Interface SearchOpsV2

All Superinterfaces
ISPIMarker, ISPITicketMarker, SearchOpsV1, Serializable

public interface SearchOpsV2
extends SearchOpsV1

SearchOps is a Ticket interface for searching over Nodes and Properties and returning Node Ids that match the given criteria. It is also used for indexing Nodes.

Nested Class Summary
static class SearchOpsV2.MethodName
Method Summary
 Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[] getSearchableSystemProperties()
          This method allows a repository to specify which of a node's system properties may be searched by the underlying repository's search implementation.
 Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[] getSortableSystemProperties()
          This method allows a repository to specify which of a node's system properties may be sorted by the underlying repository's search implementation.
 List<Node> nodeSearch(Search search, int startPos, int numItems)
          Performs a search for nodes with the given parameters, returning a set of nodes.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.content.spi.flexspi.ticket.SearchOpsV1
indexContentByPath, indexContentByType, search

Method Detail


List<Node> nodeSearch(Search search,
                      int startPos,
                      int numItems)
                      throws RepositoryException
Performs a search for nodes with the given parameters, returning a set of nodes.

This method must not return null. If an empty List is returned, this will be interpreted as an empty result set.

search - the search parameters (including the expression).
startPos - the starting position (0= first position)
numItems - the number of items to retrieve (-1= all items)
a List of Nodes.
RepositoryException - - if an error occurs


Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[] getSearchableSystemProperties()
                                                       throws RepositoryException
This method allows a repository to specify which of a node's system properties may be searched by the underlying repository's search implementation. The only valid entries are those constants found in the Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES enum.

The system properties for a node which may be searched by this repository.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES[] getSortableSystemProperties()
                                                     throws RepositoryException
This method allows a repository to specify which of a node's system properties may be sorted by the underlying repository's search implementation. The only valid entries are those constants found in the Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES enum.

The system properties for a node which may be sorted by this repository.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs

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