Interface WorkflowOpsV2

All Superinterfaces
ISPIMarker, ISPITicketMarker, Serializable, WorkflowOpsV1

public interface WorkflowOpsV2
extends WorkflowOpsV1

WorkflowOps is a Ticket interface for Workflow CRUD operations. This interface contains methods to manage workflows for a given repository.

A Workflow represents the workflow a node goes through from it's starting point (DRAFT) to the end point (PUBLISHED by default). This interface allows users to customize the workflow actions associated with the node as well as the status associated with each action.

Nested Class Summary
static class WorkflowOpsV2.MethodName
Method Summary
 boolean canAccessWorkflow(IContentContext context, ID workflowId)
          if the specified workflow exists, can the caller access it? this is used for checking access to cached content
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.content.spi.flexspi.ticket.WorkflowOpsV1
addWorkflow, deleteWorkflow, getAllWorkflows, getDefaultWorkflow, getNativeFilterableProperties, getNativeSortableProperties, getNodeIDsForWorkflow, getTypeIDsForWorkflow, getWorkflowDocument, getWorkflowForNode, getWorkflowForType, getWorkflowWithId, getWorkflowWithName, setDefaultWorkflow, setNodeWorkflow, setTypeWorkflow, updateWorkflowDocument, updateWorkflowMetaData

Method Detail


boolean canAccessWorkflow(IContentContext context,
                          ID workflowId)
                          throws RepositoryException
if the specified workflow exists, can the caller access it? this is used for checking access to cached content

context - The ContentContext object
workflowId - The workflow to check access for
true if the workflow exists and the caller can access it, false if it does not exist, or it does and the caller cannot access it.

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