Class L10nResourceManager

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.l10n.L10nResourceManager

public class L10nResourceManager
extends Object

The L10nResourceManager helps resolve resources (such as JSP pages, static resources such as HTML files, images etc.) based on a given locale.

Given a resource path in the form [dir]/[name] where [dir] is the directory ("/" separated, relative to the web app root) and [name] is the name of the resource, this class resolves the path to a localized version, if available.

For resolving a resource to a localized version, this class expects the locale to be present in the path structure as a sub-directory.

For instance, the following localized resources are considered valid for a resource "/portlets/news/flash.jsp":

This class resolves a localized version of in the following search order:

In order to enable this class to recognize newly added or deleted resources after server startup, enable hot deployment for classes via the WebLogic Server admin console.

Method Summary
 void ensureReloaded()
          Ensures that the cached resources are fresh.

This method only has an effect when localization is enabled in netuix-config.xml and the server is not running in production mode.

static L10nResourceManager getInstance(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
          Returns an instance of L10nResourceManager.
 LocaleProvider getLocaleProvider()
          Retrieve the LocaleProvider.
 Enumeration<Locale> getPreferredLocales(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Accessor for getting an Enumeration of preferred locales based on both the request and the setting of the internal localeProvider object, which is optionally overrideable by developers.
 ArrayList<Locale> getPreferredLocalesAsList(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Accessor for getting an ordered collection of preferred locales.
 String resolve(String path, Enumeration locales)
          Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource.
 String resolve(String path, Enumeration locales, ResolvedLocale resolvedLocale)
          Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource.
 String resolve(String path, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource.
 String resolve(String path, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, ResolvedLocale resolvedLocale)
          Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static L10nResourceManager getInstance(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)

Returns an instance of L10nResourceManager.

context - servlet context
the singleton instance of L10nResourceManager


public void ensureReloaded()
Ensures that the cached resources are fresh.

This method only has an effect when localization is enabled in netuix-config.xml and the server is not running in production mode.


public Enumeration<Locale> getPreferredLocales(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)

Accessor for getting an Enumeration of preferred locales based on both the request and the setting of the internal localeProvider object, which is optionally overrideable by developers.

request - current ServletRequest
Enumeration containing preferred Locale objects as determined from the request by the configured LocaleProvider


public ArrayList<Locale> getPreferredLocalesAsList(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)

Accessor for getting an ordered collection of preferred locales. Used in places where l10nManager cannot be used directly, but where a collection may be passed to a consumer of locales.

request - current ServletRequest
ArrayList containing Locale objects


public String resolve(String path,
                      javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)

Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource. Applications may use this method to resolve resources such as JSP pages, or other static resources to locales.

path - path to the resource
request - current ServletRequest
the localized path to the resource if present, otherwise returns the default path to the resource.


public String resolve(String path,
                      javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                      ResolvedLocale resolvedLocale)

Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource. Applications may use this method to resolve resources such as JSP pages, or other static resources to locales.

This version of resolve accepts an out argument that is populated with extra resolution information.

path - path to the resource
request - current ServletRequest
resolvedLocale - ResolvedLocale object to populate with resolution information
the localized path to the resource if present, otherwise returns the default path to the resource.


public String resolve(String path,
                      Enumeration locales)

Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource. Applications may use this method to resolve resources such as JSP pages, or other static resources to locales.

path - path to the resource
locales - preferred Locales to use for resolution
the localized path to the resource if present, otherwise returns the default path to the resource.


public String resolve(String path,
                      Enumeration locales,
                      ResolvedLocale resolvedLocale)

Resolves the given path per the given locales to a localized resource. Applications may use this method to resolve resources such as JSP pages, or other static resources to locales.

This version of resolve accepts an out argument that is populated with extra resolution information.

path - path to the resource
locales - preferred Locales to use for resolution
resolvedLocale - ResolvedLocale object to populate with resolution information
the localized path to the resource if present, otherwise returns the default path to the resource.


public LocaleProvider getLocaleProvider()
Retrieve the LocaleProvider.

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