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Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Getting Started With Solaris Volume Manager

2.  Storage Management Concepts

3.  Solaris Volume Manager Overview

4.  Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster (Overview)

5.  Configuring and Using Solaris Volume Manager (Scenario)

6.  State Database (Overview)

7.  State Database (Tasks)

8.  RAID-0 (Stripe and Concatenation) Volumes (Overview)

9.  RAID-0 (Stripe and Concatenation) Volumes (Tasks)

10.  RAID-1 (Mirror) Volumes (Overview)

11.  RAID-1 (Mirror) Volumes (Tasks)

12.  Soft Partitions (Overview)

13.  Soft Partitions (Tasks)

14.  RAID-5 Volumes (Overview)

15.  RAID-5 Volumes (Tasks)

16.  Hot Spare Pools (Overview)

17.  Hot Spare Pools (Tasks)

18.  Disk Sets (Overview)

19.  Disk Sets (Tasks)

20.  Maintaining Solaris Volume Manager (Tasks)

Solaris Volume Manager Maintenance (Task Map)

Viewing the Solaris Volume Manager Configuration

How to View the Solaris Volume Manager Volume Configuration

Where To Go From Here

Renaming Volumes

Background Information for Renaming Volumes

Exchanging Volume Names

How to Rename a Volume

Working With Configuration Files

How to Create Configuration Files

How to Initialize Solaris Volume Manager From a Configuration File

Changing Solaris Volume Manager Default Values

Expanding a File System Using the growfs Command

Background Information for Expanding Slices and Volumes

How to Expand a File System

Overview of Replacing and Enabling Components in RAID-1 and RAID-5 Volumes

Enabling a Component

Replacing a Component With Another Available Component

Maintenance and Last Erred States

Background Information for Replacing and Enabling Components in RAID-1 and RAID-5 Volumes

21.  Best Practices for Solaris Volume Manager

22.  Top-Down Volume Creation (Overview)

23.  Top-Down Volume Creation (Tasks)

24.  Monitoring and Error Reporting (Tasks)

25.  Troubleshooting Solaris Volume Manager (Tasks)

A.  Important Solaris Volume Manager Files

B.  Solaris Volume Manager Quick Reference

C.  Solaris Volume Manager CIM/WBEM API


Overview of Replacing and Enabling Components in RAID-1 and RAID-5 Volumes

Solaris Volume Manager can replace and enable components within RAID-1 (mirror) and RAID-5 volumes.

In Solaris Volume Manager terminology, replacing a component is a way to substitute an available component on the system for a selected component in a submirror or RAID-5 volume. You can think of this process as logical replacement, as opposed to physically replacing the component. For more information see Replacing a Component With Another Available Component.

Enabling a component means to “activate” or substitute a component with itself (that is, the component name is the same). For more information, see Enabling a Component.

Note - When recovering from disk errors, scan /var/adm/messages to see what kind of errors occurred. If the errors are transitory and the disks themselves do not have problems, try enabling the failed components. You can also use the format command to test a disk.

Enabling a Component

You can enable a component when any of the following conditions exist:

Note - Always check for state database replicas and hot spares on the disk that is being replaced. Any state database replica in an erred state should be deleted before you replace the disk. Then, after you enable the component, recreate the state database replicas using the same size. You should treat hot spares in the same manner.

Replacing a Component With Another Available Component

You use the metareplace command when you replace or swap an existing component with a different component that is available and not in use on the system.

You can use this command when any of the following conditions exist:

Maintenance and Last Erred States

When a component in a RAID-1 or RAID-5 volume experiences errors, Solaris Volume Manager puts the component in the “Maintenance” state. No further reads or writes are performed to a component in the “Maintenance” state.

Sometimes a component goes into a “Last Erred” state. For a RAID-1 volume, this usually occurs with a one-sided mirror. The volume experiences errors. However, there are no redundant components to read from. For a RAID-5 volume this occurs after one component goes into “Maintenance” state, and another component fails. The second component to fail goes into the “Last Erred” state.

When either a RAID-1 volume or a RAID-5 volume has a component in the “Last Erred” state, I/O is still attempted to the component marked “Last Erred.” This I/O attempt occurs because a “Last Erred” component contains the last good copy of data from Solaris Volume Manager's point of view. With a component in the “Last Erred” state, the volume behaves like a normal device (disk) and returns I/O errors to an application. Usually, at this point, some data has been lost.

The subsequent errors on other components in the same volume are handled differently, depending on the type of volume.

RAID-1 Volume

A RAID-1 volume might be able to tolerate many components in the “Maintenance” state and still be read from and written to. If components are in the “Maintenance” state, no data has been lost. You can safely replace or enable the components in any order. If a component is in the “Last Erred” state, you cannot replace it until you first replace the components in the “Maintenance” state. Replacing or enabling a component in the “Last Erred” state usually means that some data has been lost. Be sure to validate the data on the mirror after you repair it.

RAID-5 Volume

A RAID-5 volume can tolerate a single component in the “Maintenance” state. You can safely replace a single component in the “Maintenance” state without losing data. If an error on another component occurs, it is put into the “Last Erred” state. At this point, the RAID-5 volume is a read-only device. You need to perform some type of error recovery so that the state of the RAID-5 volume is stable and the possibility of data loss is reduced. If a RAID-5 volume reaches a “Last Erred” state, there is a good chance it has lost data. Be sure to validate the data on the RAID-5 volume after you repair it.

Always replace components in the “Maintenance” state first, followed by those in the “Last Erred” state. After a component is replaced and resynchronized, use the metastat command to verify its state. Then, validate the data.

Background Information for Replacing and Enabling Components in RAID-1 and RAID-5 Volumes

When you replace components in a RAID-1 volume or a RAID-5 volume, follow these guidelines: