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Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Class UserSession

  extended by
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class UserSession
extends BaseUserSession
implements java.lang.Cloneable

Represents a session for an authenticated user.

UserSession object represents an authenticated user. A user session object is initially created through a constructor that authenticates the user. This constructor takes an ResourceRequest object and an Hashtable of credentials. The Resource Request determines the authentication scheme that is to be applied to the credentials to authenticate the user. The Resource Request also determines other aspects of authentication policy: success or failure actions A session token string is a serialized representation of the user session. A user session object can be constructed from a valid session token, and a session token can be generated from a user session object.

Elements of a user session object are
- the user identity, for example, the DN of the user's profile entry in a directory,
- the level of the authentication scheme used to authenticate the user,
- the location (IP address) of the user's client,
- a session start time set when the user authenticated,
- a last use time set each time a user request is authorized,
- actions set during authentication and authorization according to OAM policies; each resource type defines a set of action types, for example, "cookie" and "headerVar" for http resources.
- the status of session (logged in, logged out, login failed, or expired),
- an error number from the most recent authentication or authorization.

The isAuthorized() method determines if the user is authorized to request an operation against a resource. Results of the authorization can be obtained through UserSession methods: an error number if the authorization failed, and authorization success or failure policy actions (name-value pairs).

Field Summary
static java.lang.String REQUESTOR_TOKEN
static java.lang.String TARGET_AGENT_CTX
static java.lang.String TARGET_RESOURCE


Fields inherited from class


Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor for UserSesion Object
UserSession(AccessClient aClient)
          Constructs a UserSession object
UserSession(AccessClient aClient, ResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using specified AccessClient object.
UserSession(AccessClient aClient, ResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials, java.lang.String location)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using specified AccessClient object.
UserSession(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionToken)
          Constructs a UserSession object with specified token and AccessClient object
UserSession(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionToken, boolean lazyload)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using the specified AccessClient object.
UserSession(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionToken, boolean lazyload, boolean updateToken)
          Constructs a UserSession object with specified token on demand with AccessClient object.
UserSession(ResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method
UserSession(ResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials, java.lang.String location)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method
UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken)
          Constructs a UserSession object with specified token
UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken, boolean lazyload)
          Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method.
UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken, boolean lazyload, boolean updateToken)
          Constructs a UserSession object with specified token on demand.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Used to clone UserSession Objects.
 int getLastUseTime()
          Returns the time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till the most recent user request was authorized.
 int getLevel()
          Returns authentication scheme level at which user is authenticated.
 java.lang.String getLocation()
          Returns the IP address of the user's client
static java.lang.String getScopedSessionToken(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String userIdentityAssertion, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> scopeDescriptor)
          Returns String object representing the scoped session token
 java.lang.String getScopedSessionToken(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> scopeDescriptor)
          Returns String object representing the scoped session token.
 java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes()
          Get the attributes of current user session.
 java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient)
          Get the attributes of current user session.
static java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionId)
          Get the attributes for the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient object.
static java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(java.lang.String sessionId)
          Get the attributes for the given sessionId
static java.util.Set getSessionIds(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String userId)
          Get the SessionIds of the given LDAP userid using the specified AccessClient object.
static java.util.Set getSessionIds(java.lang.String userId)
          Get the SessionIds for the given LDAP userid.
 java.lang.String getSessionToken()
          Returns the saved, encrypted ASCII string representing the user session.
 int getStartTime()
          Returns time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till authenticated user session was started.
 int getStatus()
          Provides integer value representing the current status of the session.
 java.lang.String getUserIdentity()
          Returns the DN of the user's profile entry in the user directory.
 void logoff()
          Logs off the authenticated user and terminates the session.
 boolean setSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient, java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
          Sets attributes for current user session.
static boolean setSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionId, java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
          Set the session attributes for the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient.
 boolean setSessionAttributes(java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
          Set attributes for current user session.
static boolean setSessionAttributes(java.lang.String sessionId, java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
          Set the session details for the given sessionId
static void terminateSession(AccessClient aClient, java.lang.String sessionId)
          Terminate the session of the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient object.
static void terminateSession(java.lang.String sessionId)
          Terminate the session for the given sessionId


Methods inherited from class
clearActions, getAction, getActions, getActionTypes, getError, getErrorMessage, getNumberOfActions, isAuthorized, isAuthorized, setLocation


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TARGET_RESOURCE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TARGET_AGENT_CTX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String REQUESTOR_TOKEN
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public UserSession()
            throws AccessException
Default Constructor for UserSesion Object
AccessException - In case of failure to create the object.


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for performing operations.
AccessException - In case of failure to create the object.


public UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object with specified token
sessionToken - serialized user session object representation, holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null.


