87 Purge Processed Batch Vouchers

This chapter contains this topic:

87.1 Purging Processed Batch Vouchers


From Accounts Payable (G04), enter 27

From A/P Advanced & Technical Operations (G0431), choose Batch Voucher Processing

From Batch Voucher Processing (G04311), choose Processed Batch Voucher Purge

Processed vouchers will remain in the tables until purged. You may purge the file automatically after processing (via a processing option in P04110Z) or execute the Processed Batch Voucher Purge program, P00PURGE, from the menu.

Processed Batch Voucher Purge is a DREAM Writer program that removes all processed vouchers from the Voucher Transactions - Batch table (F0411Z1). You can use Data Selection to limit which transactions or batches to be purged.

Purging only removes batch vouchers and does not affect A/P ledger (F0411) vouchers.

87.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 112.3, "Batch File Purge (P00PURGE)"