Interface JobListener

public interface JobListener

Classes that implement this interface and register it with the job manager will get contacted each time a job completes or fails. Once notified the class can interogate the job to find out its completed status and do any extra work. Also the onComplete and onFailure callback will be executed in the same thread as the Job was executed.

Method Summary
 void onComplete(JobContext context)
          The call back method when the job with which this registered is successfully executed.
 void onFailure(JobContext context, Throwable exception)
          Called when there is an error executing the job with which this is registered.

Method Detail


void onComplete(JobContext context)
The call back method when the job with which this registered is successfully executed.

context - The job's context


void onFailure(JobContext context,
               Throwable exception)
Called when there is an error executing the job with which this is registered.

context - The job's context
exception - An error or exception that occurred during job's execution.

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