
Interface Summary
ConfigurableEntity The ConfigurableEntity provides the interface to an Entity that can be configured at runtime by associating properties via name-value pairs.
EntityPropertyCache Class used to hold properties for a given entity.
EntityPropertyManager EntityPropertyManager is the remote interface for a session bean that manages persistence of ConfigurableEntity EJB's and their properties.
EntityPropertyManagerHome The home interface for the EntityPropertyManager Session Bean.
HierarchicalEntity HierarchicalEntity extends ConfigurableEntity by describing an interface by which Entities can be included in a hierachy of successors.
PropertyDefinition Public interface for a property definition.
PropertyLocator Lightweight object that contains ConfigurableEntity's unique attributes.
PropertyMapKey Lightweight object used as a key for entity properties.
PropertySet This is the public interface for Property Sets, which are logical groupings of property definitions.
PropertySetManager PropertySetManager is a stateless session bean that provides access to property sets, through PropertySetRepositories.
PropertySetManagerHome Home interface for accessing the PropertySetManager stateless session bean.
PropertySetRepository PropertySetRepository is an interface to be implemented by any part of the system that manages its own PropertySets.

Class Summary
AbstractConfigurableEntity Abstract base class for ConfigurableEntity implementations.
AbstractHierarchicalEntity Lightweight implementation of HierarchicalEntity.
AbstractPropertyDefinition Default implementation of a PropertyDefinition.
AbstractPropertyLocator Lightweight object that contains ConfigurableEntity's unique attributes.
AbstractPropertyMapKey Lightweight object used as a key for entity properties.
AbstractPropertySet Default implementation of a Property Sets, which is a logical grouping of property definitions.
ConfigurableEntityImpl Abstract base class for ConfigurableEntity EJB's.
ConfigurableEntityPk Primary key class for Configurable Entity EJB's
HierarchicalEntityImpl HierarchicalEntity extends ConfigurableEntity by describing an interface by which Entities can be included in a hierachy of successors.
SqlBundle Utility class to externalize SQL statements in a ResourceBundle.

Exception Summary
ConfigurableEntityCreateException Application exception class that will be thrown when an error occurs while creating a ConfigurableEntity.
ConfigurableEntitySystemException System exception class that will be thrown when a low-level error occurs in a ConfigurableEntity or its EntityPropertyManager.
EntityNotFoundException Application exception to signify that a requested ConfigurableEntity could not be found in the database.
PropertySetParseException Application exception to signal a parsing problem while reading a Property Set definition from an XML document.
PropertySetRepositoryException System exception to signal a problem with a Property Set Repository.
PropertySetXMLException System exception to signal a problem while creating an XML document from a Property Set.
PropertySystemException System exception class that will be thrown when a low-level error occurs in a property set component
PropertyValidationException Application exception to signify that a given property did not match its corresponding PropertyDefinition.

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