32 Process Exchange Rate Differences

This chapter contains the topic:

32.1 Processing Exchange Rate Differences

There are two batch versions each for processing A/P and A/R exchange rate differences. The first version (ZJDE0001) creates a new voucher or invoice and the associated payment or receipt for each gain or loss record processed. The second version (ZJDE0002) summarizes gains and losses by combining similar gains or losses into one, creating fewer new vouchers and invoices and associated payment and receipts.

Neither option has a significant performance impact on the post process or A/R and A/P functions. There will be a significant number of additional vouchers and invoices and payments and receipts created in the system.

32.1.1 Programs Used to Process Exchange Rate Differences

Program name Navigation Usage
Process A/P Gains/Losses From the Advanced International Processing (G09319) menu, select 20, Process A/P Gains/Losses (P098652). Select a version to run.
Processing Options Revisions From the Process A/P Gains/Losses window, select a version and press Enter. Select processing options for the version.
Process A/R Gains/Losses From the Advanced International Processing (G09319) menu, select 21, Process A/R Gains/Losses (P098651). Select a version to run
Processing Options Revisions From the Process A/R Gains/Losses window, select a version and press enter. Select processing options for the version.