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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model

Interface Summary
Activity Represents an instance of a controller activity with a specific type and metadata.
AdfcNode Represents ADFc node that has a context and can be validated.
Bookmark Desbrobes how a view should be bookmarked.
ControlFlowCase A single case in a control flow rule.
ControlFlowRule An instance of a control flow rule.
Converter Desbribes a method expression for a parameter converter.
IdHolder ADFc metadata elements can have an id attribute.
MethodCall Represents metadata for a method call activity.
NamedParameter A named parameter has a logical name, Java type and a EL expression value.
NodeHolder Holds the DOM node that represents this element.
NullValueHolder Interface denoting a component that stores a null value.
Outcome Represents the metadata for the logical outcome of a task flow.
PageFlow An instance of a page flow.
PageParameter An input parameter to a view activity.
Parameter Parameter metadata consists of a Java class and a regural expression.
ParentAction Represents an action to be processed by the parent task flow.
Router Represents the metadata for the router activity.
RouterCase Represents metadata for a case elemenent in a router activity.
SavePointRestore Metadata for a save point restore activity.
Security Metadata for security.
TaskFlowCall Metadata for a task flow activity instance.
TaskFlowDefinition Metadata for a bounded task flow definition.
TaskFlowInputParameter Represents metadata for the input parameter to a task flow.
TaskFlowReentry Task flow reentry defines whether a task flow should allow navigation via a back button.
TaskFlowReturn Metadata for a task flow return activity instance.
TrainStop Train stop definition for a train in a task flow.
TrainStopContainer A metadata element that contains a train stop.
UIInfo Represents a description, display name and an icon for the metadata element.
UrlParameter Metadata for a bookmarkable URL parameter.
UrlView Represents a redirect to a url outside of a task flow.
ValueMapping This class represents a value mapping containing a value name and a binding EL expression.
View Represents metadata for a view activity.
Visibility Represents task flow's ability to be invoked via a url.


Class Summary
ActivityType Defines constants for the activity types that ADFc includes out of the box.
ParsingContext Represents contextual information for the element being parsed.


Enum Summary
DataControlScopeType Dictates task flow data control sharing policy.
TransactionResolution Indicates the final resolution of a transaction.
TransactionType TransactionType indicates ADFc taks flow behavior with respect to ADFM transaction.
TransportGuaranteeType Defines the supported set of values for the element <transport-guarantee>.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 2 (


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