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Oracle Fusion Middleware Identity Governance Framework Identity Directory Java API Reference
11 g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Package oracle.igf.ids

Interface Summary
ResultSet<E> ResultSet is an interface for the object returned by search interaction with paged results.


Class Summary
AbstractEntityManager Abstract EntityManager class.
Attribute Attribute is used to hold attribute values of an entity
Capabilities Class containing different capabilities Identity Directory service can support.
CreateOptions This class extends OperationOptions containing options for entity create operation
DeleteOptions This class extends OperationOptions containing options for entity delete operation
Entity This is generic entity class holding the list of attributes of the entity fetched using search or read methods.
EntityCapabilities Class containing different capabilities supported by generic Entity.
EntityManager Class for handling operations like read, create and search of generic entity.
EntityRelationManager Class for handling entity relationship operations like read, create, delete, and search relationship
Group Class holding the list of attributes of the Group entity fetched using search or read methods.
GroupManager Class for handling operations like read, create and search of group entity
IdentityDirectory This class represents an handle to IdentityDirectory.
IdentityDirectoryFactory Factory class for creating IdentityDirectoryService.
IdentityDirectoryInfo Class with Identity Directory details.
IDSPrincipal Implementation of
ModAttribute ModPropertyValue is used to hold property values to be modified in Attribute Authority
ModifyOptions This class extends OperationOptions containing options for entity modify operation
OperationOptions This is the base class for the Entity Operation options.
Org Class holding the list of attributes of the Org entity fetched using search or read methods.
OrgManager Class for handling operations like read, create and search of org entity
ReadOptions This class extends OperationOptions containing options for entity read operation.
SearchFilter SearchFilter class can be used for constructing simple or complex nested search filters for searching the entities in the backend
SearchOptions This class extends ReadOptions containing options for entity search operation.
User Class holding the list of attributes of the User entity fetched using search or read methods.
UserCapabilities Class containing different capabilities supported by User Entity.
UserManager Class for handling operations like read, create and search of user entity


Enum Summary
ModAttribute.ModType Type of modification - ADD/DELETE/REPLACE value
SearchFilter.LogicalOp Logical operator joining multiple SearchFilter objects
SearchFilter.Operator Compare operator type in the simple search filter


Exception Summary
AuthenticationException Identity Directory Authentication exception
AuthorizationException Identity Directory Autherization exception This exception is thrown when user doesn't have sufficient access rights to perform the operation
EntityAlreadyExistsException Identity Directory Entity Already Exists exception
EntityNotFoundException Identity Directory Entity Not Found exception
EntityNotUniqueException Identity Directory Entity Not Unique exception
IDSException Generic Identity Directory Service Exception
InvalidAttributesException Identity Directory Invalid attributes exception
InvalidFilterException Used for Exceptions generated within Identity Beans
OperationNotSupportedException Used for Exceptions generated within Identity Beans


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Identity Governance Framework Identity Directory Java API Reference
11 g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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