Oracle Trading Community Architecture Profile Options and Categories

This appendix covers the following topics:

Profile Options and Profile Option Categories Overview

During implementation, set a value for each Oracle Trading Community Architecture profile option to specify how Trading Community Architecture controls access to and processes data.

See: Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Profile options are grouped into one or more profile option categories enabling you to view only the profile options that pertain to your application or function.

Trading Community Architecture Categories

Trading Community Architecture Profile Options

Important: Some profile options are set with a match rule. Make sure that all seeded or custom match rules you assign to profile options are compiled. See: Compiling Match Rules.

Related Topics

Introduction to Administration

Profile Option Category and Profile Options Descriptions

This section describes profile options by category.

The tables in this section provide profile option information as follows:

The key for each table is:

Address Formatting Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for address formatting deployment.

Address Formatting Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Default Address Style Postal Address Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Default Flexible Address Format United States Address Style No Access Update Update Update No Access
HZ: Default Name Style Concatenated Name Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Language for Country Display No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Reference Language No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Reference Territory No Default Update Update Update Update  

HZ: Default Address Style

Specify the default style that the Address Formatting API uses when the caller does not pass a style.

HZ: Default Flexible Address Format

For flexfield-based address formatting, determine the default format to use if no format is assigned to the selected country. See: Flexible Addresses, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

HZ: Default Name Style

Specify the style to be used to construct the PARTY_NAME column for a person name in the HZ_PARTIES table. This style is also the default that the Name Formatting API uses when the caller does not pass a style.

HZ: Language for Country Display

Specify the default language that the country name should be displayed in. If this profile option is left blank, then the country name is translated using the current session's NLS Language setting.

HZ: Reference Language

Specify the default language used in determining the appropriate name style formats. If this profile option is left blank, then the current session's NLS Language setting is used.

HZ: Reference Territory

Specify the default territory used in determining the appropriate address style format. This profile option also controls whether an address is considered domestic or foreign, for showing or hiding the country name.

This profile option is used if the ICX: Territory profile option is left blank. If HZ: Reference Territory is also left blank, then the current session's NLS Territory setting is used.

Address Validation Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for address validation deployment.

Address Validation Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
ECX: Log File Path No Default No Access No Access No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Address Validation Level for Application No Default No Access No Access Update No Access No Access
HZ: Address Validation Level for Site No Default No Access No Access Update No Access No Access
HZ: Allow Update to Standardized Address Yes Update Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Create Log for Adapters No Update Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Default Location Service Adapter No Default Update Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Enable Real Time Address Validation No Update Update Update Update  
HZ: Maintain Location History Yes Update Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Timeout Limit for Address Validation 300 Update Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Validate First 5 Digits of US ZIP Code Yes Update Update No Access No Access No Access
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host and Domain No Default Update Update Update Update Update
Application Proxy Port No Default Update Update Update Update Update
Applications Proxy Bypass Domains No Default Update Update Update Update Update

ECX: Log File Path

See: Define System Profile Options, Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

HZ: Address Validation Level for Application

Specify the address validation level for applications.

HZ: Address Validation Level for Site

Specify the address validation level for sites.

HZ: Allow Update to Standardized Address

Specify whether or not users or programs can update addresses that were standardized by address validation adapters. Even if this profile option is set to Yes, updates are allowed only if they do not violate other validations, such as tax validation rules. If a standardized address is updated, it becomes eligible for revalidation in future address validation processes.

HZ: Create Log for Adapters

Specify whether or not to create log entries in the HZ_ADAPTER_LOGS table for adapter processes, for example, address validation through an address validation adapter.

In the HZ_ADAPTER_LOGS table, the OUT_DOC column stores the outbound XML documents and log files, and the IN_DOC column stores the inbound XML documents and logs.

HZ: Default Location Service Adapter

Specify the system-wide default address validation adapter to use, if you want to use only one adapter for all address validations. If no country-specific default adapter is selected by the user for a specific import or address validation process, this default adapter is also used.

HZ: Enable Real Time Address Validation

Specify whether or not to validate the address for the Address CPUI Component using the address validation adapter. Set the profile to Yes to validate the address during entry. The default value is No.

