Interface IBaseResponseContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
IBlockingInteractionBaseResponseContext, IBlockingInteractionResponseContext, IGetMarkupBaseResponseContext, IGetMarkupResponseContext, IGetRenderDependenciesResponseContext, IHandleEventsResponseContext, IInitCookieResponseContext, IReleaseSessionsResponseContext

public interface IBaseResponseContext

A base interface for all response context objects (getMarkup, performBlockingInteraction, initCookie, and handleEvents). This provides access to "Set-Cookie" and HTTP headers received from a producer.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 Map<String,List<String>> getMimeHeaders()
          Returns a map of HTTP header names and a list of values associated with a header.
 String getNamespaceUri()
          When this response is transported over SOAP, this method returns the namespace URI used to carry the response message.
 List<String> getResponseCookies()
          Returns a list of "Set-Cookie" headers received from a producer.
 void render(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String resourcePath)
          Renders the results of the supplied resource, the request dispatcher is used to evaluate.
 void setResponseCookies(List<String> cookies)
          Sets the supplied list of cookies as response cookies.

Method Detail


List<String> getResponseCookies()
Returns a list of "Set-Cookie" headers received from a producer. The string value doesn't contain "Set-Cookie:" token.

a list of Set-Cookie headers received from a producer.
UnsupportedOperationException - if there is no underlying response SOAP message.


void setResponseCookies(List<String> cookies)
Sets the supplied list of cookies as response cookies. The cookie string doesn't contain "Set-Cookie" token.

cookies - a list of cookies.


void render(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
            javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse,
            String resourcePath)
            throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
Renders the results of the supplied resource, the request dispatcher is used to evaluate. The current web application should be able to evaluate the supplied resource(.jsp, .jpf, etc).

httpServletRequest - the current HTTP Request associated with this response context, can be accessed from the corresponding request context.
httpServletResponse - the current HTTP Response associated with this response context, can be accessed from the corresponding response context.
resourcePath - a fully qualified path to a resource
javax.servlet.ServletException - thrown by the current requestDispatcher's include method.
IOException - thrown by the current requestDispatcher's include method.


Map<String,List<String>> getMimeHeaders()
Returns a map of HTTP header names and a list of values associated with a header. Both the returned map and the list values are unmodifiable. These headers received from the Producer associated with this context.

a map of HTTP headers and their values.
UnsupportedOperationException - if there is no underlying SOAP message (response).


String getNamespaceUri()
When this response is transported over SOAP, this method returns the namespace URI used to carry the response message. For example, when this response was obtained from a producer supporting WSRP 1.0, this method will return urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v1:types.

nameSpace URI

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