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient,
                   java.lang.String sessionToken)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object with specified token and AccessClient object
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionToken - an ASCII text string that indicates user session token, holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null.


public UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                   boolean lazyload,
                   boolean updateToken)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object with specified token on demand. When in NAP 4, depending on lazyload value, will either make round trip to server to fully load session info, or only partially validate token locally. updateToken will be ignored in NAP 4.
sessionToken - ASCII text string that is parsed to obtain the result of authentication. Holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4.
lazyload - if true, indicates that the session token is not to be loaded immediately. Relies on getUserIdentity(),getLocation(), getLevel(), getStartTime(), and getEndTime() functions to make calls if the session token information is invalid, and lazyload loads the token on demand.
updateToken - if true, the token is updated (only applies to NAP 3, will be ignored in NAP 4)
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient,
                   java.lang.String sessionToken,
                   boolean lazyload,
                   boolean updateToken)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object with specified token on demand with AccessClient object. When in NAP 4, depending on lazyload value, will either make round trip to server to fully load session info, or only partially validate token locally. updateToken will be ignored in NAP 4.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionToken - ASCII text string that is parsed to obtain the result of authentication. Holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4.
lazyload - if true, indicates that the session token is not to be loaded immediately. Relies on getUserIdentity(),getLocation(), getLevel(), getStartTime(), and getEndTime() functions to make calls if the session token information is invalid, and lazyload loads the token on demand.
updateToken - If true, the token is updated (only applies to NAP 3, will be ignored in NAP 4)
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null.


public UserSession(ResourceRequest resReq,
                   java.util.Hashtable credentials)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method
resReq - ResourceRequest object representing a requested resource.
credentials - Hashtable containing the key/value pairs of String type.
  • username : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
  • password : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
    In case of Form AuthenticationScheme username and password are challenge parameters of AuthenticationScheme.
    For Basic AuthenticationScheme username and password are "userid" and "password"
  • certificate : Required for Certificate AuthenticationScheme. The value for this certificate key should be Base64 Encoded string which represent a valid X.509 certificate.
  • ip (Optional) : IP address, in dotted notation, of the client accessing the resource
  • operation (Optional) : Operation attempted on the resource. For HTTP resources, one of GET,POST,PUT,HEAD,DELETE, TRACE,OPTIONS,CONNECT,OTHER.
  • resource (Optional) : The requested resource identifier. For HTTP resources, the full URL.
  • targethost (Optional) : The host (host:port) to which resource request is sent.
    One or more of the optional parameters above may be required by certain authentication schemes, modules, or plugins as configured in the OAM server. Refer to your OAM server configuration and documentation to determine which parameters to supply.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient,
                   ResourceRequest resReq,
                   java.util.Hashtable credentials)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using specified AccessClient object.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
resReq - ResourceRequest object representing a requested resource.
credentials - Hashtable containing the key/value pairs of String type.
  • userid : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
  • password : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
    In case of Form AuthenticationScheme username and password are challenge parameters of AuthenticationScheme.
    For Basic AuthenticationScheme username and password are "userid" and "password"
  • certificate : Required for Certificate AuthenticationScheme. The value for this certificate key should be Base64 Encoded string which represent a valid X.509 certificate.
  • ip (Optional) : IP address, in dotted notation, of the client accessing the resource
  • operation (Optional) : Operation attempted on the resource. For HTTP resources, one of GET,POST,PUT,HEAD,DELETE, TRACE,OPTIONS,CONNECT,OTHER.
  • resource (Optional) : The requested resource identifier. For HTTP resources, the full URL.
  • targethost (Optional) : The host (host:port) to which resource request is sent.
    One or more of the optional parameters above may be required by certain authentication schemes, modules, or plugins as configured in the OAM server. Refer to your OAM server configuration and documentation to determine which parameters to supply.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null


