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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Revenue Accounting Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

Part Number E27226-01
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3 Configuring and Running the Process Integration for Revenue Management

This chapter discusses how to change the database schema name of Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger (Oracle GL), set up a schedule, and configure and run the process integration for revenue management.

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Changing the Oracle GL Database Schema Name

The standard Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) installation process assumes the Oracle GL database schema name to be the same as the database user name. If not, then you must run the following steps post installation.

To change the Oracle GL database schema name:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Source the file (if UNIX) or aiaenv.bat (if Windows) located in <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/AIAHOME/bin.

  3. Navigate to the directory <ODI_HOME>/oracledi/client.

  4. Open Topology Manager, as shown in Figure 3-1, by running the following command:

    • UNIX: ./

    • Windows: odi.exe

    Figure 3-1 Opening Topology Manager Example

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    The Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) design studio appears, as shown in Figure 3-2.

    Figure 3-2 ODI - Design Studio

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  5. Click Connect to Repository to open the ODI Login, as shown in Figure 3-3.

    Figure 3-3 Oracle Data Integrator Login

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  6. Select Repository in the Login Name field.

  7. Enter the user name and password in the identified fields.

  8. Click OK to open the Topology Manager.

  9. Go to the Topology tab, as shown in Figure 3-4.

    Figure 3-4 Topology Manager - Topology

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  10. Navigate to the Physical Architecture, if you are not there.

    Expand Technologies > Oracle.

  11. If the version of Oracle GL is 11.5.10, expand Oracle GL 11 DS, as shown in Figure 3-5.

    Figure 3-5 Topology Manager - Topology - Physical Architecture

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  12. Right-click the child element, and click Open. (If the version is 12.1.1, see step 16.)

    The Physical Schema screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-6.

    Figure 3-6 Physical Schema

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  13. Change the values in the Schema (Schema) and Schema (Work Schema) fields to the actual GL database schema name.


    Both the Schema (Schema) and the Schema (Work Schema) fields must contain the same value.

  14. Click the Apply button.

  15. Click the OK button.

  16. If the version of Oracle GL is 12.1.1, expand Oracle GL Interface DS, right-click the child element, and click Open, as shown in Figure 3-7.

    Figure 3-7 Topology Manager - Topology - Physical Architecture

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  17. In the Physical Schema window, change the values of Schema (Schema) and Schema (Work Schema) to the actual GL database schema name, as shown in Figure 3-8.


    Both the Schema (Schema) and the Schema (Work Schema) fields must contain the same value.

    Figure 3-8 Physical Schema

    This image is described in surrounding text.
  18. When done, click Apply.

  19. Click OK.

  20. Regenerate the scenario LOAD_PORTAL_DATA_TO_ORACLE_GL_PKG Version 001 from the Designer tab.

3.2 Setting Up a Schedule

The standard Oracle AIA installation process completes the standard install for the process integration for revenue management. After the standard install, you must complete the following steps.

For more information, see the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations.

  1. Run the following command in the oracledi/client directory to open the Designer:

    • UNIX: ./

    • Windows: odi.exe

  2. The Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Login window appears. Enter the appropriate credential to log in to the Design Studio. If you have not set up the login, click the New button to create a login. The Work Repository Connection window appears.

  3. Enter the following values:

    Login Name: The name by which you identify this integration at login. For example, Revenue Management.

    User: User name of the Designer, for example, SUPERVISOR.

    Password: Password for the user, for example, SUNOPSIS.

    User: The master repository user, for example, odimaster.

    Password: The password for the master repository user, for example, odimaster.

    Driver List: Select Oracle JDBC Driver.

    Driver Name: Enter oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.

    Url: Enter jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid> where the host, port, and sid represent the database environment where you created the master repository.

    Work Repository: Click the button to the right to display a list of available work repositories.

    The system displays only one work repository. The repository name is the one that you chose during the standard installation.

    Default Connection: Select this check box if you have multiple login name.s

  4. Click OK.

    If the Work Repository Connection asks for a password, enter the Work Repository database user password that you set during the standard installation.

    The Designer window appears.

  5. Expand the Portal to Oracle GL Project tree to Portal To Oracle GL Project, Packages, Load Portal Data To Oracle GL Pkg, Scenarios, LOAD PORTAL DATA TO ORACLE _GL_PKG Version 001, Scheduling.

  6. Double-click the existing RevMgmtAgent scheduler.

    The Scenario Scheduling window appears.

  7. Enter or select the following values:

    Context: Select Portal to GL Context.

    Agent: Select RevMgmtAgent.

    Log Level: 5.

    Status: Select the Active option.

    Execution: Select the On startup option.

  8. Click the Execution Cycle tab.

  9. Enter or select the following values:

    Repetition: Select Many times.

    Interval between Repetitions: Enter 30 and choose Second(s).

  10. Click OK.

    The scheduler is now configured.

3.3 Configuring the Process Integration for Revenue Management

After you install the process integration for revenue management, you must configure several parameters. Open the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file that resides in the <aia_instances>/config/ folder. Entries in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file are case sensitive.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Building AIA Integration Flows," How to Set Up AIA Workstation.

