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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class GraphRuleFormatter

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.managers.RuleManager
      extended by oracle.dss.graph.managers.GraphRuleFormatter

All Implemented Interfaces:, FormatManager, Manager, UIBundle, GraphFormatManager

public class GraphRuleFormatter
extends RuleManager
implements GraphFormatManager
See Also:
Serialized Form
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Default number formatting class using rules.

Field Summary
protected  ViewFormat m_viewFormat


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.RuleManager
m_bundles, m_context, m_dataview, m_uiBundle, UIBUNDLE_NAME


Constructor Summary
          NEW Class constructor.


Method Summary
 void dataSourceChanged()
          NEW This implementation does nothing.
 java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data, ViewFormat componentFormat, double maxValue, double minValue, double tickStep, int axisID, boolean isPercent, boolean bLogScale, double logBase)
          Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given graph axis location.
 java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data, ViewFormat componentFormat, double maxValue, double minValue, int axisID, boolean isPercent)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by formatAxisValue(double, ViewFormat, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, double).
 java.lang.Object formatDataValue(DataviewCommon view, java.lang.Object data, int column, int row, int[] pageHPos, ViewFormat vf)
          Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
 java.lang.String formatDataValue(double data, ViewFormat componentFormat, int axisID, int column, int row, boolean isPercent, QDR qdr, boolean isTooltip)
          NEW Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
protected  void formatLinearScaleAxisValue(double minValue, double maxValue, double tickStep, ViewFormat format, boolean bUseDefaultScaleFactor, boolean bUseDefaultDecimalDigit)
          Format an axis label for an axis with a linear scale.
protected  void formatLogScaleAxisValue(double logBase, double data, ViewFormat format, boolean bUseDefaultScaleFactor, boolean bUseDefaultDecimalDigit)
          Format an axis label for an axis with a logarithmic scale.
 java.lang.String formatPieValue(double data, ViewFormat componentFormat, boolean isPercent, QDR qdr, boolean isTooltip)
          Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
 oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(boolean allProperties, DataviewCommon dataview)
 boolean isUsingRuleBundles()
          Method used by GraphExportXMLWriter to indicate whether rule bundles are being used.
 void setUIBundle(DataviewCommon view, RuleBundle bundle)
          Set the RuleBundle used by the UI.


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.RuleManager
getBundles, getUIBundle, getXML, setBundles, setContext, setXML


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.FormatManager
getBundles, setBundles


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIBundle


Field Detail


protected ViewFormat m_viewFormat

Constructor Detail


public GraphRuleFormatter()
NEW Class constructor.

Method Detail


public void dataSourceChanged()
NEW This implementation does nothing.
Specified by:
dataSourceChanged in interface Manager
dataSourceChanged in class RuleManager


public java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data,
                                        ViewFormat componentFormat,
                                        double maxValue,
                                        double minValue,
                                        int axisID,
                                        boolean isPercent)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by formatAxisValue(double, ViewFormat, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, double).
Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given graph axis location.
Specified by:
formatAxisValue in interface GraphFormatManager
data - a double containing the data value to format
maxValue - a double which is the maximum data value plotted on this axis
minValue - a double which is the minimum data value plotted on this axis
axisID - an integer identifying the axis with which this value is associated
isPercent - a boolean indicating if this is a percentage value
the formatted data item, as a String


public java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data,
                                        ViewFormat componentFormat,
                                        double maxValue,
                                        double minValue,
                                        double tickStep,
                                        int axisID,
                                        boolean isPercent,
                                        boolean bLogScale,
                                        double logBase)
Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given graph axis location.
Specified by:
formatAxisValue in interface GraphFormatManager
data - a double containing the data value to format
maxValue - a double which is the maximum data value plotted on this axis
minValue - a double which is the minimum data value plotted on this axis
tickStep - the increment between data label values on this axis
axisID - an integer identifying the axis with which this value is associated
isPercent - a boolean indicating if this is a percentage value
bLogScale - boolean indicating if this axis has a logarithmic scale
logBase - if the axis is scaled logarithmically, the base of the scale
the formatted data item, as a String


