Class TemplateSupport

  extended by com.bea.content.ui.jsp.templates.utils.TemplateSupport

public class TemplateSupport
extends Object

Field Summary
static String ICON_SIZE_16
static String ICON_SIZE_32
static String NODE_IMAGE_AUDIO
static String NODE_IMAGE_EXCEL
static String NODE_IMAGE_HTML
static String NODE_IMAGE_IMAGE
static String NODE_IMAGE_PDF
static String NODE_IMAGE_TEXT
static String NODE_IMAGE_VIDEO
static String NODE_IMAGE_WORD
static String NODE_IMAGE_XML
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean canUserConfigurePortlet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Determines if the current user is entitled to configure the current portlet.
static boolean checkMimeType(Node node, String mimeType)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is equal to the mime type that was passed in
static Property getBinaryProperty(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return that property.
static BinaryValue getBinaryValue(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return that binary vlaue.
static String getDownloadURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return a url to the 'DownloadBinaryServlet' that can be used to download the binary belonging to that property.
static String getDownloadURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node, Property property)
          This will return a url to the 'DownloadBinaryServlet' that can be used to download the binary belonging to the property that is passed in.
static String getEditButtonSrc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deprecated The getEditButtonSrc(request) has been deprecated in 10.2, but will return TemplateSupport.DEFAULT_EDIT_BUTTON_SRC as the default value. Those that use this function are encouraged to use a direct image name rather than this function.
static String getFileContents(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return the contents of the binary.
static String getFileContentsForProperty(Node node, Property property)
          This will return the contents of the binary that corresponds to the passed in property.
static String getImageNameForNode(Node node)
          This is a utility method that will set get the name of the image file that best represents the binary file that belongs to the node, if any.
static String getImageNameForNodeWithSize(Node node, String sizeConstant)
          This is a utility method that will set get the name of the image file that best represents the binary file that belongs to the node, if any.
static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property.
static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node, Property property)
          This will return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property that is passed in.
static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node, String propertyName)
          This will return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property that is passed in.
static String getPropertyDisplayValue(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node, String propertyName)
          This will take the passed in property name and use it to create a String that will best show that property.
static String getPropertyDisplayValueShowHTML(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Node node, Property property)
          This will take the passed in property and use it to create a String that will best show that property.
static Node getSingleNodeFromIterator(Iterator iterator)
          This is a utility method that will return the first node that is contained within an iterator of Nodes.
static Node getTemplateNode(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This is a utility method that will return the first node that is contained within the managed iterator of Nodes.
static Iterator getTemplateNodes(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This utility method retrieves the current page of the resulting paged resultset.
static Property getUsableProperty(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which property represents the passed in node, and then return that property.
static String getUsablePropertyValue(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which property represents the passed in node, and then return the value of that property.
static boolean isAudio(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'audio/'
static boolean isContentSelectorException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by the backing content selector
static boolean isExcel(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/', 'application/excel', 'application/x-excel', or 'application/x-msexcel'
static boolean isExceptionAuthorizationException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of com.bea.content.AuthorizationException.
static boolean isExceptionDisplayTemplateException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by errors within the templating framework.
static boolean isExceptionInvalidQueryException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by errors with the current query.
static boolean isExceptionNodeListException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of ContentUIException.
static boolean isExceptionNoSuchNodeException(Exception exception)
          Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of NoSuchNodeException.
static boolean isFolder(Node node)
          This will determine if a node is a folder (hierarchy) node.
static boolean isGIF(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/gif'
static boolean isHTML(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/html'
static boolean isImage(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/'
static boolean isJPEG(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/jpeg'
static boolean isMSWord(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/' or 'application/msword'
static boolean isNodePublished(Node node)
          This convenience method determines if the passed in node is published.
static boolean isPDF(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/pdf'
static boolean isPlainText(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/plain'
static boolean isPNG(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/png'
static boolean isPortletDebugEnabled(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns if portlet debugging is enabled.
static boolean isPortletStatusPreview(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Determines if the current portlet is in preview mode.
static boolean isPortletThemeBorderless(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Determines if the current portlet's theme is the OOTB Borderless theme.
static boolean isPowerPoint(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/', 'application/mspowerpoint', or 'application/x-mspowerpoint'
static boolean isRichText(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/richtext'
static boolean isVideo(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'video/'
static boolean isXML(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/xml'
static boolean isZip(Node node)
          This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/zip'
static void setObjectInContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String attributeName, Object object)
          This is a utility method that will set the object as an attribute on the current request under the attribute name passed in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_AUDIO
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_EXCEL
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_GENERIC
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_HTML
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_IMAGE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_PDF
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_POWERPOINT
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_TEXT
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_VIDEO
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_WORD
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_XML
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_IMAGE_FOLDER
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_AUDIO
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_EXCEL
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_GENERIC
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_HTML
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_IMAGE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_PDF
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_POWERPOINT
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_TEXT
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_VIDEO
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_WORD
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_XML
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NODE_LARGE_IMAGE_FOLDER
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String DEFAULT_EDIT_BUTTON_SRC
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CONTENT_SELECTOR_ERROR_TAG
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ICON_SIZE_16
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ICON_SIZE_32
See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public TemplateSupport()
Method Detail


