Class NotificationCriteria

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.notifications.NotificationCriteria
All Implemented Interfaces
SearchCriteria, Serializable

public class NotificationCriteria
extends Object
implements SearchCriteria

The NotificationCriteria object is used to specify notification attributes used to find specific Notification instances in the NotificationManager EJB's administrative methods. To use this object, construct a new instance, and call any of the set... methods to specify constraints on the notification search. Only constraints set using a set... method will be used during the search. All specified constraints are used in conjunction (AND rather than OR).

For example, to specify a notification search criteria to find all notifications sent to user "Alice" from the web application "Wonderland", the following would work:

 NotificationCriteria criteria = new NotificationCriteria();

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String ORDER_BY_ACTIVE
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
static String ORDER_BY_NAME
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
Constructor Summary
          Constructor for a NotificationCriteria object which creates a unconstrained search criteria-- by default, all criteria are not used during a search, and all Notifications will be selected.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
 NotificationCriteria copy()
 boolean getActiveCriteria()
          Retrieves the active status criteria for the search.
 boolean getConsumedCriteria()
          Retrieves the consumed status criteria for the search.
 Date getExpiresAfterCriteria()
          Retrieves the time a notification expires after criteria for the search.
 Date getExpiresBeforeCriteria()
          Retrieves the time a notification expires before criteria for the search.
 String getNameCriteria()
          Retrieves the name criteria for the search.
 String getNamespaceCriteria()
          Retrieves the namespace criteria for the search.
 NotificationPayloadId getPayloadIdCriteria()
          Retrieves the payload ID criteria for the search.
 boolean getSelfDestructCriteria()
          Retrieves the self destruct status criteria for the search.
 String getSortOrderField()
          Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.
 String getSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria()
          Retrieves the source desktop instance title criteria for the search.
 String getSourceDesktopPathCriteria()
          Retrieves the source desktop path criteria for the search.
 String getSourcePortalPathCriteria()
          Retrieves the source portal path criteria for the search.
 String getSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria()
          Retrieves the source portlet definition label criteria for the search.
 String getSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria()
          Retrieves the source portlet instance label criteria for the search.
 String getSourceWebAppNameCriteria()
          Retrieves the source webapp name criteria for the search.
 String getTargetWebAppNameCriteria()
          Retrieves the target webapp name criteria for the search.
 String getUsernameCriteria()
          Retrieves the username criteria for the search.
 boolean isActiveCriteria()
          Determines if active status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isConsumedCriteria()
          Determines if consumed status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isExpiresAfterCriteria()
          Determines if the time a notification expires after is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isExpiresBeforeCriteria()
          Determines if the time a notification expires before is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isNameCriteria()
          Determines if name is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isNamespaceCriteria()
          Determines if namespace is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isPayloadIdCriteria()
          Determines if the payload ID is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSelfDestructCriteria()
          Determines if self destruct status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSortOrderAscending()
          Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.
 boolean isSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria()
          Determines if source desktop instance title is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSourceDesktopPathCriteria()
          Determines if source desktop path is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSourcePortalPathCriteria()
          Determines if source portal path is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria()
          Determines if source portlet definition label is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria()
          Determines if source portlet instance label is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSourceWebAppNameCriteria()
          Determines if source webapp name is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isTargetWebAppNameCriteria()
          Determines if target webapp name is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isUsernameCriteria()
          Determines if username is a criteria for the search.
 void orderBy(String field, boolean ascending)
          Used to specify the order for results to be returned.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Specifies the active status a Notification must match to be included.
 void setConsumed(boolean consumed)
          Specifies the consumed status a Notification must match to be included.
 void setExpiresAfter(Date expiresAfter)
          Specifies the expiration date a Notification must expire after to be included.
 void setExpiresBefore(Date expiresBefore)
          Specifies the expiration date a Notification must expire before to be included.
 void setName(String name)
          Specifies the name a Notification must match to be included.
 void setNamespace(String namespace)
          Specifies the namespace a Notification must match to be included.
 void setPayloadId(NotificationPayloadId payloadId)
          Specifies the payload ID a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSelfDestruct(boolean selfDestruct)
          Specifies the self destruct status a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourceDesktopInstanceTitle(String sourceDesktopInstanceTitle)
          Specifies the source desktop instance title a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourceDesktopPath(String sourceDesktopPath)
          Specifies the source desktop path a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourcePortalPath(String sourcePortalPath)
          Specifies the source portal path a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourcePortletDefinitionLabel(String sourcePortletDefinitionLabel)
          Specifies the source portlet definition label a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourcePortletInstanceLabel(String sourcePortletInstanceLabel)
          Specifies the source portlet instance label a Notification must match to be included.
 void setSourceWebAppName(String sourceWebAppName)
          Specifies the source webapp name a Notification must match to be included.
 void setTargetWebAppName(String targetWebAppName)
          Specifies the target webapp name a Notification must match to be included.
 void setUsername(String username)
          Specifies the username a Notification must match to be included.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ORDER_BY_USERNAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by username if the query returns a Notification or notification recipient; NotificationPayloads cannot be ordered by username.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_CONSUMED
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by consumed status if the query returns a Notification; NotificationPayloads and notification recipients cannot be ordered by consumed status.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_NAMESPACE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_NAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_TARGET_WEBAPP_NAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_SOURCE_WEBAPP_NAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_SOURCE_PORTAL_PATH
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_SOURCE_DESKTOP_PATH
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_SELF_DESTRUCT
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_ACTIVE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_EXPIRATION_DATE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method. The query results can only be ordered by this constant if the query returns Notification or NotificationPayload objects; notification recipients may not be ordered by this field.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public NotificationCriteria()
Constructor for a NotificationCriteria object which creates a unconstrained search criteria-- by default, all criteria are not used during a search, and all Notifications will be selected. To narrow the search, call the appropriate set... methods to specify what criteria should be used. Unless a set... method is called to specify a criteria, the criteria is NOT used in the search.