protected void formatLinearScaleAxisValue(double minValue,
                                          double maxValue,
                                          double tickStep,
                                          ViewFormat format,
                                          boolean bUseDefaultScaleFactor,
                                          boolean bUseDefaultDecimalDigit)
Format an axis label for an axis with a linear scale. This method is called from within the formatAxisValue method. The ViewFormat passed in will be used to format the axis label, so this method sets default property values directly on it.
minValue - the minimum value on the axis
maxValue - the maximum value on the axis
tickStep - the tick step between values on the axis
format - the ViewFormat used to format the label
bUseDefaultScaleFactor - true if a default value for ScaleFactor should be calculated, false otherwise
bUseDefaultDecimalDigit - true if a default value for DecimalDigit should be calculated, false otherwise


protected void formatLogScaleAxisValue(double logBase,
                                       double data,
                                       ViewFormat format,
                                       boolean bUseDefaultScaleFactor,
                                       boolean bUseDefaultDecimalDigit)
Format an axis label for an axis with a logarithmic scale. This method is called from within the formatAxisValue method. The ViewFormat passed in will be used to format the axis label, so this method sets default property values directly on it. This method only sets special defaults for log scale base 2, e, or 10 axes.
logBase - the base of the log scale
data - the data label to be formatted
format - the ViewFormat used to format the label
bUseDefaultScaleFactor - true if a default value for ScaleFactor should be calculated, false otherwise
bUseDefaultDecimalDigit - true if a default value for DecimalDigit should be calculated, false otherwise


public java.lang.String formatPieValue(double data,
                                       ViewFormat componentFormat,
                                       boolean isPercent,
                                       QDR qdr,
                                       boolean isTooltip)
Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
Specified by:
formatPieValue in interface GraphFormatManager
data - the data value to format
isPercent - a boolean indicating if this is a percentage value
isTooltip - a boolean indicating if this value is part of a tooltip
componentFormat - The default ViewFormat to apply to the data value.
qdr - The QDR that identifies the dimension members to which the data value belongs.
the formatted data item, as a String


public java.lang.String formatDataValue(double data,
                                        ViewFormat componentFormat,
                                        int axisID,
                                        int column,
                                        int row,
                                        boolean isPercent,
                                        QDR qdr,
                                        boolean isTooltip)
NEW Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
Specified by:
formatDataValue in interface GraphFormatManager
data - the data value to format
axisID - an integer identifying the axis with which this value is associated
column - an int specifying the column associated with this data value
row - an int specifying the row associated with this data value
isPercent - a boolean indicating if this is a percentage value
isTooltip - a boolean indicating if this value is part of a tooltip
componentFormat - The default ViewFormat to apply to the data value.
qdr - The QDR that identifies the dimension members to which the data value belongs.
the formatted data item, as a String


public java.lang.Object formatDataValue(DataviewCommon view,
                                        java.lang.Object data,
                                        int column,
                                        int row,
                                        int[] pageHPos,
                                        ViewFormat vf)
Description copied from interface: FormatManager
Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
Specified by:
formatDataValue in interface FormatManager
view - the view needing formatting resolution
data - the data to format
column - the across location of this data item
row - the down location of this data item
pageHPos - the hPos of the page on which this data item resides
vf - ViewFormat which may be used in the formatting
the formatted data item, as a String


public oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(boolean allProperties,
                                             DataviewCommon dataview)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public void setUIBundle(DataviewCommon view,
                        RuleBundle bundle)
Set the RuleBundle used by the UI. This RuleBundle is passed by reference.
Specified by:
setUIBundle in interface UIBundle
setUIBundle in class RuleManager
view - the view the RuleBundle applies to
bundle - the new RuleBundle used by the UI


public boolean isUsingRuleBundles()
Method used by GraphExportXMLWriter to indicate whether rule bundles are being used.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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