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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface LayoutAccess

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LayoutAccess

Methods that layout panels call to work on the layout before applying the layout to an actual query. The implementation of this interface should provide a representation of the layout part of a query that will be manipulated by layout panels.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String MEASURE
          Constant for type parameter in isSpecialDimension to determine if the dimension at a given edge and layer is the measure dimension or a measure
static java.lang.String TIME_DIMENSION
          Constant for type parameter in isSpecialDimension to determine if the dimension at a given edge and layer is a time dimension.


Method Summary
 DataSource getDataSource()
          Retrieves the DataSource that reflects layout changes in this LayoutAccess.
 int getMeasureEdge()
          Retrieves the edge that has the measure dimension in the layout query.
 int getMeasureLayer()
          Retrieves the layer that has the measure dimension.
 java.lang.String[] getMeasures(java.lang.String type)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by #LayoutAccess2.getDataItems()
 boolean isSpecialDimension(int edge, int layer, java.lang.String type)
          Determine if the dimension at the given edge and layer is of the type specified by the given constant.
 void release()
          Cleans up the LayoutAccess implementation.
 void setCursorEvaluation(boolean on)
          Specifies whether the cursor is evaluated.
 void setLayout(java.lang.String[][] layout)
          Specifies the layout of the data, as a two-dimensional array.
 void setMeasures(java.lang.String[] measures)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by #LayoutAccess2.setItems()


Field Detail


static final java.lang.String TIME_DIMENSION
Constant for type parameter in isSpecialDimension to determine if the dimension at a given edge and layer is a time dimension.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String MEASURE
Constant for type parameter in isSpecialDimension to determine if the dimension at a given edge and layer is the measure dimension or a measure
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void setCursorEvaluation(boolean on)
Specifies whether the cursor is evaluated. This method can affect other performance flags, as defined by the implementation.
on - true to have the cursor evaluated, false to turn off evaluation of the cursor.


DataSource getDataSource()
Retrieves the DataSource that reflects layout changes in this LayoutAccess. Initially, the DataSource that this method returns should be a copy of the query that will ultimately be affected by the layout panel. Layout panels then call DataDirector methods to manipulate the query that this method returns. The changes made to the query do not affect the original query until the applyLayoutAccess method of the LayoutContext is called.
The DataSource that reflects layout changes in this LayoutAccess.
See Also:
LayoutContext.applyLayoutAccess(oracle.dss.util.LayoutAccess, boolean), DataDirector


void setMeasures(java.lang.String[] measures)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by #LayoutAccess2.setItems()
Specifies the list of measures that should be considered in the layout of a data source.
measures - The measures to use in the data source. The elements of the array should be a subset of the measures that are returned by a call to the getMeasures method, with MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE as the parameter.
See Also:


java.lang.String[] getMeasures(java.lang.String type)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by #LayoutAccess2.getDataItems()
Retrieves the list of measures that the user has chosen for the query. These measures are the measures that are available for layout.
type - The type of labels that you want in the array that is returned. The types are those defined in the MetadataMap for the query. Possible values are listed in the See Also section, but only those that are specified in the query's MetadataMap are valid.
List of measures that are available in the layout query.
See Also:


int getMeasureEdge()
Retrieves the edge that has the measure dimension in the layout query.
A constant that identifies the edge where the measure dimension is currently. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE


int getMeasureLayer()
Retrieves the layer that has the measure dimension. The layer will be in the edge that getMeasureEdge returns.
The layer that has the measure dimension. The outermost layer is layer 0.


boolean isSpecialDimension(int edge,
                           int layer,
                           java.lang.String type)
                           throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Determine if the dimension at the given edge and layer is of the type specified by the given constant.
edge - the edge whose dimension should be checked
layer - the layer within the edge whose dimension should be checked
type - the type constant (defined in LayoutAccess, such as LayoutAccess.TIME_DIMENSION) against which to check the dimension at layer,edge
true if the dimension at edge, layer is of the special type given by type.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - if the given edge is illegal for the current data
LayerOutOfRangeException - if the given layer is illegal for the current data
See Also:


void setLayout(java.lang.String[][] layout)
Specifies the layout of the data, as a two-dimensional array. The first dimension of the array represents edges. The second dimension of the array represents layers within the edges.

Each element in the array represents a value that the DataDirector.getLayerMetadata method returns when you pass LayerMetadataMap.LAYER_METADATA_NAME to it. The location of each return value in the array specifies the location that you want it to have in the query.

Edges that you want to be empty should have a zero-element subarray at the edge location.

layout - The array that specifies the desired layout.
See Also:
CDFDataAccess.getLayerMetadata(int, int, java.lang.String), LayerMetadataMap.LAYER_METADATA_NAME


void release()
Cleans up the LayoutAccess implementation. This method should release any resources that the LayoutAccess has created. Call this method when you no longer need the LayoutAccess.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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