Class GenericURL

  extended by com.bea.portlet.GenericURL
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:
DesktopURL, PostbackURL, ResourceURL

public class GenericURL
extends Object
implements Cloneable

The GenericURL helps portal applications create URLs to resources within the portal.

To obtain an instance of GenericURL an application must supply valid HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. This class derives certain default attributes from the request/response.

A GenericURL could be populated with the following attributes:

Attribute Purpose Notes
Scheme Scheme. Valid values are "http" and "https". If not specified, uses the scheme that was used to make the request.
Domain Server domain. If not specified, uses the domain that was used to make the request. If requests are made via a proxy, specify the domain of the proxy server.
Port Server port. If not specified, uses the port from the request. If requests are made via a proxy, specify the port of the proxy server for the scheme used.
Secure port Secure server port. If not specified, uses the default secure server port. If requests are made via a proxy, specify the port of the proxy server for the scheme used.
Path prefix Path prefix. No default.

path path is the relative path to the resource (typically used for static/dynamic resources such as files, images, etc.). If the webapp name should be added before the path, use contextualPath. Defaults to the path used in the current request.
contextualPath contextualPath is the relative path to the resource, excluding the webAppName (typically used for static/dynamic resources such as files, images, etc.). The webAppName will be added to the URL before the contextualPath. No default.

Encode session Encodes the URL to include session ID. Defaults to true

Parameter Query parameters.

These parameters will be appended in the query string of the URL. This implementation preserves the order of parameters. If a parameter has multiple values, all values will be added at the first occurrence.

In order to specify web-app wide defaults for the above attributes, named URL templates may be specified. A URL template is a parameterized fully-qualified URL string. Each URL template has a name. URL templates should be specified in "beehive-url-template-config.xml" file in WEB-INF directory of the webapp.

An example of a URL template (with name "mytemplate") is:{url:prefix}/{url:path}?{url:queryString}&myParam1=myValue1

In these templates, parameters are enclosed in {}s, and are replaced by attributes set on the URL object.

The parameters "url:path" and "url:queryString" are reserved and should be present in every template.

A URL object could be created using the template example above as follows:

      GenericURL url = GenericURL.createGenericURL(request, response);

In this example, since scheme, domain and port are not parameterized in the template, setting these attributes on the URL object will have no affect on the URL rendered.

If a template name is not specified on the GenericURL object, the template named "default" is used.

The templating mechanism recognizes the following parameters in URL templates:

Template Parameter Description Usage
url:scheme Scheme May be set
url:domain Domain May be set
url:port Port May be set
url:securePort Secure port May be set
url:prefix Purpose May be set
url:path Extra path information Reserved, must be present in a template.
url:contextualPath Relative path to the resource, excluding the webAppName. No default, may be set in template.

url:queryString Reserved query parameters Reserved, must be present in a template.
url:currentPage Current page parameter May be set
url:compression The presence of this parameter indicates that the URL should be compressed after it has been created. May be set

If one or more parameters of a template are not set at runtime, the implementation will use defaults if appropriate.