public static boolean isPlainText(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/plain'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'text/plain'


public static boolean isRichText(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/richtext'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'text/richtext'


public static boolean isHTML(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/html'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'text/html'


public static boolean isXML(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'text/xml'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'text/xml'


public static boolean isPDF(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/pdf'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'application/pdf'


public static boolean isZip(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/zip'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'application/zip'


public static boolean isMSWord(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/' or 'application/msword'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'application/' or 'application/msword'


public static boolean isImage(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'image/'


public static boolean isJPEG(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/jpeg'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'image/jpeg'


public static boolean isGIF(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/gif'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'image/gif'


public static boolean isPNG(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'image/png'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'image/png'


public static boolean isAudio(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'audio/'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'audio/'


public static boolean isVideo(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'video/'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type is 'video/'


public static boolean isExcel(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/', 'application/excel', 'application/x-excel', or 'application/x-msexcel'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type matches an Excel file


public static boolean isPowerPoint(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is 'application/', 'application/mspowerpoint', or 'application/x-mspowerpoint'

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the mime type matches a PowerPoint file


public static boolean isFolder(Node node)
This will determine if a node is a folder (hierarchy) node.

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the node is a folder/hierarchy node


public static boolean checkMimeType(Node node,
                                    String mimeType)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then check to see if that binary's mime type is equal to the mime type that was passed in

node - - The node we want to inspect
mimeType - - The mime type we want to check
boolean - true if the mime type is 'application/'


public static String getFileContents(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return the contents of the binary. This is to be used when wanting to inline the contents of a nodes binary. For example, if the node is represented by an html file, you can use this to get the html from the binary file.

node - - The node we want to inspect
String - The contents of the binary that best represents the node


public static String getFileContentsForProperty(Node node,
                                                Property property)
This will return the contents of the binary that corresponds to the passed in property. This is to be used when wanting to inline the contents of a nodes binary. For example, if the node is represented by an html file, you can use this to get the html from the binary file.

node - - The node we want to inspect
property - - The property that contains the binary that we want to get
String - The contents of the binary that best represents the node


public static Property getBinaryProperty(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return that property.

node - - The node we want to inspect
Property - The binary property best representing the node


public static BinaryValue getBinaryValue(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return that binary vlaue.

node - - The node we want to inspect
BinaryValue - The binary value of the property best representing the node


public static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                    Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property. This is meant to be used in the 'src' attribute of an 'img' tag (i.e. )

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
String - A URL to the ShowPropertyServlet that will retrieve the image within an 'img' tag


public static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                    Node node,
                                    Property property)
This will return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property that is passed in. This is meant to be used in the 'src' attribute of an 'img' tag (i.e. )

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
property - - The property that contains the image we want to create the URL for
String - A URL to the ShowPropertyServlet that will retrieve the image within an 'img' tag


public static String getImageSource(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                    Node node,
                                    String propertyName)
This will return a url to the 'ShowPropertyServlet' that can be used to display the image belonging to that property that is passed in. This is meant to be used in the 'src' attribute of an 'img' tag (i.e. )

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
propertyName - - The name of the property that contains the image we want to create the URL for
String - A URL to the ShowPropertyServlet that will retrieve the image within an 'img' tag


public static String getDownloadURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                    Node node)
This will take a best guess at which binary property represents the passed in node, and then return a url to the 'DownloadBinaryServlet' that can be used to download the binary belonging to that property. This is meant to be used in the 'href' attribute of an 'a' tag (i.e. )

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
String - A URL to the DownloadBinaryServlet that will download the binary from an 'a' tag


public static String getDownloadURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                    Node node,
                                    Property property)
This will return a url to the 'DownloadBinaryServlet' that can be used to download the binary belonging to the property that is passed in. This is meant to be used in the 'href' attribute of an 'a' tag (i.e. )

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
property - - The property that contains the binary we want to create the URL for
String - A URL to the DownloadBinaryServlet that will download the binary from an 'a' tag


public static String getUsablePropertyValue(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which property represents the passed in node, and then return the value of that property. This is to be used when some value should be displayed for the node, but unsure about what to display. If there is an actual value on any property of the node, then this method will return something. Otherwise it will return an empty String.

node - - The node we want to inspect
String - The value of the property best representing the node


public static Property getUsableProperty(Node node)
This will take a best guess at which property represents the passed in node, and then return that property. This is to be used when some value should be displayed for the node, but unsure about what property to use. If there is an actual value on any property of the node, then this method will return something. Otherwise it will return null.

node - - The node we want to inspect
String - The value of the property best representing the node


public static String getPropertyDisplayValue(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                             Node node,
                                             String propertyName)
This will take the passed in property name and use it to create a String that will best show that property. If the property holds an image binary, a completed 'img' tag will be returned that will display the image. If the property holds any other kind of binary, a completed 'a' tag will be returned that will download the binary. Otherwise, the value of the property will be returned. This is to be used when wanting to display a specific property but not wanting to worry about how best to do it.