HZ: Maintain Location History

Specify whether or not to track the history of location and location profile records. If location history is maintained, then every update to a location's supported address elements is tracked in the HZ_LOCATION_PROFILES table for all content sources in the HZ_LOCATIONS table. Supported address elements include the four address lines, city, state, county, and country.

HZ: Timeout Limit for Address Validation

Specify the number of seconds that the address validation "black box" should wait for a response from the address validation adapter before timing out. The adapter receives the XML file that the black box sends, and should send a corresponding response to validate the addresses.

HZ: Validate First 5 Digits of US ZIP Code

Use this profile option to validate the first five digits of the US postal code. The first five digits of the US postal code are validated if the profile value is Yes, else the complete postal code is validated. If you do not specify any value, the first five digits of the US postal code are validated

You can update this profile option only at the site level.


Applications Server-Side Proxy Host and Domain

Use this profile option to specify the host name, if your organization uses a proxy server.

This profile option is required.

You can update this profile option only at the site level.

Internal Name: WEB_PROXY_HOST

Application Proxy Port

Use this profile option to specify the proxy port number, if your organization uses a proxy server.

This profile option is required if you specified a host name for the proxy server.

You can update this profile option only at the site level.

Internal Name: WEB_PROXY_PORT

Applications Proxy Bypass Domains

Use this profile option to avoid requests to be passed through the proxy server, and minimize performance lag during address validation. If you do not want to access address validation servers set outside the firewall, but have set values for profiles: Applications Server-Side Proxy Host and Domain and Applications Proxy Port, then you can specify the domain address of the address validation server.

This profile option is optional.

You can update this profile option only at the site level.


Related Topics

Adapters Overview

Third Party Deployment Category

Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

Bulk Import Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for bulk import deployment.

Bulk Import Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Allow Updates of Address Records During Import Yes Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Error Limit for Import 10000 Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Number of Workers for Import 1 Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Use Data Sharing and Security During Import No Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Use HR Security During Import No Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Work Unit Size for Import 10000 Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Allow Updates of Address Records During Import

Specify whether or not address records can be updated during the import if the existing address is not the same as the imported address.

HZ: Error Limit for Import

Enter the number of errors allowed for an import before stopping the process. This functionality lets you limit the processing time for imports that have too many errors. However, errors arising from invalid party IDs in a batch are not considered as validation errors.

HZ: Number of Workers for Import

Determine the number of parallel workers to use for the import process. Workers are processes that run at the same time to complete a task that would otherwise take longer with a single process.

HZ: Use Data Sharing and Security During Import

Specify whether or not to apply Data Sharing and Security (DSS) for record updates during import. DSS does not affect record inserts, even if this profile option is set to Yes. See: Data Sharing and Security Overview.

HZ: Use HR Security During Import

Specify whether or not to apply HR security during import. HR security checks the interface tables and prevents updates to parties with HR information. If there are any records with a source system of DEFAULT and source ID of PER%, the import process would result in error. See: Source Systems Overview.

HZ: Work Unit Size for Import

Determine the work unit size used during TCA import.

Bulk Import Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for bulk import setup.

Bulk Import Setup Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Allow Import of Records with Disabled Lookups Yes Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Character Value to Indicate NULL During Import ! Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Date Value (DD-MM-YYYY) to Indicate NULL During Import 01-01- 4000 Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Numeric Value to Indicate NULL During Import -9999 Update Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Validate Flexfields During Import No Update Update View Only View Only View Only

HZ: Allow Import of Records with Disabled Lookups

Specify whether or not data that reference disabled lookups are allowed to be imported in the TCA Registry. Normally, data can be loaded only if validated against enabled lookups.

HZ: Character Value to Indicate NULL During Import

Specify a value that will overwrite the TCA column value with NULL. For example, if the profile option is set to !, and the column in the TCA table currently has @, then if you want to update the column with a null value, then you must pass “!” for that column in the interface table.

If an interface table column is null, the corresponding TCA column, whether empty or not, is not affected.

This profile is used in the Update mode of the Customer Interface program and during Bulk Import.

