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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class DataControlFrameImpl

  extended by oracle.adf.model.dcframe.DataControlFrameImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataControlFrameImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements DataControlFrame

Constructor Summary
DataControlFrameImpl(java.lang.String name, DataControlFrameImpl parentFrame, java.util.List<DataControlPolicy> policies, DataControlPolicy defaultPolicy, BindingContext bindingContext)


Method Summary
 void addDataControl(java.lang.Object key, DCDataControl dc)
          Add an datacontrol to the list of datacontrols that this datacontrol frame should maintain.
 boolean addDataControlPolicy(DataControlPolicy policy)
          Adds a datacontrol policy to this datacontrol frame.
 void beginRequest(BindingContext bindingCtx, java.util.HashMap requestCtx)
 void beginTransaction(TransactionProperties properties)
          Begin a new transaction.
 void commit()
          Commit the current underlying transaction.
 boolean containsBindingContainer(java.lang.Object bc)
 boolean containsDataControl(java.lang.Object dc)
 SavepointHandle createSavepoint()
          Create a savepoint marking the current state of the task flow context. createSnapshot()
          Creates a snapshot of the states of the DataControls in the frame.
 java.util.Collection<DCDataControl> datacontrols()
          Returns the set of data controls in the frame
 void endRequest(BindingContext bindingCtx, java.util.HashMap requestCtx)
 DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcName)
          Retrieve a datacontrol instance with the given name from this datacontrol frame.
 DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcName, boolean create)
 DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcUsageName, java.lang.String dcName, boolean create)
 DataControlPolicy findPolicy(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieve a datacontrol policy with the given name from this datacontrol frame.
 java.lang.String findUniqueKey(java.lang.String key, java.util.Map dcMap)
          Return a key that is unique among the keys for datacontrols in the BindingContext.
 DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key)
 java.util.Collection<DCBindingContainer> getBindingContainers()
 DataControlPolicy getDefaultPolicy()
          Return the default datacontrol policy of this datacontrol frame.
 java.lang.String getName()
 java.lang.String getOpenTransactionName()
          Returns the name of the transaction if a transaction is open in this datacontrol frame.
 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock getSyncLock()
 boolean isTransactionDirty()
          Indicates if unsaved data modifications exists within the current datacontrol frame.
 boolean isTransactionOpen()
          Whether there is an open transaction in this frame, ie, whether beginTransaction has been called on this frame which has not been committed or rolled back.
 void notifyCurrent(boolean isCurrent)
          Notify the frame that it has been set current.
 DCBindingContainer putBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key, DCBindingContainer bc)
 void release()
          Release the datacontrol frame.
 void releaseSavepoint(SavepointHandle handle)
          Release a save point when it is no longer needed.
 DCBindingContainer removeBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key)
 void removeDataControl(java.lang.Object key)
 void removeSnapshot( handle)
          Removes the state snapshot associated with the snapshot handle.
 void restoreSavepoint(SavepointHandle handle)
          Restore the transaction back to a previously created checkpoint.
 void restoreSnapshot( handle)
          Restore the states of the DataControls in the frame with the snapshot states that are referenced by the handle.
 void resumeTransaction()
          Resume the transaction associated with with this context.
 void rollback()
          Rollback the underlying transaction.
 void suspendTransaction()
          Called to suspend the transaction associated with this datacontrol frame.
 void unlock()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DataControlFrameImpl(java.lang.String name,
                            DataControlFrameImpl parentFrame,
                            java.util.List<DataControlPolicy> policies,
                            DataControlPolicy defaultPolicy,
                            BindingContext bindingContext)
name - Name of this frame.
policies - An optional list of DataControlPolicy objects for datacontrols that have different policies than the default policy.
defaultPolicy - The default DataControlPolicy for all datacontrols in this datacontrol frame.
bindingContext - the BindingContext that creates this frame.

Method Detail


public void release()
Release the datacontrol frame. It is an error to call any other methods on the datacontrol frame after it has been released.
Specified by:
release in interface DataControlFrame


public java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock getSyncLock()


public void unlock()


public void notifyCurrent(boolean isCurrent)
Notify the frame that it has been set current. Note that a frame that is setCurrent is not guaranteed to be unset.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public void beginRequest(BindingContext bindingCtx,
                         java.util.HashMap requestCtx)


public void endRequest(BindingContext bindingCtx,
                       java.util.HashMap requestCtx)


public final java.util.Collection<DCDataControl> datacontrols()
Description copied from interface: DataControlFrame
Returns the set of data controls in the frame
Specified by:
datacontrols in interface DataControlFrame


public SavepointHandle createSavepoint()
Create a savepoint marking the current state of the task flow context.
Specified by:
createSavepoint in interface DataControlFrame
a checkpoint.


public void restoreSavepoint(SavepointHandle handle)
Restore the transaction back to a previously created checkpoint.
Specified by:
restoreSavepoint in interface DataControlFrame
cp - the checkpoint to return to. Must have been created by a call to createSavepoint() on the same transaction.


public void releaseSavepoint(SavepointHandle handle)
Release a save point when it is no longer needed. It is an error to attempt to restore a save point after it has been released.
Specified by:
releaseSavepoint in interface DataControlFrame
cp - the savepoint to release. Must have been created by a call to createSavepoint() on the same transaction.