Field Summary
          Name of the param used to provide a hint that the user wants to retrieve the admin view of a community resource - as opposed to their customized view.
          Communities standalone portlet flag query parameter.
          Control state parameter (reserved).
static String CURRENT_PAGE
protected  String domain
          Server domain.
static String DOMAIN
          Template parameter: domain.
static String EVENT_NAME_PARAM
          Custom event name query parameter (reserved).
protected  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest
          HTTP request.
protected  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpResponse
          HTTP response.
protected  String httpsDomain
          Server https domain.
          Load state request query parameter (reserved).
static String MODE_PARAM
          Window mode query parameter (reserved).
static String PAGE_LABEL_PARAM
          Page label query parameter (reserved).
protected  LinkedHashMap params
          Query parameters
static String PATH
          Template parameter: path.
static String PORT
          Template parameter: port.
          subInstanceId param: denotes a subInstanceId that is to be used for a Portlet
static String POSTBACK_PARAM
          Postback request query parameter (reserved).
static String PREFIX
          Template parameter: prefix.
static String QUERY_STRING
          Template parameter: queryString.
static String SCHEME
          Template parameter: scheme.
static String SECURE_PORT
          Template parameter: securePort.
static String STATE_PARAM
          Window state query parameter (reserved).
          Tree Optimization request query parameter (reserved).
          Window label query parameter (reserved).
Constructor Summary
protected GenericURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Constructs a GenericURL.
Method Summary
protected  void addAjaxNoRewriteParam()
 void addParameter(String name, String value)
          Adds a query parameter to the URL.
 void addParameter(String name, String value, boolean encode)
          Adds a query parameter to the URL.
 void addParameter(String name, String value, boolean encodeName, boolean encodeValue)
          Add a query parameter to the URL.
protected static StringBuffer appendEnsureSeparator(StringBuffer buf, String token)
          Deprecated As of 9.2 SP2, replaced by appendEnsureSeparator
protected static StringBuilder appendEnsureSeparator(StringBuilder buf, String token)
 Object clone()
          Returns a deep copy of the URL object.
static GenericURL createGenericURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Constructs a GenericURL object with default values.
protected  StringBuffer createQueryString()
          Deprecated As of 9.2 SP2, replaced by createQueryStringBuilder
protected  StringBuilder createQueryStringBuilder()
          Creates a query string with the parameters set so far.
 String getAmpForm()
          Returns the ampersand entity form used for this URL.
 String getContextualPath()
          Returns the contextualPath, if previously set using the setContextualPath() method.
protected  String getCurrentPageLabel()
          The current page that this url was created under.
 String getDomain()
          Returns the domain.
 boolean getEncodeSession()
          Returns true if URL rewriting is enabled.
 String getParameter(String name)
          Returns the value of the parameter.
 List getParameters(String name)
          Returns the values of the given parameter.
 String getPath()
          Returns the value previously set with setPath().
 String getPathPrefix()
          Returns the path prefix, if one has been set.
 int getPort()
          Returns the port.
protected  String getResolvedTemplate()
          Returns the template used for generating the URL string.
 String getScheme()
          Returns the protocol scheme.
 int getSecurePort()
          Returns the secure port.
static String getSecurityTokenManagerClass()
 String getSecurityTokenName()
          The name of the security token param in the request.
 String getSecurityTokenValue()
          The value of the security token param in the request.
 String getTemplate()
          Returns the current template.
 String getUrlType()
          Returns the type of this URL.
 void removeParameter(String name)
          Removes the given query parameter.
 void setContextualPath(String contextualPath)
          Sets contextual path.
 void setDomain(String domain)
          Sets the domain.
 void setEncodeSession(boolean encodeSession)
          Enables URL rewriting for encoding a session ID in the URL.
 void setForcedAmpForm(boolean useAmpEntity)
          Forces the form of query separators used for this URL.
 void setPath(String path)
          Sets the path.
 void setPathPrefix(String pathPrefix)
          Sets a path prefix.
 void setPort(int port)
          Sets a port.
 void setScheme(String scheme)
          Sets the protocol scheme.
 void setSecurePort(int securePort)
          Sets a secure port.
 void setTemplate(String templateName)
          Sets a URL template for this URL by the template name.
 String toString()
          Returns a string form (fully-qualified) of this URL removing any unset template parameters.
 String toString(boolean removeUnsetParams)
          Returns a string form (fully-qualified) of this URL.
static boolean verifySecurityToken()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String LOADSTATE_PARAM

Load state request query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String POSTBACK_PARAM

Postback request query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String COMMUNITY_DESKTOP

Communities standalone portlet flag query parameter.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String TREE_OPTIMIZATION_PARAM

Tree Optimization request query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String WINDOW_LABEL_PARAM

Window label query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String STATE_PARAM

Window state query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String MODE_PARAM

Window mode query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PAGE_LABEL_PARAM

Page label query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String EVENT_NAME_PARAM

Custom event name query parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CONTROL_STATE_PARAM

Control state parameter (reserved).