HZ: Date Value (DD-MM-YYYY) to Indicate NULL During Import

Specify a value that will overwrite the TCA column value with NULL. For example, if the profile option is set to 01-01-4000, and the column in the TCA table currently has an end date of 02-02-2005, then if you want to update the column with a null value, then you must pass 01-01-4000 for that column in the interface table.

If an interface table column is null, the corresponding TCA column, whether empty or not, is not affected.

This profile is used in the Update mode of the Customer Interface program and during Bulk Import.

HZ: Numeric Value to Indicate NULL During Import

Specify a value that will overwrite the TCA column value with NULL. For example, if the profile option is set to 9999, and the column in the TCA table currently has 1234, then if you want to update the column with a null value, then you must pass 9999 for that column in the interface table.

If an interface table column is null, the corresponding TCA column, whether empty or not, is not affected.

This profile is used in the Update mode of the Customer Interface program and during Bulk Import.

HZ: Validate Flexfields During Import

Specify whether or not flexfields are validated during the import process. These tables have flexfields:

Customer Interface Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for customer interface deployment.

Customer Interface Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Gather Table Stats Yes Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Import Tax Details Using Customer Interface No View Only Update Update Update Update
HZ: Number of Workers Used by Customer Interface No Default Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Gather Table Stats

Use this profile option to determine if the Customer Interface program analyzes the interface tables before processing the records. If the profile option is set to Yes, then Customer Interface gathers statistics for all the interface tables before processing the records. You can access these statistics form the FND_STATS_HIST table.

HZ: Import Tax Details Using Customer Interface

Use this profile to determine if the tax profile details must be imported using the Customer Interface program. If the profile is set to Yes, then the following customer and/or customer site's tax related information attributes are imported through the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL interface table.

If you select No, even though the party is created, the tax attributes are not created through the interface process.

HZ: Number of Workers Used by Customer Interface

Use this profile option to define the number of parallel workers that process data at the same time when you run the Customer Interface Master concurrent program.

Customer Merge Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for customer merge deployment.

Customer Merge Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
AR: Customer Merge Commit Size 1000 View Only Update Update Update No Access
HZ: Audit Customer Account Merge No Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Log Customer Merge No Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Location Updatable No Update Update Update Update Update

AR: Customer Merge Commit Size

This profile option determines how many site uses are included in a merge set when you run the Customer Merge program from the Standard Request Submission windows. This profile is not used when you submit the program from the Customers Merge window. A merge set contains one or more pairs of customer accounts to merge and is created based on these two rules, with the first rule taking precedence:

For example, you leave the profile option at the default value of 1000, and you have three groups of customer accounts to merge. Each merge involves 100 addresses with 20 site uses per address, so each of the three merges has 2000 site uses that must belong to the same merge set. With the profile option set to 1000, the Customer Merge program runs three merge sets, each with 2000 site uses.

If you set the profile option to 3000, the program runs two merge sets. After processing the first 2000 site uses, the Customer Merge program checks that the profile option is not yet reached and processes another 2000 for a merge set of 4000 total site uses. With the profile option already reached in the first merge set, the program creates another merge set and processes the last 2000 site uses.

When you set this profile option, consider the number of site uses of the merge-from customers. If you set the value too low, a small number of records are saved in each merge set. If you set the profile option too high, indexes might not be properly used. In addition, if you set the profile option to less than 1000, 1000 is the value that the program uses.

For more information about the Customer Merge program, see Merging in Batch Process, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

HZ: Audit Customer Account Merge

Use this profile option to create an audit log for products other than Trading Community Architecture when customer accounts are merged. The log file is saved in the HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG table.

If the profile is set to Yes, an audit log is generated. The default value for this profile option is No.

HZ: Log Customer Merge

Use this profile option to log information about the Customer Merge concurrent program into the Customer Merge log file.

If the profile is set to Yes, details of the Customer Merge concurrent program are logged in the log file. The default value for this profile option is No.

HZ: Location Updatable

Set this profile option to Yes or No to determine whether the Location field for the merge-to customer in the Customers Merge window can be updated or not. See: Merging Different Customers, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

The default value for this profile option is No.

