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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class TickMark

  extended by oracle.dss.gauge.BaseGaugeComponent
      extended by oracle.dss.gauge.TickMark

public class TickMark
extends BaseGaugeComponent

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.gauge.BaseGaugeComponent
m_commonGauge, m_compType


Constructor Summary
TickMark(CommonGauge gauge)


Method Summary
 int getContent()
          Gets the tick content specification for all gauges in this gauge set.
 java.awt.Color getMajorTickColor()
          Retrieves the color of the major tick marks.
 int getMajorTickCount()
          Gets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
 double getMajorTickStep()
          Gets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
 java.awt.Color getMinorTickColor()
          Retrieves the color of the minor tick marks.
 int getMinorTickCount()
          Gets the minor tick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
 double getMinorTickStep()
          Gets the minor tick step for all gauges in this gauge set.
 void setContent(int content)
          Sets the tick content specification for all gauges in this gauge set.
 void setMajorTickColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Specifies the color of the major tick marks.
 void setMajorTickCount(int tickCount)
          Sets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
 void setMajorTickStep(double tickStep)
          Sets the MajorTick step for all gauges in this gauge set.
 void setMinorTickColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Specifies the color of the minor tick marks.
 void setMinorTickCount(int tickCount)
          Sets the minor tick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
 void setMinorTickStep(double tickStep)
          Sets the minor tick step for all gauges in this gauge set.


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.gauge.BaseGaugeComponent
getComponentName, getComponentType, selectObject


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public TickMark(CommonGauge gauge)

Method Detail


public int getContent()
Gets the tick content specification for all gauges in this gauge set. Returned value represents 0 or more values added together to specify which tick marks should appear in a gauge.
Integer representing 0 or more tick types to display; valid values include those constants in GaugeConstants beginning with TICK_.


public void setContent(int content)
Sets the tick content specification for all gauges in this gauge set. Returned value represents 0 or more values added together to specify which tick types should appear in a gauge.
content - Integer representing 0 or more tick types to display; valid values include those constants in GaugeConstants beginning with TICK_.


public int getMajorTickCount()
Gets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set. When the count is < 0 the increments are calculated automatically based on the gauge width.
Integer representing MajorTick count.


public void setMajorTickCount(int tickCount)
Sets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set. When the specified count is < 0 the increments are calculated automatically based on the gauge width.
tickCount - Integer representing MajorTick count.


public java.awt.Color getMajorTickColor()
Retrieves the color of the major tick marks.
The color of the major tick marks.


public void setMajorTickColor(java.awt.Color color)
Specifies the color of the major tick marks.
color - The color of the major tick marks.


public int getMinorTickCount()
Gets the minor tick count for all gauges in this gauge set. The minor tick count specifies the number of minor ticks between the major ticks.
Minor tick marks are only drawn if tick mark content includes TC_INCREMENTS.
Minor tick marks are not drawn between threshold (TC_THRESHOLD) ticks.
Integer representing minor tick count.


public void setMinorTickCount(int tickCount)
Sets the minor tick count for all gauges in this gauge set. The minor tick count specifies the number of minor ticks between the major ticks.
Minor tick marks are only drawn if tick mark content includes TC_INCREMENTS.
Minor tick marks are not drawn between threshold (TC_THRESHOLD) ticks.
tickCount - Integer representing minor tick count.


public java.awt.Color getMinorTickColor()
Retrieves the color of the minor tick marks.
The color of the minor tick marks.


public void setMinorTickColor(java.awt.Color color)
Specifies the color of the minor tick marks.
color - The color of the minor tick marks.


public double getMinorTickStep()
Gets the minor tick step for all gauges in this gauge set. The minor tick step specifies the increment of minor ticks between the major ticks.
Minor tick marks are only drawn if tick mark content includes TC_INCREMENTS.
Minor tick marks are not drawn between threshold (TC_THRESHOLD) ticks.
Note: The number of minor ticks is limited to 500 in a gauge
Integer representing minor tick count.


public void setMinorTickStep(double tickStep)
Sets the minor tick step for all gauges in this gauge set. The minor tick step specifies the increment of minor ticks between the major ticks.
Minor tick marks are only drawn if tick mark content includes TC_INCREMENTS.
Minor tick marks are not drawn between threshold (TC_THRESHOLD) ticks.
Note: The number of minor ticks is limited to 500 in a gauge
tickStep - representing minor tick count.


public double getMajorTickStep()
Gets the MajorTick count for all gauges in this gauge set.
Note: The number of major ticks is limited to 100 in a gauge
representing MajorTick step.


public void setMajorTickStep(double tickStep)
Sets the MajorTick step for all gauges in this gauge set.
Note: The number of major ticks is limited to 100 in a gauge
tickStep - representing MajorTick step.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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