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
propertyName - - The name of the property we want to get the display value for.
String - The value of the property best representing the node


public static String getPropertyDisplayValueShowHTML(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                     Node node,
                                                     Property property)
This will take the passed in property and use it to create a String that will best show that property. If the property holds an image binary, a completed 'img' tag will be returned that will display the image. If the property holds any other kind of binary, a completed 'a' tag will be returned that will download the binary. Otherwise, the value of the property will be returned. This is to be used when wanting to display a specific property but not wanting to worry about how best to do it.

request - - The current request
node - - The node we want to inspect
property - - The property we want to get the display value for.
String - The value of the property best representing the node


public static Node getSingleNodeFromIterator(Iterator iterator)
This is a utility method that will return the first node that is contained within an iterator of Nodes. This is to provide some help when using EL.

iterator - - The Node iterator used to get the first Node out of
Node - The first Node contained within the iterator


public static Iterator getTemplateNodes(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
This utility method retrieves the current page of the resulting paged resultset.

request - - The current request
Iterator - An iterator for the current page


public static Node getTemplateNode(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
This is a utility method that will return the first node that is contained within the managed iterator of Nodes. This is to provide some help when using EL.

request - - The request object.
Node - The first Node contained within the iterator
See Also


public static void setObjectInContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                      String attributeName,
                                      Object object)
This is a utility method that will set the object as an attribute on the current request under the attribute name passed in. This is to provide some help when using EL.

request - - The current request
attributeName - - The name of the attribute the object will be set under
object - - The object to be set as a request attribute


public static String getImageNameForNode(Node node)
This is a utility method that will set get the name of the image file that best represents the binary file that belongs to the node, if any. The image names that are returned are just the image names WITHOUT any path information. This method returns the 16 pixel sized image icon. The images can be found in the commonui library madule and are best referenced with the tag, ie;

node - - The node whose icon we want to retrieve
An image name to be used with the tag


public static String getImageNameForNodeWithSize(Node node,
                                                 String sizeConstant)
This is a utility method that will set get the name of the image file that best represents the binary file that belongs to the node, if any. The image names that are returned are just the image names WITHOUT any path information. The images can be found in the commonui library madule and are best referenced with the tag, ie; This method takes a second paramter which determines the size of icon to retieve. The default return value is the 16 pixel sized icon if an invalid size is passed in.

node - - The node whose icon we want to retrieve
sizeConstant - - A constant for the size of icon to return. Either use ICON_SIZE_16 or ICON_SIZE_32
An image name to be used with the tag


public static boolean isPortletStatusPreview(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Determines if the current portlet is in preview mode.

request - The HttpServletRequest
True if the portlet is in preview state, false otherwise


public static boolean isPortletThemeBorderless(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Determines if the current portlet's theme is the OOTB Borderless theme.

request - The HttpServletRequest
True if the portlet's theme is Borderless, false otherwise


public static boolean canUserConfigurePortlet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Determines if the current user is entitled to configure the current portlet.

request - The HttpServletRequest
True if the current user is entitled to configure, false otherwise.


public static String getEditButtonSrc(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Deprecated The getEditButtonSrc(request) has been deprecated in 10.2, but will return TemplateSupport.DEFAULT_EDIT_BUTTON_SRC as the default value. Those that use this function are encouraged to use a direct image name rather than this function.

Returns the image name (without path) to use as the edit icon.

request - The HttpServletRequest
The name (path not included) of the image icon to use.


public static boolean isExceptionNoSuchNodeException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of NoSuchNodeException.

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, or anything that caused the exception, was an instance of NoSuchNodeException


public static boolean isExceptionAuthorizationException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of com.bea.content.AuthorizationException.

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, or anything that caused the exception, was an instance of com.bea.content.AuthorizationException


public static boolean isExceptionNodeListException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, or any causes of the exception, are an instance of ContentUIException.

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, or anything that caused the exception, was an instance of ContentUIException


public static boolean isExceptionInvalidQueryException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by errors with the current query.

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, is caused by errors with the current query


public static boolean isExceptionDisplayTemplateException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by errors within the templating framework.

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, is caused by errors within the templating framework


public static boolean isContentSelectorException(Exception exception)
Determines if the passed in exception, is caused by the backing content selector

exception - The exception to test
True if the exception, is caused by the backing content selector


public static boolean isNodePublished(Node node)
This convenience method determines if the passed in node is published.

node - - The node we want to inspect
boolean - true if the workflow status is set to com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.Workflow.PUBLISHED


public static boolean isPortletDebugEnabled(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Returns if portlet debugging is enabled.

true if debugging is enabled, false otherwise.

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