Method Detail


public void orderBy(String field,
                    boolean ascending)
Used to specify the order for results to be returned. Results may only be ordered by a single field; multiple calls to this method will serve only to reset the field being ordered by.

field - one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field to order results by, or null if no sorting is to be used.
ascending - if true, results will be ordered in an ascending manner, otherwise they will be ordered in a descending manner.
IllegalArgumentException - if the field argument is not one of the ORDER_BY_ constants or null.


public String getSortOrderField()
Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.

one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.


public boolean isSortOrderAscending()
Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending. Sorting is done only if the getSortOrderField() method does not return null.

true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.


public void setUsername(String username)
Specifies the username a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, username is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications.

username - the username notifications must match to be included. If null, username is not used as a criteria for selection.


public void setConsumed(boolean consumed)
Specifies the consumed status a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, consumed status is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, consumed status will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

consumed - if true, only notifications which have been consumed will be included; if false, only notifications which have not been consumed will be included.


public void setNamespace(String namespace)
Specifies the namespace a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, namespace is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications.

namespace - the namespace notifications must match to be included. If null, namespace is not used as a criteria for selection.


public void setName(String name)
Specifies the name a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, name is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications.

name - the name notifications must match to be included. If null, name is not used as a criteria for selection.


public void setTargetWebAppName(String targetWebAppName)
Specifies the target webapp name a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the target webapp name is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, target webapp name will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

targetWebAppName - the target webapp name notifications must match to be included. If null, only notifications targetted globally [target webapp name == null] will be included.


public void setSourceWebAppName(String sourceWebAppName)
Specifies the source webapp name a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, source webapp name is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications.

sourceWebAppName - the source webapp name notifications must match to be included. If null, source webapp name is not used as a criteria for selection.


public void setSourcePortalPath(String sourcePortalPath)
Specifies the source portal path a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the source portal path is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, source portal path will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

sourcePortalPath - the source portal path notifications must match to be included. If null, source portal path must be null for notifications to be included.


public void setSourceDesktopPath(String sourceDesktopPath)
Specifies the source desktop path a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the source desktop path is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, source desktop path will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

sourceDesktopPath - the source desktop path notifications must match to be included. If null, source desktop path must be null for notifications to be included.


public void setSourceDesktopInstanceTitle(String sourceDesktopInstanceTitle)
Specifies the source desktop instance title a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the source desktop instance title is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, source desktop instance title will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

sourceDesktopInstanceTitle - the source desktop instance title notifications must match to be included. If null, source desktop instance must be null for notifications to be included.


