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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 2 (


Interface MetadataResource

All Superinterfaces:
AdfcNode, IdHolder, NodeHolder, PageFlow, UIInfo

public interface MetadataResource
extends PageFlow

Represents an ADFc metadata resource with activities, control flow rules, managed beans or bounded task flow definitions.

Method Summary
 boolean addTaskFlowDefinition(TaskFlowDefinition taskFlowDef)
          Adds a task flow definition to this metadata resource.
 java.util.Map<ActivityId,Activity> getAdfActivities()
          Gets the ADF activities defined within the resource.
 java.util.Map<ActivityId,ControlFlowRule> getAdfControlFlowRules()
          Gets the ADF page flow control flow rules defined in the resource.
 AdfcElementFactory getElementFactory()
 ActivityId getExceptionHandlerId()
          Gets the activity ID of a exception handler activity, if one is specified in this resource.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ManagedBean> getManagedBeans()
          Gets the managed bean definitions contained in this resource.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getMetadataResourceNames()
          Gets the list of any bootstrap metadata resource names specified by this resource.
 TaskFlowDefinition getMutableTaskFlowDefinition(java.lang.String taskFlowId)
          Retrieves the mutable bounded task flow definition matching this id.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the resource's name.
 java.util.Map<TaskFlowId,TaskFlowDefinition> getTaskFlowDefinitions()
          Gets the task flow definitions contained in the resource.
 boolean isMutable()


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.PageFlow
addActivity, addControlFlowRule, addManagedBean, getActivities, getControlFlowRule, getControlFlowRules, getSecurity, removeActivity, removeControlFlowRule, removeManagedBean


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.UIInfo
getDescription, getDisplayName, getLargeIcon, getSmallIcon, getUIInfo, setDescription, setDisplayName, setLargeIcon, setSmallIcon


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcNode
getParsingContext, validate


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.IdHolder
getIdAttribute, setIdAttribute


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.NodeHolder


Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Gets the resource's name. For example, "/WEB-INF/adfc-cofnig.xml".
the name.


boolean isMutable()
true, if resource can be modified using DT@RT APIs


java.util.Map<ActivityId,ControlFlowRule> getAdfControlFlowRules()
Gets the ADF page flow control flow rules defined in the resource. ADF control flow rules are those that are not contained within a bounded task flow definition.
a map of control flow rules keyed by the rule's from activity or an empty map if no control flow rules are found


java.util.Map<ActivityId,Activity> getAdfActivities()
Gets the ADF activities defined within the resource. An ADF activity if an activity that is not contained within a task flow definition.
a map of activities keyed by the activity ID or an empty map if no activities are found


java.util.Map<TaskFlowId,TaskFlowDefinition> getTaskFlowDefinitions()
Gets the task flow definitions contained in the resource.
a map of task flow definitions keyed by the task flow ID or an empty map if no task flow definitions are found


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ManagedBean> getManagedBeans()
Gets the managed bean definitions contained in this resource.
Specified by:
getManagedBeans in interface PageFlow
a map of managed bean definitions keyed by the managed bean name or an empty map if no bean definitions are found


ActivityId getExceptionHandlerId()
Gets the activity ID of a exception handler activity, if one is specified in this resource.
Specified by:
getExceptionHandlerId in interface PageFlow
activity id for the exception handler or null


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getMetadataResourceNames()
Gets the list of any bootstrap metadata resource names specified by this resource.
a list of resource names, might be empty if no resources are specified.


boolean addTaskFlowDefinition(TaskFlowDefinition taskFlowDef)
Adds a task flow definition to this metadata resource.
taskFlowDef - a new task flow definition
true, if a task flow definition was succesfully added


TaskFlowDefinition getMutableTaskFlowDefinition(java.lang.String taskFlowId)
Retrieves the mutable bounded task flow definition matching this id. If none found, returns null. A mutable task flow definition can be used to add view activities or control rules to a bounded task flow.
taskFlowId - an id of a bounded task flow in this resource.
a mutable bounded task flow definition


AdfcElementFactory getElementFactory()
if this resource is mutable, returns a factory that can be used to create new Adfc metadata elements. If this resource is not mutable, returns null.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
11g Release 2 (


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