Data Sharing and Security Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for data sharing and security.

Data Sharing and Security Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled No No Access Update Update Update Update
HZ: Default Data Sharing Group No Default No Access Update View Only View Only View Only

HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled

Enter Yes or No to enable or disable the Data Sharing and Security feature. You can also limit TCA security features to a specific user by setting the profile option to Yes at the User level before generally releasing the functionality. This profile option lets the system administrator control whom Data Sharing and Security applies to.

HZ: Default Data Sharing Group

Enter the default data sharing group that should be assigned to any entity that does not match any of the defined data sharing group criteria. Make sure that the default group has proper privileges that can apply to any record. Otherwise, you might get Data Sharing and Security errors.

DQM Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for DQM deployment.

DQM Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Do not use contact addresses and contact points for DQM Duplicate identification No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Maximum Index Optimization Time No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Resolution for Party Name Searches that Exceed Maximum Number of Results Prompt User for Additional Search Criteria Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Synchronization Method No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: DQM Text Index Build Type OPTIMAL Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Enable DQM Merge Suggestion Yes Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services No No Access Update Update Update Update
HZ: Enable Quality Weighting for DQM Match Scores No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Services Integration Services: Identical Organizations No Access Update Update Update No Access
HZ: Match Rule for Person Services Integration Services: Identical Persons No Access Update Update Update No Access
HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results 200 Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Number of Workers for DQM Duplicate Identification Program 3 Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Stop Scoring After Reaching DQM Automerge Threshold No Default Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Do not use contact addresses and contact points for DQM Duplicate identification

By default, Data Quality Management includes addresses and contact points of contacts for duplicate identification. If this profile option is not set, the default functionality prevails. Set the profile option to Yes if you do not want to include these entities for identifying duplicates.

HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory

Use the HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory profile option to override the default amount of memory for the DQM Index Creation program to use to generate interMedia and B-Tree indexes. Enter the amount of memory in megabytes.

HZ: DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification

Use the DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification profile option to store the default match rule to use for batch duplicate identification. This match rule defaults in the Match Rule field of the Submit Duplicate Identification Batch window and can be overridden.

HZ: DQM Maximum Index Optimization Time

Enter the maximum processing time, in minutes, allowed for the DQM Index Optimization program to optimize interMedia indexes, not B-Tree indexes. The specified time limit could prevent the optimization of all interMedia indexes.

HZ: DQM Resolution for Party Name Searches that Exceed Maximum Number of Results

Determine the action to take if search results exceed the number that is set in the HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results profile option. The selected resolution applies only if the user entered party name as one of the search criteria.

HZ: DQM Synchronization Method

Determine how the staged schema is synchronized with new and updated records in the TCA Registry. You can set this profile option at times that suit your needs, without modifying your Oracle Workflow agent listener setup.

HZ: DQM Text Index Build Type

Specify how the DQM Staging program builds indexes in the staged schema. The OPTIMAL method is more efficient, but new indexes cannot be queried until the all indexes are completely rebuilt. The INCREMENTAL WITH NO DOWNTIME method is less efficient, but new indexes are available for query sooner. To the user, there is no downtime between querying existing and new staged data.

HZ: Enable DQM Merge Suggestion

Use this profile option to turn off DQM for merge suggestion. The merge process uses DQM for default suggestions during pre-processing due to which the Create Merge Batch process takes a longer time to complete.

Select No to disable DQM at the time of merge suggestion so that the Create Merge batch program runs faster. This also disables the Change Grouping list in the Address Mapping and Relationship-Mapping window.

Select Yes / Null to enable DQM to suggest duplicate address and relationships automatically. The Change Grouping option is enabled if you select Yes.

The default value for this option is Yes.

HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services

Use this profile option to enable DQM for the Integration Services rule type. The default value is No.

This profile option is used in the following BO APIs:

It is also used in the following Web services:

HZ: Enable Quality Weighting for DQM Match Scores

Specify if quality adjusted matching is enabled to provide quality adjusted match percentages for search results. Leaving the profile option blank is the same as setting it to No.