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PORTLET_SUB_INSTANCE_ID

subInstanceId param: denotes a subInstanceId that is to be used for a Portlet

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String COMMUNITY_ADMIN_FLAG_PARAM

Name of the param used to provide a hint that the user wants to retrieve the admin view of a community resource - as opposed to their customized view.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String SCHEME

Template parameter: scheme.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String DOMAIN

Template parameter: domain.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PORT

Template parameter: port.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String SECURE_PORT

Template parameter: securePort.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PREFIX

Template parameter: prefix.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PATH

Template parameter: path.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String QUERY_STRING

Template parameter: queryString.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CURRENT_PAGE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String URL_COMPRESSION
See Also
Constants Summary


protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest

HTTP request.


protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpResponse

HTTP response.


protected String domain

Server domain.


protected String httpsDomain

Server https domain.


protected LinkedHashMap params

Query parameters

Constructor Detail


protected GenericURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

Constructs a GenericURL.

request - HTTP request
response - HTTP response
Method Detail


public static GenericURL createGenericURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                          javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

Constructs a GenericURL object with default values.

request - HTTP request
response - HTTP response


public static String getSecurityTokenManagerClass()


public static boolean verifySecurityToken()


protected String getCurrentPageLabel()
The current page that this url was created under.

the label of the current page


public String getSecurityTokenName()
The name of the security token param in the request.

the name of the security token request parameter


public String getSecurityTokenValue()
The value of the security token param in the request.

the value of the security token request parameter.


public void setTemplate(String templateName)

Sets a URL template for this URL by the template name.

templateName - name of the url template to use
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the named template does not exist or if the template is not valid


public String getTemplate()

Returns the current template. This is the template value, not the template name as may have been passed into setTemplate(String).

URL template value.


protected String getResolvedTemplate()

Returns the template used for generating the URL string.

This method returns the same value as does the getTemplate() method if the set template exists. If not, this method returns the default template named "default".


public void setScheme(String scheme)

Sets the protocol scheme. Should be one of "http" or "https". If a protocol is not specified, the protocol that was used to make the current request will be used.

scheme - protocol scheme- must be either "http" or "https".


public String getScheme()

Returns the protocol scheme. If no protocol was previously set, returns the protocol that was used to make the current request.

protocol scheme


public void setPort(int port)

Sets a port. If a port is not specified, the port from the request will be used.

port - port


public int getPort()

Returns the port. If no port was previously set, returns the port from the request.



public void setSecurePort(int securePort)

Sets a secure port. If a port is not specified, the default server secure port will be used.

securePort - secure port


public int getSecurePort()

Returns the secure port. If no port was previously set, returns the default secure server port.

secure port


public void setDomain(String domain)

Sets the domain. If a domain is not specified, the domain that was used to make the current request will be used.

domain - domain


public String getDomain()

Returns the domain. If no domain was previously set, returns the domain that was used to make the current request.



public void setPath(String path)

Sets the path. If no path is specified using this setPath() method or the setContextualPath() method, the requestURI from the HttpServletRequest will be used as the path.

path - path


public String getPath()

Returns the value previously set with setPath().

If no calls to setPath() or setContextualPath() are made, the requestURI from the HttpServletRequest is used as the path.

The previously set path, or null if no previous call to setPath() has been performed.
See Also


public String getContextualPath()

Returns the contextualPath, if previously set using the setContextualPath() method.

If no calls to setPath() or setContextualPath() are made, the requestURI from the HttpServletRequest is used as the path.

the contextualPath previously set using the setContextualPath() method, or null if setContextualPath() has not been called previously.


public void setContextualPath(String contextualPath)

Sets contextual path.

If no calls to setPath() or setContextualPath() are made, the requestURI from the HttpServletRequest is used as the path.

contextualPath -


public void setPathPrefix(String pathPrefix)

Sets a path prefix.

pathPrefix - path prefix


public String getPathPrefix()

Returns the path prefix, if one has been set.

path prefix


public void setEncodeSession(boolean encodeSession)

Enables URL rewriting for encoding a session ID in the URL. If set to true, the session ID will be encoded in the URL. Default is true.

encodeSession - true if the session ID is to be encoded in the URL, false if it is not.


public boolean getEncodeSession()

Returns true if URL rewriting is enabled.



public void addParameter(String name,
                         String value)

Adds a query parameter to the URL. Multiple values for the same parameter can be set by calling this method multiple times with the same name.

