters added for this queryMetaData
removeChildDocs() - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Removes all child indexable documents (when no longer needed).
removeFacetValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Removes the leaf facet's selected value
removeSelection() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
resolveURL(SearchContext, SearchAction) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.ActionURLResolver
Resolves an action (either URL or Task type) into a real url using values from its associated document.
runQuery(QueryMetaData) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Performs the search using query metadata, a new search context will be created
runQuery(SearchContext, QueryMetaData) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Performs the search using search context and query metadata
runRecentSearch(SearchContext, RecentSearch) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Executes a recent search using search context and recent search object
runSavedSearch(SearchContext, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Deprecated. Retrieves and performs the specified saved search
runSavedSearch(SearchContext, SavedSearch) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Executes a saved search using search context and saved search object
RuntimeMetadataException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
RuntimeMetadataException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeMetadataException
RuntimeMetadataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeMetadataException
RuntimeMetadataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeMetadataException
RuntimeSearchException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
Exception thrown for all search related exception.
RuntimeSearchException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeSearchException
Constructs an exception with a message.
RuntimeSearchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeSearchException
Constructs an exception from an exception.
RuntimeSearchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.RuntimeSearchException
Constructs an exception from an exception.


SAVED_SEARCH_TYPE_STR - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
SavedSearch - Class in oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject
SavedSearch(long, String, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
SavedSearch() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
Default constructor.
SavedSearchDetails - Class in oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject
SavedSearchDetails(long, String, Date, String, Date, long, QueryMetaData, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearchDetails
SavedSearchDetails() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearchDetails
Default constructor.
SavedSearchManager - Class in oracle.ecsf.client
SavedSearchManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
SCHEDULE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
SCHEDULE_LAUNCH_DAY - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
SCHEDULE_LAUNCH_HOUR - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
search(SearchContext, QueryMetaData) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Searcher
Returns a search hits for a given query.
SearchableGroup - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta
The SearchableGroup represents search related meta data for a business object.
SearchableGroup(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Constructs searchable group from a name
SearchableObject - Class in oracle.ecsf.meta
The SearchableObject represents search related meta data for a business object.
SearchableObject() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
SearchableObject(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Constructs searchable from a name
SearchAction - Class in oracle.ecsf.impl.action
SearchAction(String, String, String, Map, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
Creates a Search Action with overridden url or task params.
SearchAction(String, String, String, Map, Map, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
Creates a Search Action that can be resolved to a url or to task params.
SearchAction() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
SearchAction(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
SearchContext - Interface in oracle.ecsf
SearchContext is a runtime container for contextual information for applications search.
SearchCtrl - Class in oracle.ecsf.client
This class is the entry point to ECSF query related functionalitiess such retrieving search groups as well as performing basic and advanced searches.
SearchCtrl() - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchCtrl
Initializes the MetaDataManager
SearchEngine - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Abstraction for a search engine.
SearchEngineInstance - Class in oracle.ecsf.client
SearchEngineInstance(String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Searcher - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Searcher is responsible for performing searches.
SearchException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
Exception thrown for all search related exception.
SearchException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
SearchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
SearchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
SearchException(String, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
Constructs an exception from an exception, an error code and an array of parameters values
SearchGroup - Class in oracle.ecsf.client
SearchGroup defines meta data used by the client that represents the properties of a searchable group.
SearchGroup(String, String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
Deprecated. instead, use SearchCtrl.getSearchGroup.
SearchGroup(String, String, long, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
a constructor
SearchGroup(String, String, long, String, String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
a constructor
SearchHits - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Search hits of a given search.
SearchSecurityException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
Security wrapper exception.
SearchSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchSecurityException
SearchSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchSecurityException
SearchSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.SearchSecurityException
Securable - Interface in oracle.ecsf
A securable is an interface to be implemented for seucrity plugin to enforce custom security rules on the searchable objects.
SecurityService - Interface in oracle.ecsf
SecurityService is used to apply security authentication and authorization checks.
selectFacetValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Selects a facet value for the leaf facet of a root facet.
serialize() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
SessionObject - Interface in oracle.ecsf
Session object represents a proxy connection to the search engine.
setActionType(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Sets the action type for the document.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
setAdvancedSearchGroups(Collection<SearchGroup>) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Sets a Collection of SearchGroup objects for advanced search for this search engine instance
setApplId(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
set the application id
setApplId(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
set the application mId
setApplId(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
set the application id
setAttribueAcl(String, String[]) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
Sets acl to the field.
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets a hash value for the given key.
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SessionObject
Sets a hash value for the given key.
setBody(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets body definition.
setChildFacet(Facet) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Sets a child facet.
setComponentName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
setContent(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets content for this document.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets contentType for this document.
setCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetEntry
Sets the number of documents that match the value of the entry.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the page number to be retrieved for this query
setCurrLocale(Locale) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets locale associated with this context.
setDeployed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Returns deploy status of this group.
setDeployed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
setDeployedVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets the mVersion of this object being deployed to SES instance.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Sets the display name of this searchable group
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets display name
setDocument(AbstractDocument) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.action.SearchAction
setDocument(AbstractDocumentDefinition) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets root mDocument for this object.
setDocumentDefinition(DocumentDefinition) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets the document definition.
