Interface IRegistrationData

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IRegistrationData

Class for containing data about a consumer registration.

Method Summary
 String getConsumerAgent()
          Gets the consumer agent.
 Set<String> getConsumerModes()
          Returns the set of portlet modes the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported mode set.
 String getConsumerName()
          Gets the consumer name.
 Set<QName> getConsumerSupportedExtensions()
          Returns the set of extensions the consumer declared support for, or null if the consumer did not declare support for any extensions.
 Set<String> getConsumerUserScopes()
          Returns the set of user scopes the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported user scopes set.
 Set<String> getConsumerWindowStates()
          Returns the set of portlet window states the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported window state set.
 Map<QName,Object[]> getRegistrationPropertyValues()
          Gets the consumer registration property values, or an empty map if no registration properties exist for the registration.
 boolean methodGetSupported()
          Returns true if the consumer indicated it supported methodGet.

Method Detail


Map<QName,Object[]> getRegistrationPropertyValues()
Gets the consumer registration property values, or an empty map if no registration properties exist for the registration. An unmodifiable map should be returned.


String getConsumerName()
Gets the consumer name.


String getConsumerAgent()
Gets the consumer agent.


boolean methodGetSupported()
Returns true if the consumer indicated it supported methodGet.


Set<String> getConsumerModes()
Returns the set of portlet modes the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported mode set. An unmodifiable set should be returned.


Set<String> getConsumerWindowStates()
Returns the set of portlet window states the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported window state set. An unmodifiable set should be returned.


Set<String> getConsumerUserScopes()
Returns the set of user scopes the consumer indicated it supports, or null if the consumer did not provide a supported user scopes set. An unmodifiable set should be returned.


Set<QName> getConsumerSupportedExtensions()
Returns the set of extensions the consumer declared support for, or null if the consumer did not declare support for any extensions. An unmodifiable set should be returned.

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