public UserSession(ResourceRequest resReq,
                   java.util.Hashtable credentials,
                   java.lang.String location)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method
resReq - ResourceRequest object representing a requested resource.
credentials - Hashtable containing the key/value pairs of String type.
  • userid : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
  • password : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
    In case of Form AuthenticationScheme username and password are challenge parameters of AuthenticationScheme.
    For Basic AuthenticationScheme username and password are "userid" and "password"
  • certificate : Required for Certificate AuthenticationScheme. The value for this certificate key should be Base64 Encoded string which represent a valid X.509 certificate.
  • ip (Optional) : IP address, in dotted notation, of the client accessing the resource
  • operation (Optional) : Operation attempted on the resource. For HTTP resources, one of GET,POST,PUT,HEAD,DELETE, TRACE,OPTIONS,CONNECT,OTHER.
  • resource (Optional) : The requested resource identifier. For HTTP resources, the full URL.
  • targethost (Optional) : The host (host:port) to which resource request is sent.
    One or more of the optional parameters above may be required by certain authentication schemes, modules, or plugins as configured in the OAM server. Refer to your OAM server configuration and documentation to determine which parameters to supply.
location - IP address of the client as specified by the application.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient,
                   ResourceRequest resReq,
                   java.util.Hashtable credentials,
                   java.lang.String location)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using specified AccessClient object.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
resReq - ResourceRequest object representing a requested resource.
credentials - Hashtable containing the key/value pairs of String type.
  • userid : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
  • password : Required for Basic and Form AuthenticationScheme
    In case of Form AuthenticationScheme username and password are challenge parameters of AuthenticationScheme.
    For Basic AuthenticationScheme username and password are "userid" and "password"
  • certificate : Required for Certificate AuthenticationScheme. The value for this certificate key should be Base64 Encoded string which represent a valid X.509 certificate.
  • ip (Optional) : IP address, in dotted notation, of the client accessing the resource
  • operation (Optional) : Operation attempted on the resource. For HTTP resources, one of GET,POST,PUT,HEAD,DELETE, TRACE,OPTIONS,CONNECT,OTHER.
  • resource (Optional) : The requested resource identifier. For HTTP resources, the full URL.
  • targethost (Optional) : The host (host:port) to which resource request is sent.
    One or more of the optional parameters above may be required by certain authentication schemes, modules, or plugins as configured in the OAM server. Refer to your OAM server configuration and documentation to determine which parameters to supply.
location - IP address of the client as specified by the application.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken or resource object is null


public UserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                   boolean lazyload)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method. When in NAP 4, depending on lazyload value, will either make round trip to server to fully load session info, or only partially validate token locally.
sessionToken - ASCII text string that is parsed to obtain the result of authentication, holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4
lazyload - if true, indicates that the session token is not to be loaded immediately. Relies on getUserIdentity(), getLocation(), getLevel(), getStartTime(), and getLastUseTime() functions to make calls if the session token information is invalid, and lazyload loads the token on demand.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null


public UserSession(AccessClient aClient,
                   java.lang.String sessionToken,
                   boolean lazyload)
            throws AccessException
Constructs a UserSession object by calling the authenticate method using the specified AccessClient object. When in NAP 4, depending on lazyload value, will either make round trip to server to fully load session info, or only partially validate token locally.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionToken - ASCII text string that is parsed to obtain the result of authentication, holds session token for NAP 3, and authn token for NAP 4
lazyload - if true, indicates that the session token is not to be loaded immediately. Relies on getUserIdentity(), getLocation(), getLevel(), getStartTime(), and getLastUseTime() functions to make calls if the session token information is invalid, and lazyload loads the token on demand.
AccessException - In case of errors if sessionToken is null

Method Detail


public int getStartTime()
                 throws AccessException
Returns time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till authenticated user session was started. This value is used to determine when a session expires.
Time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till authenticated user session was started.
AccessException - If failed to retrieve session information


public java.lang.String getSessionToken()
                                 throws AccessException
Returns the saved, encrypted ASCII string representing the user session.
String representing user session.
AccessException - If ASDK is not initialized or fails to initialize.


public java.lang.String getScopedSessionToken(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> scopeDescriptor)
                                       throws AccessException,
Returns String object representing the scoped session token.

The session token contained in this object is scoped to a different agent. This API can be leveraged to obtain a token that can be used by a different (target) agent. The invoker agent should have sufficient privileges to use this API.

scopeDescriptor - A map containing these key-value pairs of String type
Possible keys:
TARGET_RESOURCE (Required):The absolute URL that the end client will access
TARGET_AGENT_CTX (Required):The request context obtained from the agent protecting the target resource
AccessException - In case of errors
OperationNotPermittedException - Invoker agent has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public int getLastUseTime()
Returns the time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till the most recent user request was authorized. This value is used to determine when an idle session expires.
Time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till the most recent user request was authorized. NOTE: If failed to retrieve session information, an AccessException will be thrown and this API should add a throws clause. However, since this is already released without throws clause for PS1, we'll be throwing RuntimeException instead. At next opportunity for a major change in this interface, we should add a "throws AccessException" clause.


public int getStatus()
              throws AccessException
Provides integer value representing the current status of the session. The return value of this function can be checked against below constants exposed by this class.
getStatus in class BaseUserSession
Status information of this user session.
AccessException - In case if it fails to create user session.


public void logoff()
            throws AccessException
Logs off the authenticated user and terminates the session.
AccessException - If error occurs during operation