HZ: Match Rule for Organization Services

Use this profile option to store the match rule of Integration Services rule type to enable DQM for an organization customer. This profile option is used if the HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services profile option is set to Yes. The value for this profile is the match rule name; the default value is Integration Services: Identical Organizations.

HZ: Match Rule for Person Services

Use this profile option to store the match rule of Integration Services rule type to enable DQM for a person customer. This profile option is used if the HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services profile option is set to Yes. The value for this profile is the match rule name; the default value is Integration Services: Identical Persons.

HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results

Enter the maximum number of matching records that can be returned for a DQM online search process. If the acquisition portion of the DQM matching process provides more than this number of records, then the process that is using the match rule would prompt the user to enter more search criteria.

HZ: Number of Workers for DQM Duplicate Identification Program

Determine the number of parallel workers to use for the DQM Duplicate Identification program. Workers are processes that run at the same time to complete a task that would otherwise take longer with a single process.

HZ: Stop Scoring After Reaching DQM Automerge Threshold

Specify whether or not to stop scoring a record after its score reaches the automatic merge threshold. The score for such a record is the same as the automatic merge threshold, even if the score would be higher if scoring did not stop at the threshold. Set this profile option to Yes if you are concerned with performance and do not need exact record scores. Otherwise, select No or leave the profile option blank.

DQM Fuzzy Key Generation Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for DQM fuzzy key generation.

DQM Fuzzy Key Generation Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Address Key Length No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Cleanse Fuzzy Key Yes Update No Access No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Key Word Count No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Postal Code Key Length No Default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access

HZ: Address Key Length

Specify the number of characters from the address line that are included in the address key.

HZ: Cleanse Fuzzy Key

Determine whether or not internal and trailing vowels, not leading vowels, as well as double letters are removed in a word when creating name and address fuzzy keys.

HZ: Key Word Count

Specify the number of words to include in the organization or group name fuzzy key. TCA uses this profile option during the creation of keys that allow fuzzy search.

HZ: Postal Code Key Length

Specify the number of characters from the postal code to include in the address key. TCA uses this profile option during the creation of keys that allow fuzzy search.

Geography Hierarchy Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for geography hierarchy deployment.

Geography Hierarchy Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process 1000 Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request 1 Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process

Enter the number of records to be saved at one time as the Geography Name Referencing process runs. See: Geography Name Referencing Process.

HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request

Determine the number of parallel workers to use for the Geography Name Referencing process. Workers are processes that run at the same time to complete a task that would otherwise take longer with a single process. See: Geography Name Referencing Process.

Party Import Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for party import setup.

Party Import Setup Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Import Batch De-Duplication Match Rule No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Import Registry De-Duplication Match Rule No Default Update Update Update Update Update
IMC: Import Run Address Validation No Default Update Update Update Update Update
IMC: Import Run Batch De-Duplication No Default Update Update Update Update Update
IMC: Import Run Registry Match No Default Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Import Batch De-Duplication Match Rule

Specify the default match rule to use for batch de-duplication. This profile option determines the default for the Batch De-Duplication Match Rule parameter of the Import Batch to TCA Registry program.

HZ: Import Registry De-Duplication Match Rule

Specify the default match rule to use for Registry de-duplication. This profile option determines the default for the Registry De-Duplication Match Rule parameter of the Import Batch to TCA Registry program.

IMC: Import Run Address Validation

Determine whether or not to run address validation for import.

IMC: Import Run Batch De-Duplication

Determine whether or not to run batch de-duplication.

IMC: Import Run Registry Match

Determine whether or not to run registry de-duplication.

Party Merge Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for party merge deployment.

Party Merge Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Automerge Master Party Selection No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Number of Workers Used by Party Merge Program No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Return User Name in GET APIs Yes Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Submit Suggested Person Merge Request No Visible Update Update Update Update

HZ: Automerge Master Party Selection

Determine how the merge master is selected during Automerge upon System Duplicate Identification.

HZ: Number of Workers Used by Party Merge Program

Determine the number of parallel workers to use for the Party Merge program when invoked by Automerge to automatically merge duplicates. Workers are processes that run at the same time to complete a task that would otherwise take longer with a single process. This profile option does not apply to running the Party Merge program outside of Automerge.