setDrivingSchemaObject(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets schema and driving table name for this object.
setECSFComponentId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
Set the ECSFComponentId of the saved search.
setECSFComponentId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
setECSFComponentId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setECSFComponentId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
set the remote ECSF server mId for global search
setECSFComponentId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Set the remote ECSF server id for global search
setECSFPlugIn(SearchPluginDef) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets security plugin definition.
setEngineInstanceId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
setEngineInstanceId(long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Associates an engineInstanceId with this context.
setEngineType(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setEngineTypeId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setError(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Flags that the search resulted in error
setError(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Flags that the search resulted in error
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData
Sets the error message for this search, used by the searcher.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets the error message for this search, used by the searcher.
setExternal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Sets a boolean to capture if this group contains external sources
setExternalContext(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets external context.
setFacetName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
Sets the facet name.
setFacetPaths(FacetPath[]) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the facet paths to be used for this query
setFieldValue(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets attribute value.
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Sets the id of the search engine instance
setId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setId(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Sets mId for this group.
setId(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets id of this object.
setIsDeployed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
setIsExternal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Deprectated use setExertnal instead
setKeywords(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets keywords.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets keywords defintion.
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets the language for the Document
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the language for the query, this value overrides the user's default language setting
setLanguageFieldName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets language field for this object.
setLastTimeCrawled(Date) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets last time when this object crawled but dont have to propagate to DB (because it is already there).
setLastTimeCrawled(Date, SearchContext) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets last time when this object crawled.
setLoggingContext(ECSFLoggingContext) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets the logging context for the current search context.
setMaxFacetValues(int) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the maximum number of facet values each facet should return.
setMLSEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the flag to filter the results by query langauge.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Sets the name of the search engine instance
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setPageSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the page size to be used for this query
setParameters(Map) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.MetaEngineInstance
setParameters(String[]) - Method in exception oracle.ecsf.SearchException
Assign parameters for the message.
setPlugInName(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets plugin name.
setPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets primaryKey for this document;
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Set the property.
setQueryString(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the query string for this query
setSavedSearchDetails(SavedSearchDetails) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
This API is not meant for public consumption Set the saved search details for this saved search.
setScheduleId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets indexScehduleId of this object.
setScope(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
set the scope of the search group
setScope(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
set the scope of the search group
setScope(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets the search scope associated with this context.
setSearchableObject(SearchableObject) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Crawler
Sets searchable object to crawl.
setSearchableObject(SearchableObject) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Indexer
Sets Searchable Object for this indexer
setSearchableObject(SearchableObject) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Associates a searhable object with this context.
setSearchActions(SearchResultActionDef[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets action definitions to this object.
setSearchEngineInstanceId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchGroup
setSearchEngineInstanceId(long) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
setSearchEngineReference(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
Sets the reference value for this definition in a search engine.
setSearchEngineReference(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets the reference value for this definition in a search engine.
setSearchGroups(Collection<SearchGroup>) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SearchEngineInstance
Sets a Collection of SearchGroup objects for this search engine instance
setSearchGroups(SearchGroup[]) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the search groups used for this query
setSelections(FacetSelection[]) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
Sets the selections.
setSESSearchControls(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the SES search controls to be used for this query
setSessionObject(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Binds the context to a session.
setSOName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.QueryMetaData
Sets the search object that the query will be filtered by
setTitle(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Document
Sets title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets title definition in groovy expression.
setUserName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Sets username without binding.
setValue(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetSelection
Sets the value selected for the facet.
setVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableObject
Sets mVersion for this object.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.SearchContext
Assigns a writer to this context.
size() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey
sLogger - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
sLogger - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
sLogger - Static variable in class oracle.ecsf.meta.SearchableGroup
start(SearchContext, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Crawler
Starts the crawler.
startSchedule(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
stopSchedule(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator


TABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.Attachment
toString() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearch
Convert the Data Object into string value.
toString() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.dataobject.SavedSearchDetails
Convert the Data Object into string value.
toString() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.impl.facet.FacetPath
toString() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey


unDeploySchedule(SearchContext, long, String) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
unDeploySearchGroup(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
unDeploySearchObject(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator
UnSupportedFeatureException - Exception in oracle.ecsf
An exception thrown when a search engine fails to index a document.
UnSupportedFeatureException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ecsf.UnSupportedFeatureException
UPDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.ChangeListener
UPDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.ecsf.IndexableDocument
updateCacheItem(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.meta.Configuration
Notifies the config that an object has changed.
updateSavedSearch(SearchContext, SavedSearch) - Method in class oracle.ecsf.client.SavedSearchManager
Updates the saved search table with the info from the specified saved search object.
updateSearchObject(SearchContext, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.ecsf.Administrator


values() - Method in class oracle.ecsf.meta.PrimaryKey

Oracle Fusion Applications Search Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework
11g Release 1 (


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