Class Skin

  extended by com.bea.netuix.laf.AbstractLookAndFeelComponent
      extended by com.bea.netuix.laf.Skin
All Implemented Interfaces

public class Skin
extends AbstractLookAndFeelComponent

Skin provides a read-only interface for retrieving information related to the current Look and Feel skin configuration. Skin objects are valid only as long as the related PortalLookAndFeel object is valid.

See Also

Method Summary
 List<String> getAvailableChromosomes()
          Returns a list of all available skin chromosome names.
 String getChromosome()
          Returns the current skin chromosome name.
 String getFullPath()
          Returns the qualified skin path, including the current skin name.
 HtmlPathResolver getHtmlPathResolver()
          Returns an instance of a HtmlPathResolver related to this skin.
 String getName()
          Returns the component name.
 String getPath()
          Returns the webapp-relative base skin path.
 String resolveImagePath(String uri)
          Resolves the specified uri using skin images configuration.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: LookAndFeelComponent
Returns the component name.


public String getPath()
Returns the webapp-relative base skin path. This value is typically set via the skinPath attribute of the lookAndFeel control, or via the skinPath parameter of the reinit method.

The current skin path


public String getFullPath()
Returns the qualified skin path, including the current skin name. The value returned from this method is influenced by the Look and Feel resource URL template, if present.

The qualified skin path


public String getChromosome()
Returns the current skin chromosome name.

The current skin chromosome name; null if no skin chromosome is in effect


public List<String> getAvailableChromosomes()
Returns a list of all available skin chromosome names.

All available skin chromosome names; may be an empty list


public HtmlPathResolver getHtmlPathResolver()
Returns an instance of a HtmlPathResolver related to this skin. The object returned from this method shares the same validity constraint as the Skin object; it is valid only as long as the related PortalLookAndFeel is valid.

A resolver for skin HTML render dependencies


public String resolveImagePath(String uri)
                        throws IllegalStateException
Resolves the specified uri using skin images configuration. It is assumed that the specified uri is a partial image path, i.e. "button.jpg" or "images/corner.gif". NOTE: Calls to PortalLookAndFeel.reinit() will cause all previously resolved image paths to become invalid.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called during the render lifecycle; calls prior to the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

uri - parital image path to resolve
The resolved image path; null if the specified path could not be resolved
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle.
See Also
PortalLookAndFeel.reinit(String, String, String, String, String, String), "Skin configuration element <images>"

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