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Used to clone UserSession Objects. When using this function care must be taken to use finalize() to clean up any unused old references
clone in class java.lang.Object


public static java.util.Set getSessionIds(java.lang.String userId)
                                   throws AccessException,
Get the SessionIds for the given LDAP userid.
userId - LDAP userid of the user whose session ids are to be retrieved
Set list of sessionIds.
AccessException - If userId is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static java.util.Set getSessionIds(AccessClient aClient,
                                          java.lang.String userId)
                                   throws AccessException,
Get the SessionIds of the given LDAP userid using the specified AccessClient object.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
userId - LDAP userid of the user whose session ids are to be retrieved
Set list of sessionIds.
AccessException - If userId is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static void terminateSession(java.lang.String sessionId)
                             throws AccessException,
Terminate the session for the given sessionId
sessionId - id of session which needs to be terminated
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static void terminateSession(AccessClient aClient,
                                    java.lang.String sessionId)
                             throws AccessException,
Terminate the session of the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient object.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionId - id of session which needs to be terminated
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static boolean setSessionAttributes(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                           java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
                                    throws AccessException,
Set the session details for the given sessionId
sessionId - id of session which needs to be updated with the new attributes
sessionDetails - Hashtable containing the attribute name(String) and the attribute value(String) to be updated in the session.
Boolean true if operation is successful
AccessException - If session id is null or session details are null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public boolean setSessionAttributes(java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
                             throws AccessException
Set attributes for current user session.
sessionDetails - Hashtable containing the attribute name(String) and the attribute value(String) to be updated in the session.
Boolean true if operation is successful
AccessException - If session id is null or session details are null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public boolean setSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient,
                                    java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
                             throws AccessException
Sets attributes for current user session.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionDetails - Hashtable containing the attribute name(String) and the attribute value(String) to be updated in the session.
Boolean true if operation is successful
AccessException - If session id is null or session details are null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static boolean setSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient,
                                           java.lang.String sessionId,
                                           java.util.Hashtable sessionDetails)
                                    throws AccessException,
Set the session attributes for the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionId - id of session which needs to be updated with the new attributes
sessionDetails - Hashtable containing the attribute name(String) and the attribute value(String) to be updated in the session, for example, attribute name is email-id.
Boolean true if operation is successful
AccessException - If session id is null or session details are null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(java.lang.String sessionId)
                                                throws AccessException,
Get the attributes for the given sessionId
sessionId - id of sessiodn whose attributes are required
Hashtable containing the attribute names and attribute values of String type.
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes()
                                         throws AccessException
Get the attributes of current user session.
Hashtable containing the attribute names and attribute values of String type.
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient)
                                         throws AccessException
Get the attributes of current user session.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
Hashtable containing the attribute names and attribute values of String type.
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static java.util.Hashtable getSessionAttributes(AccessClient aClient,
                                                       java.lang.String sessionId)
                                                throws AccessException,
Get the attributes for the given sessionId using the specified AccessClient object.
aClient - AccessClient object to be used for perfoming operations.
sessionId - id of sessiodn whose attributes are required
Hashtable containing the attribute names and attribute values of String type.
AccessException - If session id is null
OperationNotPermittedException - Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public static java.lang.String getScopedSessionToken(AccessClient aClient,
                                                     java.lang.String userIdentityAssertion,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> scopeDescriptor)
                                              throws AccessException,
Returns String object representing the scoped session token

The session information present in the identity assertion is used to create a new token. This API can be leveraged to obtain a token that can be used by a different (target) agent based on identity assertion. The invoker agent should have sufficient privileges to use this API. Additionally, the requesting application should also be authorized to issue tokens for the target resource.

aClient - AccessClient object to be used for performing operations
userIdentityAssertion - propagated user identity (This can be a SAML assertion)
scopeDescriptor - a map containing these key-value pairs of String type
Possible keys:
TARGET_RESOURCE (Required):The absolute URL that the end client will access
TARGET_AGENT_CTX (Required):The request context obtained from the agent protecting the target resource
REQUESTOR_TOKEN (Required):The session token of the requesting entity/application
AccessException - In case of errors
OperationNotPermittedException - Invoker agent has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.


public int getLevel()
             throws AccessException
Returns authentication scheme level at which user is authenticated.
getLevel in class BaseUserSession
Authentication scheme level
AccessException - If failed to retreive session information.


public java.lang.String getUserIdentity()
                                 throws AccessException
Returns the DN of the user's profile entry in the user directory.
getUserIdentity in class BaseUserSession
DN of the user's profile entry in the user directory.
AccessException - If failed to retreive session information.


public java.lang.String getLocation()
                             throws AccessException
Returns the IP address of the user's client
getLocation in class BaseUserSession
IP address of the user's client
AccessException - If error occurs during operation

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Copyright © 2000, 2012, Oracle® and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.