This method URL encodes the parameter name and value.

name - the name of the query parameter.
value - the value of the query parameter.


public void addParameter(String name,
                         String value,
                         boolean encode)

Adds a query parameter to the URL. Multiple values for the same parameter can be set by calling this method multiple times with the same name.

If the boolean argument is true, this method URL encodes the parameter name and value.

name - the name of the query parameter.
value - the value of the query parameter.
encode - if true, the name and value of the query parameter are URL-encoded before being added to the URL. If false, the name and value of the query parameter are not URL-encoded.


public void addParameter(String name,
                         String value,
                         boolean encodeName,
                         boolean encodeValue)

Add a query parameter to the URL. Multiple values for the same parameter can be set by calling this method multiple times with the same name.

If the encodeName boolean argument is true, this method URL encodes the parameter name. If the encodeValue boolean argument is true, this method URL encodes the parameter value.

name - the name of the query parameter.
value - the value of the query parameter.
encodeName - if true, the name of the query parameter is URL-encoded before being added to the URL. If false, the name of the query parameter is not URL-encoded.
encodeValue - if true, the value of the query parameter is URL-encoded before being added to the URL. If false, the value of the query parameter is not URL-encoded.


public void removeParameter(String name)

Removes the given query parameter. If multiple values for the parameter exist, they are all removed.

name - the name of the parameter to remove.


public String getParameter(String name)

Returns the value of the parameter. If the parameter has several values, returns the first value.

The value is not URL decoded before it is returned.

name - name of the parameter
value value of the parameter


public List getParameters(String name)

Returns the values of the given parameter.

The values are not URL decoded before they are returned.

name - name of the parameter
values of the parameter


public Object clone()

Returns a deep copy of the URL object.

clone in class Object
a deep copy of the URL object.


protected static StringBuffer appendEnsureSeparator(StringBuffer buf,
                                                               String token)
Deprecated As of 9.2 SP2, replaced by appendEnsureSeparator


protected static StringBuilder appendEnsureSeparator(StringBuilder buf,
                                                     String token)


public String getUrlType()

Returns the type of this URL.

the type of this URL: URLTemplatesFactory.SECURE_ACTION_TEMPLATE for a secure URL, URLTemplatesFactory.ACTION_TEMPLATE for an insecure URL.


public String toString()

Returns a string form (fully-qualified) of this URL removing any unset template parameters.

toString in class Object


public String toString(boolean removeUnsetParams)

Returns a string form (fully-qualified) of this URL. If the boolean argument is true, removes unset template parameters.

removeUnsetParams - if true, unset template parameters will be removed.
a string representation of the URL.


protected void addAjaxNoRewriteParam()


protected StringBuffer createQueryString()
Deprecated As of 9.2 SP2, replaced by createQueryStringBuilder

Creates a query string with the parameters set so far.


protected StringBuilder createQueryStringBuilder()

Creates a query string with the parameters set so far.

query string


public void setForcedAmpForm(boolean useAmpEntity)

Forces the form of query separators used for this URL. Calls to this method override the configured mechanisms for determining ampersand entity (&) vs. character (&) usage including:

The algorithm for determining ampersand form (absent calls to this method) is roughly as follows: If the skeleton RenderFormat specifies XHTML the ampersand form will be entity (&), otherwise Beehive configuration will be used. In the absence of Beehive configuration, the internal default ampersand form will be character (&).

Note: This method has no effect if URL compression is enabled.

useAmpEntity - true if this url should be forced to use ampersand entities (&); false if this url should be forced to use ampersand characters (&)
See Also
RenderFormat, Beehive Configuration


public String getAmpForm()
Returns the ampersand entity form used for this URL.

the ampersand entity form used for this URL.

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