Configure the following parameters:

  1. Under the moduleName RevMgmtSetOfBooksIDs find the <Property Name=" Source SystemID ">202</Property> property tag.

    • Replace the tag value SourceSystemID with the value of the SourceSystemID that comes in the in Oracle BRM XML GL report. For example, if you have two Oracle BRM instances feeding into Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger (Oracle EBS GL) and the report from one instance has the SourceSystemID value as abc and the report from the other instance has the value as def, then change the section as follows:

      <ModuleConfiguration moduleName="RevMgmtSetOfBooksIDs">
        <Property name="abc">101</Property>
        <Property name="def">202</Property>

      You must ensure that the value of the SourceSystemID in the Oracle BRM report is a value in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

    • Replace the value of the SourceSystemID, such as 202, with the Set of Books ID as defined in E-Business Suite R11.5.10 CU2 or with the Ledger ID defined in E-Business Suite 12.1.1.

  2. Under the moduleName RevMgmtExchangeRateType find the <Property name="ExchangeRateType">DAILY</Property> property tag.

    The attribute DAILY represents the Exchange Rate Type. Do not change the name attribute value. Replace DAILY with the required exchange rate type.

    The Exchange Rate Type handles currency conversions. For this release, Oracle provides a placeholder for the Exchange Rate Type. The Exchange Rate Type is passed to the Oracle GL application and is handled by Oracle GL when loading GL report data from the interface table to Oracle GL.

  3. Under the moduleName RevMgmtParameters are several property tags with Name and Value attributes.

    Do not edit the Name attribute value.

    Table 3-1 lists value attributes.

    Table 3-1 Value Attributes

    Name Attribute Value Property Tag Value


    Specify whether the target application is E-Business Suite Release 11.5.10 CU2 or 12.1.1. This property contains the value EBS_01 for 12.1.1 and EBS_02 for 11.5.10 CU2. The default value is EBS_01.

    The values entered are case sensitive.


    Specify the To email address of the person to whom an email is sent, notifying them that the integration process is complete.


    Specify the From email address for the person who performs the integration process.


    Specify the folder name where you want the process to move the XML file after it is successfully loaded.


    Specify the folder name where you want the process to move the XML file if a failure occurs.


    Specify how the Oracle BRM XML document separates in representing the Oracle GL segments.


    Specify the folder name to which the Oracle BRM-generated XML files are moved.

    The staging/ODIInProcess folder cannot be used as the PayloadSourceLocation.

    Mail Server

    Specify the mail server name.


    Specify the location of the RevenueManagementHome folder. Normally, this folder is located at <AIAHome>/DISHome/RevenueManagementHome.

  4. Under the moduleName RevMgmtAccountFiltering specify what types of accounts you want to filter out (that is, to not load to the Oracle General Ledger interface table), as shown in Table 3-2.

    Possible values are Yes and No, and they are case sensitive.

    These parameters enable you to filter certain account types. If the value is No, then they are not filtered out (they are loaded). If the parameter value is Yes, then the corresponding revenue account type entries are filtered out (they are not loaded).

    Table 3-2 Value Attributes: Filtering Account Types

    Name Attribute Value Property Tag Value


    Specify a No value to load ARGrossAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load FilterARDiscountAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load ARNetAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load ARTaxAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load OffsetGrossAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load OffsetDiscountAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load OffsetNetAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.


    Specify a No value to load OffsetTaxAccount entries.

    Specify a Yes value to filter out this account.

    Whenever you change the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, you must restart the agent to reflect your changes.

3.4 Running the Process Integration for Revenue Management

You can schedule the integration between Oracle BRM and the Oracle GL system to occur automatically. If the scheduler agent is kept running, then whenever Oracle BRM generates the report in XML format and writes the XML document into the specified directory, the integration process picks up the XML file, transforms it, and then transfers it to the interface table of the Oracle GL system.


You can start or stop the scheduler agent whenever you want, which enables you to control the integration process. Therefore, to generate the reports in Oracle BRM in the last week of every month, then you can start the scheduler agent at the beginning of the last week and stop it when the week ends.

For more information, see Section 3.2, "Setting Up a Schedule.".

3.4.1 Starting the Scheduler Agent

A scheduler agent, RevMgmtAgent, is delivered and is running on default port 20910. Navigate to the oracledi/agent/bin subdirectory and use this command to start it:

  • UNIX: ./ -NAME=RevMgmtAgent

  • Windows: agent.bat -NAME=RevMgmtAgent

This command starts the scheduler agent, which in turn launches a scenario. The scenario waits for an Oracle BRM XML report file to arrive in the specified directory. As soon as the report file arrives, the scheduler agent transfers the file to the Oracle GL systems interface table. You can monitor the status of this integration process using the ODI Operator.

3.4.2 Stopping the Scheduler Agent

To stop the transfer of Oracle BRM XML reports to the interface table of the Oracle GL system, use this command:

  • UNIX: ./

  • Windows: agentstop.bat