12 Purge Valuation Data

This chapter contains the topic:

12.1 Purging Valuation Data


From Advanced Stock Valuation (G39), enter 27

From Advanced Stock Valuation Technical Operations (G393), choose Valuation File Purge

When data becomes obsolete or you need more disk space, you can remove files with the purge program. The system purges information from the following files:

  • Document Summary (F3906)

  • Period Summary (F39051)

  • Additional Quantities (F39053)

Purging can cause serious damage to your system if done incorrectly. The system administrator or operations personnel should perform the procedure. A company should authorize only those employees who understand the purging process and its results access to the purge program.

12.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Back up all files you are planning to purge. There is no program to reverse a purge. If an error occurs and the system loses data, you can recover data only from the backup files.

  • Ensure that no users are working with the records or files you want to purge. If a file is in use, the system cannot reorganize it.

12.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Naming saved purged records Set the processing options to save the records you purge in a special purge library. The system names this library 'JD Edwards World' followed by the current system date (without separators). For example, if you purge the records on January 1, 1998, the purge library name is JDE010198. The system creates a physical file with the same name within that library. If you purge the same file multiple times on the same day, the system adds the purged records to the records already in the purge file for that day.
Reorganizing files Set the processing options to reorganize your files after the purge is complete. Reorganizing the files redistributes the remaining data so that the system can use the disk space more efficiently. The files you want to reorganize cannot be in use elsewhere, but must be exclusively allocated to the report writer job performing the purge.

If you submitted a report writer version of the purge program using a logical file build rather than OPNQRYF, the system includes the logical file built over the purged file in the reorganization. This might increase the time required to perform the file reorganization.

Using OPNQRYF If you use OPNQRYF to select records to be purged, you must specify at least one field in data sequencing and set the Delete field in additional parameters to Y for the report writer version that you use.

12.1.3 Processing Options