HZ: Return User Name in GET APIs

Specify whether to return the user name or the user ID. Enter Yes to return the user name, and No to return the user ID.

HZ: Submit Suggested Person Merge Request

Use this profile option to automatically submit the suggested person merge request after the related organization parties are merged.

If the profile is set to Yes, then the suggested person merge request is automatically submitted.

For example, if organization party A has a related a contact, A1 and organization party B has a related contact, B1. If organization party A and party B are merged and the corresponding contacts A1 and B1 are merged, then the suggested person parties for A1 and B1 are automatically merged.

Set this profile to No to manually submit the suggested person merge request. The default value is No, if it is not set.

Party Merge Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for party merge setup.

Party Merge Setup Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Default Data Librarian No Default View Only Update Update Update Update
HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting Party with Most Accounts View Only Update No Access No Access No Access
HZ: Show Address Mapping Suggestions No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Show Relationship Mapping Suggestions No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge No Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Default Data Librarian

Optional. Specify a default user with the Data Librarian responsibility to assign to party and account merge requests. This default user is only used when creating a new Party Merge request or Account Merge request and the Assignee parameter is not specified.

HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting

Specify the method to use to select a party as the default merge master for new merge requests that contain multiple parties. For Automerge, the default master is automatically the party that remains after merge.

If multiple parties fulfill the condition for the methods given below, :then the party with the latest update date is selected. For example, the profile option is set to Party with Highest Certification. If five parties in the merge request have the highest certification, then the party among the five with the latest update date is the master. The methods are as follows

The certification validation is based on the highest seeded certification level. If you want to change the highest seeded level, then update the lookup meaning of the level and update or create lower levels. See: Administering Certification.

Important: If you select the User Hook method to use a custom defaulting process, then you must have the user hook defined. See: Creating Custom Merge Master Party Defaulting Method.

HZ: Show Address Mapping Suggestions

Specify if you want to show suggested address mapping on UI when a merge request is created.

HZ: Show Relationship Mapping Suggestions

Specify if you want to show suggested relationship mapping on UI when a merge request is created.

HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge

Specify if Automerge uses DQM suggested groupings to merge duplicate addresses and relationships. The match rules assigned to the following profile options determine which relationships or addresses to merge together:

If you want to automatically merge either relationships or addresses, but not both, you can leave the corresponding match rule profile option blank. Addresses or relationships would then be transferred from duplicate candidates to the merge master party, not merged.

If you set the HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge profile option to No, then addresses and relationships are just transferred from duplicate candidates to the master.

Source System Management Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for source system management setup.

Source System Management Setup Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Allow User to Update Third Party Data No Default View Only Update Update Update Update
HZ: User Create and Update Rule for Other Entities No Default View Only Update Update Update Update
HZ: User Overwrite Rule No Default View Only Update Update Update Update

HZ: Allow User to Update Third Party Data

Determine whether or not you can update third party data.

HZ: User Create and Update Rule for Other Entities

Enter the user create and update rule that you want to assign at any of the profile option levels. For each Other entity, the rule determines whether or not the user can create or update records.

HZ: User Overwrite Rule

Enter the user overwrite rule that you want to assign at any of the profile option levels. For each attribute in the Single Source of Truth record, the rule determines whether user-entered data can overwrite third party data or not.

Spatial Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for spatial deployment.

Spatial Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Detailed Concurrent Program Output No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Spatial Provider URL Update Update Update Update Update

HZ: Detailed Concurrent Program Output

Specify if a detailed output report is generated when the Locations Spatial Index Rebuild runs. Set this profile option to Yes if you want users to access details about the records that the Locations Spatial Index Rebuild program processes and updates. Leaving the profile option blank is the same as setting it to No.

HZ: Spatial Provider URL

This profile option stores the URL to use for HTTPS posts to eLocations:

TCA Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for TCA deployment.