public createSnapshot()
Description copied from interface: DataControlFrame
Creates a snapshot of the states of the DataControls in the frame. A snapshot may be used to save the DataControlFrame state so that it may be restored some time later. Returns a serializable handle to the snapshot.
Specified by:
createSnapshot in interface DataControlFrame
a snapshot handle


public void restoreSnapshot( handle)
Description copied from interface: DataControlFrame
Restore the states of the DataControls in the frame with the snapshot states that are referenced by the handle.
Specified by:
restoreSnapshot in interface DataControlFrame
handle - Serializable a snaphsot handle that was created with DataControlFrame.createSnapshot().


public void removeSnapshot( handle)
Description copied from interface: DataControlFrame
Removes the state snapshot associated with the snapshot handle.
Specified by:
removeSnapshot in interface DataControlFrame
handle - Serializable a snapshot handle that was created with DataControlFrame.createSnapshot().


public void beginTransaction(TransactionProperties properties)
Begin a new transaction.
Specified by:
beginTransaction in interface DataControlFrame
properties - the transaction properties. Used by beginTransaction in BindingContext


public void suspendTransaction()
Called to suspend the transaction associated with this datacontrol frame. Typically used when it's know that on activity will be performed on the transaction for an extended period of time, such as when a second, independent transaction is being used for some other unit of work.
Specified by:
suspendTransaction in interface DataControlFrame


public void resumeTransaction()
Resume the transaction associated with with this context. Used by resumeTransaction in BindingContext.
Specified by:
resumeTransaction in interface DataControlFrame


public java.lang.String getOpenTransactionName()
Returns the name of the transaction if a transaction is open in this datacontrol frame.

If the transaction policy of this frame is "existing", it returns the name of the transaction of the other frame specified in the datacontrol policy if that transaction is open.

A transaction is open and active if beginTransaction has been called but it has not been committed or rolled back.

Specified by:
getOpenTransactionName in interface DataControlFrame
Name of the open transaction in this datacontrol frame, or null if there is no transaction in this frame, or the transaction is not open.


public boolean isTransactionOpen()
Whether there is an open transaction in this frame, ie, whether beginTransaction has been called on this frame which has not been committed or rolled back.
Specified by:
isTransactionOpen in interface DataControlFrame
True if there is an open transaction in this frame, false otherwise.


public boolean isTransactionDirty()
Indicates if unsaved data modifications exists within the current datacontrol frame.
Specified by:
isTransactionDirty in interface DataControlFrame
true indicates unsaved data exists,
false indicates there is no unsaved data.


public java.lang.String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface DataControlFrame
the name for this datacontrol frame.


public void commit()
Commit the current underlying transaction.
Specified by:
commit in interface DataControlFrame


public void rollback()
Rollback the underlying transaction.
Specified by:
rollback in interface DataControlFrame


public java.lang.String findUniqueKey(java.lang.String key,
                                      java.util.Map dcMap)
Description copied from interface: DataControlFrame
Return a key that is unique among the keys for datacontrols in the BindingContext. The unique key can be the same as the key passed into this method, or a different key if a unique key has been generated if it clashes with another datacontrol created by a different frame. This method is used by BindingContext only.
Specified by:
findUniqueKey in interface DataControlFrame
key - key for the datacontrol
dcMap - map of datacontrol from the BindingContext
A unique name that can be used as key for storing the datacontrol into the data structures in the BindingContext. The name can be different from the key if more than one datacontrol frames reference different datacontrol instances using the same name.


public void removeDataControl(java.lang.Object key)


public void addDataControl(java.lang.Object key,
                           DCDataControl dc)
Add an datacontrol to the list of datacontrols that this datacontrol frame should maintain. A datacontrol added using this method may not be maintained by this datacontrol frame depending on the DataControlPolicy. 9bginr-
key - key for the datacontrol
dc - A datacontrol to be added to the datacontrol frame.


public DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcName)
Retrieve a datacontrol instance with the given name from this datacontrol frame.
Specified by:
findDataControl in interface DataControlFrame
dcName - Name of the datacontrol
A datacontrol with the given name, or null if none can be found.
See Also:


public DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcName,
                                     boolean create)


public DCDataControl findDataControl(java.lang.String dcUsageName,
                                     java.lang.String dcName,
                                     boolean create)


public DataControlPolicy findPolicy(java.lang.String name)
Retrieve a datacontrol policy with the given name from this datacontrol frame.
Specified by:
findPolicy in interface DataControlFrame
name - Name of the datacontrol
A datacontrol policy with the given name, or null if none can be found.


public DataControlPolicy getDefaultPolicy()
Return the default datacontrol policy of this datacontrol frame.
Specified by:
getDefaultPolicy in interface DataControlFrame
The default policy of this datacontrol frame.


public boolean addDataControlPolicy(DataControlPolicy policy)
Adds a datacontrol policy to this datacontrol frame. To be implemented.
Specified by:
addDataControlPolicy in interface DataControlFrame
policy - The datacontrol policy to be added.
true if the policy has been added sucessfully, false if the policy cannot be added because a policy already exists for the given name.


public boolean containsDataControl(java.lang.Object dc)


public DCBindingContainer getBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key)
Specified by:
getBindingContainer in interface DataControlFrame


public DCBindingContainer putBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key,
                                              DCBindingContainer bc)
Specified by:
putBindingContainer in interface DataControlFrame


public DCBindingContainer removeBindingContainer(java.lang.Object key)
Specified by:
removeBindingContainer in interface DataControlFrame


public java.util.Collection<DCBindingContainer> getBindingContainers()
Specified by:
getBindingContainers in interface DataControlFrame


public boolean containsBindingContainer(java.lang.Object bc)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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