Interface Invitee

public interface Invitee

Represents a single Invitee. Users of the Communities framework are expected to create and populate Invitee instances for use by Inviters to do the actual work of sending an invitation via some communications channel. The wlsUserName portion of the Invitee may be null in cases where the Invitee represents an external user. In this case, the messagingAddress field must be populated with sufficient addressing information for an Inviter to send a communication separate from the WLS username. The exact requirements from Inviter implementations as to whether or not WLS username or the messaging address are required will vary depending on the actual needs of the Inviter's communication mechanism.

For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

Method Summary
 Object getAttribute(String attrName)
          For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee.
 Iterator<MembershipCapability> getInviteCapabilities()
          Gets an Iterator that can be used to enumerate all of the MembershipCapabilities that should apply to this Invitee.
 InviteeId getInviteeId()
          Gets the unigue InviteeId that is assigned by the Communities Invitations framework to this Invitee
 MessagingAddress getMessagingAddress()
          Gets a MessagingAddress for use in routing the invitation.
 String getValidationText()
          Gets the password assigned by the Communities Invitations framework for this invitation, so that CommunityInviter implementors can provide the password in the communication to the Invitee.
 String getWlsUserName()
          Gets the WLS username for the invitee, if the invitation is directed to an existing WLS user.
 void setAttribute(String attrName, Object value)
          For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee.
 void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributeMap)
          For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee.
 void setPersistedAttribute(String attrName, String value)
          Sets an attribute that will be persisted along with the Invitation that is created for an Invitee.
 void setPersistedAttributes(Map<String,String> attributeMap)
          For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee.

Method Detail


InviteeId getInviteeId()
Gets the unigue InviteeId that is assigned by the Communities Invitations framework to this Invitee

the InviteeId for this Invitee


String getWlsUserName()
Gets the WLS username for the invitee, if the invitation is directed to an existing WLS user. May be null if inviting external users.

the WLS username for this Invitee. May be null.


MessagingAddress getMessagingAddress()
Gets a MessagingAddress for use in routing the invitation. May be null if the WLS username is not null. Specific CommunityInviter implementations may use this field as appropriate, but may use the WLS username instead to perform their own lookup of MessagingAddresses as needed.

the MessagingAddress for this Invitee. May be null.


String getValidationText()
Gets the password assigned by the Communities Invitations framework for this invitation, so that CommunityInviter implementors can provide the password in the communication to the Invitee. The password is necessary later on in the process when the Invitee chooses to either accept or decline an invitation.

the invitation password for this Invitee


Iterator<MembershipCapability> getInviteCapabilities()
Gets an Iterator that can be used to enumerate all of the MembershipCapabilities that should apply to this Invitee. If there are no specified MembershipCapabilities for this Invitee, this returns null.

an Iterator for all the MembershipCapabilities that should be granted this Invitee


Object getAttribute(String attrName)
For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee. To make full use of this, both the source Communities application and the CommunityInviter must follow the same convention for attribute names and value types.

attrName - the name of the attribute to get
the value of the attribute


void setAttribute(String attrName,
                  Object value)
For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee. To make full use of this, both the source Communities application and the CommunityInviter must follow the same convention for attribute names and value types. Attributes set in this manner are not persisted along with the Invitation and are only available to the set of Inviters used for the invitation operation.

attrName - the name of the attribute to set
value - the value of the attribute to set


void setPersistedAttribute(String attrName,
                           String value)
Sets an attribute that will be persisted along with the Invitation that is created for an Invitee. This attribute will then be available to both the set of Inviters used for the invitation operation as well as to the application that uses and consumes the Invitation. Note that the property value should have limited length, 400 characters by default, and is stored in the PF_INVITEE_PROPERTY.PROPERTY_VALUE database column.

attrName - the name of the attribute to set
value - the value to set the attribute to


void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributeMap)
For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee. To make full use of this, both the source Communities application and the CommunityInviter must follow the same convention for attribute names and value types. This method adds all attributes from a supplied Map. Attributes set in this manner are not persisted along with the Invitation and are only available to the set of Inviters used for the invitation operation.

attributeMap - a Map containing attributes to set in bulk


void setPersistedAttributes(Map<String,String> attributeMap)
For CommunityInviter implementations that need additional data above and beyond the WLS username and messaging address provided for by the basic Invitee interface, an attribute map is provided to allow arbitrary key/value pairs to be associated with each Invitee. To make full use of this, both the source Communities application and the CommunityInviter must follow the same convention for attribute names and value types. This method adds all attributes from a supplied Map. Attributes set in this manner are persisted along with the Invitation and are available to both the set of Inviters used for the invitation operation and o the application that uses and consumes the Invitation. Note that the property value should have limited length, 400 characters by default, and is stored in the PF_INVITEE_PROPERTY.PROPERTY_VALUE database column.

attributeMap - a Map containing attributes to set in bulk

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