TCA Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
HZ: Default Party Type Organization Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose Business Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Format Business Object Business Events as Bulk No default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Generate Contact Number No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Generate Party Number No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Generate Party Site Number No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Match Rule for Relationship Manager Search No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Name/Address Backwards Compatibility No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Number of Days to Preserve Business Object Business Event Information 10 Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Profile Version Method for Updates No Default View Only Update View Only View Only View Only
HZ: Raise API Events No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Report Error on Obsolete Columns No Default View Only Update No Access No Access No Access

HZ: Default Party Type

Specify the more common party type in your TCA Registry, Organization or Person. In certain user interfaces for both organizations and persons, the selected party type presented as the default. For example, Organization is the selected type, so a UI that lets users select either type to search for would default to organization search.

HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose

Specify the default purpose to be displayed and used for phone numbers, as well as similar contact point types such as fax and mobile. The user can override this default in the user interface, where available.

HZ: Format Business Object Business Events as Bulk

Determines if Business Object business events are formatted as bulk events.

HZ: Generate Contact Number

Specify whether or not TCA automatically generates a contact number when the relevant API is used or called from a user interface to create a contact for an organization.

If the profile option is set to Yes or left blank, then users cannot enter the contact number when creating the contact. If set to No, users must enter the number.

HZ: Generate Party Number

Specify whether or not TCA automatically generates a Registry ID, or party number, when the relevant API is used or called from a user interface to create a party of type Organization or Person.

If the profile option is set to Yes or left blank, then users cannot enter the Registry ID when creating the party. If set to No, users must enter the number.

HZ: Generate Party Site Number

Specify whether or not TCA automatically generates a party site number when the relevant API is used or called from a user interface to create a party of type Organization or Person.

If the profile option is set to Yes or left blank, then users cannot enter the party site number when creating the party. If set to No, users must enter the number.

HZ: Match Rule for Relationship Manager Search

Specify the seeded or user-defined match rule that Relationship Manager uses to determine the search criteria and results for the DQM party search. You can use the RM SEARCH RULE match rule, which was seeded specifically for the Relationship Manager search.

Note: If you select a match rule set, the displayed search criteria are the superset of all attributes in the set.

HZ: Name/Address Backwards Compatibility

Determine whether or not TCA and AR name and address formatting should use TCA formatting. If Yes is given, then it does not use the TCA routines, else TCA formatting routines are used.

HZ: Number of Days to Preserve Business Object Business Event Information

Determines the number of days that Business Objects business event details are preserved after scheduling the event.

HZ: Profile Version Method for Updates

Determine the type of person or organization profile versioning to use, if any. This profile option controls whether entering new information for an existing organization or person record updates that record, creates a new record, or only creates a new record if current system date and the last update date are different.

HZ: Raise API Events

Determines which type of business object events to raise.

HZ: Report Error on Obsolete Columns

Determine whether internal APIs used in TCA report an error when users try to enter a value for an obsolete column. This profile option does not apply to public TCA APIs. Leaving this profile option blank is the same as setting it to No.

Third Party Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that are used for third party deployment.

Third Party Deployment Category
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Application Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain No Default Update Update Update Update Update
Applications Proxy Port No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Apps Servlet Agent No Default Update Update Update Update Update
HZ: Google Map Client ID No Default View Only Update None None None
HZ: Google Map Registration Key No Default View Only Update None None None

Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain

If your organization uses a proxy server, enter the host name that your information technology group provides.

Applications Proxy Port

If your organization uses a proxy server, enter the proxy port number that your information technology group provides.

HZ: Apps Servlet Agent

This profile option identifies the servlet agent URL (Apache listener) for your Oracle Applications instance. This URL is used to construct URLs for SERVLET and JSP type functions and has the format http://:/. For example,

HZ: Google Map Client ID

This profile option sets the Client ID value that enables the map pop-up window using Google Maps.

HZ: Google Map Registration Key

This profile stores the Google Maps JavaScript API key from Google. Customers implementing this feature must obtain an API key from Google, Inc. in order to use the Google Maps functionality.

Unused or Internal Profile Options

These profile options are either internally used by Oracle Trading Community Architecture or not used at all. You should not modify their settings in any way.