public void setSourcePortletDefinitionLabel(String sourcePortletDefinitionLabel)
Specifies the source portlet definition label a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the source portlet definition label is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, source portlet definition label will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

sourcePortletDefinitionLabel - the source portlet definition label notifications must match to be included. If null, source portlet definition label must be null for notifications to be included.


public void setSourcePortletInstanceLabel(String sourcePortletInstanceLabel)
Specifies the source portlet instance label a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, the source portlet instance label is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, source portlet instance label will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

sourcePortletInstanceLabel - the source portlet instance label notifications must match to be included. If null, source portlet instance label must be null for notifications to be included.


public void setSelfDestruct(boolean selfDestruct)
Specifies the self destruct status a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, self destruct status is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, self destruct status will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

selfDestruct - if true, only notifications which are self-destructing will be included; if false, only notifications which are not self-destructing will be included.


public void setActive(boolean active)
Specifies the active status a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, active status is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications. Please note that once this method is called, active status will be used as a criteria for notification selection-- there is no way to un-set this without creating a new NotificationCriteria object.

The active flag on a NotificationPayload object is lazily set by the framework, and is not guaranteed to be correct. The flag is set to false after a non-self-destructing notification payload expires if certain operations happen on the payload. It is used by the framework primarily as a performance enhancement and should probably not be relied upon as a notification criteria when performing searches. For a more accurate determination of whether a payload has expired, use the setExpiresBefore() method.

active - if true, only notifications which are marked active will be included; if false, only notifications which are marked inactive will be included.


public void setExpiresBefore(Date expiresBefore)
Specifies the expiration date a Notification must expire before to be included. If this method is not called, or if a null argument is provided, expiration date is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications UNLESS if the setExpirationAfter() method is called.

expiresBefore - a time notifications must expire before to be included. If null, notifications are included regardless of when they expire UNLESS the setExpirationAfter() method is called.


public void setExpiresAfter(Date expiresAfter)
Specifies the expiration date a Notification must expire after to be included. If this method is not called, or if a null argument is provided, expiration date is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications UNLESS if the setExpirationBefore() method is called.

expiresAfter - a time notifications must expire after to be included. If null, notifications are included regardless of when they expire UNLESS the setExpirationBefore() method is called.


public void setPayloadId(NotificationPayloadId payloadId)
Specifies the payload ID a Notification must match to be included. If this method is not called, or if null is used as the argument, payload ID is not used as a criteria for selecting notifications.

payloadId - the name notifications must match to be included. If null, payload ID is not used as a criteria for selection.


public String toString()
toString in class Object
a String representation of this NotificationCriteria object.


public boolean isUsernameCriteria()
Determines if username is a criteria for the search.

true if username is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getUsernameCriteria()
Retrieves the username criteria for the search.

the username criteria for the search, or null if username is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isConsumedCriteria()
Determines if consumed status is a criteria for the search.

true if consumed status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getConsumedCriteria()
Retrieves the consumed status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the consumed status is a criteria to be used; the isConsumedCriteria() method can be used for that.

the consumed status criteria for the search. If the consumed status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the consumed status is a criteria for the search, use the isConsumedCriteria() method.


public boolean isNamespaceCriteria()
Determines if namespace is a criteria for the search.

true if namespace is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getNamespaceCriteria()
Retrieves the namespace criteria for the search.

the namespace criteria for the search, or null if namespace is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isNameCriteria()
Determines if name is a criteria for the search.

true if name is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getNameCriteria()
Retrieves the name criteria for the search.

the name criteria for the search, or null if name is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isTargetWebAppNameCriteria()
Determines if target webapp name is a criteria for the search.

true if target webapp name is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getTargetWebAppNameCriteria()
Retrieves the target webapp name criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the target webapp name is a criteria to be used; the isTargetWebAppNameCriteria() method can be used for that.

the target webapp name criteria for the search. If the target webapp name is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the target webapp name is a criteria for the search, use the isTargetWebAppNameCriteria() method.


public boolean isSourceWebAppNameCriteria()
Determines if source webapp name is a criteria for the search.

true if source webapp name is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourceWebAppNameCriteria()
Retrieves the source webapp name criteria for the search.

the source webapp name criteria for the search, or null if source webapp name is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isSourcePortalPathCriteria()
Determines if source portal path is a criteria for the search.

true if source portal path is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourcePortalPathCriteria()
Retrieves the source portal path criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the source portal path is a criteria to be used; the isSourcePortalPathCriteria() method can be used for that.

the source portal path criteria for the search. If the source portal path is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the source portal path is a criteria for the search, use the isSourcePortalPathCriteria() method.


public boolean isSourceDesktopPathCriteria()
Determines if source desktop path is a criteria for the search.

true if source desktop path is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourceDesktopPathCriteria()
Retrieves the source desktop path criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the source desktop path is a criteria to be used; the isSourceDesktopPathCriteria() method can be used for that.

the source desktop path criteria for the search. If the source desktop path is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the source desktop path is a criteria for the search, use the isSourceDesktopPathCriteria() method.


public boolean isSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria()
Determines if source desktop instance title is a criteria for the search.

true if source desktop instance title is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria()
Retrieves the source desktop instance title criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the source desktop instance title is a criteria to be used; the isSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria() method can be used for that.

the source desktop instance title criteria for the search. If the source desktop instance title is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the source desktop instance title is a criteria for the search, use the isSourceDesktopInstanceTitleCriteria() method.


public boolean isSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria()
Determines if source portlet definition label is a criteria for the search.

true if source portlet definition label is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria()
Retrieves the source portlet definition label criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the source portlet definition label is a criteria to be used; the isSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria() method can be used for that.

the source portlet definition label criteria for the search. If the source portlet definition label is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the source portlet definition label is a criteria for the search, use the isSourcePortletDefinitionLabelCriteria() method.


public boolean isSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria()
Determines if source portlet instance label is a criteria for the search.

true if source portlet instance label is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria()
Retrieves the source portlet instance label criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the source portlet instance label is a criteria to be used; the isSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria() method can be used for that.

the source portlet instance label criteria for the search. If the source portlet instance label is not a criteria in the search, null is returned. To determine whether the source portlet instance label is a criteria for the search, use the isSourcePortletInstanceLabelCriteria() method.


public boolean isSelfDestructCriteria()
Determines if self destruct status is a criteria for the search.

true if self destruct status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getSelfDestructCriteria()
Retrieves the self destruct status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the self destruct status is a criteria to be used; the isSelfDestructCriteria() method can be used for that.

the self destruct status criteria for the search. If the self destruct status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the self destruct status is a criteria for the search, use the isSelfDestructCriteria() method.


public boolean isActiveCriteria()
Determines if active status is a criteria for the search.

The active flag on a NotificationPayload object is lazily set by the framework, and is not guaranteed to be correct. The flag is set to false after a non-self-destructing notification payload expires if certain operations happen on the payload. It is used by the framework primarily as a performance enhancement and should probably not be relied upon as a notification criteria when performing searches. For a more accurate determination of whether a payload has expired, use the setExpiresBefore() method.

true if active status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getActiveCriteria()
Retrieves the active status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the active status is a criteria to be used; the isActiveCriteria() method can be used for that.

The active flag on a NotificationPayload object is lazily set by the framework, and is not guaranteed to be correct. The flag is set to false after a non-self-destructing notification payload expires if certain operations happen on the payload. It is used by the framework primarily as a performance enhancement and should probably not be relied upon as a notification criteria when performing searches. For a more accurate determination of whether a payload has expired, use the setExpiresBefore() method.

the active status criteria for the search. If the active status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the active status is a criteria for the search, use the isActiveCriteria() method.


public boolean isExpiresBeforeCriteria()
Determines if the time a notification expires before is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a notification expires before is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getExpiresBeforeCriteria()
Retrieves the time a notification expires before criteria for the search.

the time a notification expires before criteria for the search, or null if the time a notification expires before is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isExpiresAfterCriteria()
Determines if the time a notification expires after is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a notification expires after is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getExpiresAfterCriteria()
Retrieves the time a notification expires after criteria for the search.

the time a notification expires after criteria for the search, or null if the time a notification expires after is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isPayloadIdCriteria()
Determines if the payload ID is a criteria for the search.

true if the payload ID is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public NotificationPayloadId getPayloadIdCriteria()
Retrieves the payload ID criteria for the search.

the payload ID criteria for the search, or null if the paylod ID is not a criteria in the search.


public NotificationCriteria copy()


public Object clone()
clone in class Object

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